Magneto Admits an Incredibly Powerful X-Men Villain Is His Daughter

Magneto Admits an Incredibly Powerful X-Men Villain Is His Daughter

Warning! This article contains spoilers for Magneto vol 4. #1-4 When X-Men fans think of Magneto’s children, they assuredly jump to the likes of Scarlet Witch, Quicksilver, and Polaris, as those are easily the most prevalent in Marvel Comics canon. However, as revealed in his latest solo-series, Magneto actually has another child, one who just revealed herself to be a powerful X-Men villain.

It’s interesting that Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver are perhaps the first characters one thinks of when considering Magneto’s children, as they technically aren’t his son and daughter – at least, not biologically. In truth (and after decades of back-and-forth retconning), their real parents are Django and Marya Maximoff. However, as recently as the Trial of Magneto, it’s confirmed that Erik still considers Wanda his daughter, and by extension, Pietro his son.

Magneto Admits an Incredibly Powerful X-Men Villain Is His Daughter

This idea that Magneto has children who aren’t necessarily biologically related to him is one that doesn’t stop with Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch. In fact, this ultra-powerful villain-in-question falls into that category as well, and her name is Elena Perez aka Irae, Queen of Wrath.

X-Men’s Queen of Wrath Is Magneto’s Newly-Introduced Daughter

In the four-part miniseries Magneto vol. 4 by J.M. DeMatteis and Todd Nauck, readers are thrown into Magneto’s life during his time as the leader of the X-Men, when he effectively took over the role left vacant by Charles Xavier under the alias Michael Xavier. However, this miniseries adds some key details and information to that point in Magneto’s life, including and especially the fact that he had another daughter, who reached out to him years after their first encounter.

The series reveals that Elena Perez witnessed Magneto’s power when she was just a little girl during one of his many rageful terrorist attacks against humanity, back when Magneto was still the villainous leader of the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants. This experience unlocked Elena’s mutation, one which granted her the power to conjure flames and spark the inner rage of anyone those flames touch – just as Magneto sparked her inner rage so many years ago.

Magneto Created the Queen of Wrath, Making Him Her ‘Father’ In X-Men

Magneto fighting his new daughter, the Queen of Wrath.

Irae, Queen of Wrath has the power to infect the minds of anyone she’s around, flooding them with tumultuous rage, and influencing their violent actions. For this reason, she’s one of the strongest villains the X-Men of any era have ever encountered, as there’s little anyone can do to combat such an attack. In fact, the only way Magneto was able to ultimately defeat her in Magneto vol. 4 #4 was through the very connection he inadvertently established when he gave life to his ‘daughter’. Not only did Magneto awaken Elena’s mutation when she first encountered him, but he also accidentally set up a psychic link between them. This made their connection even more pronounced, while also making the claim that she is like a daughter to him more credible. Not to mention Magneto actually admitted she was his daughter in the final issue.

Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver proved that blood relation isn’t necessary to be an honorary child of Magneto, and the introduction of Irae, Queen of Wrath only proved that point further. Magneto spent most of his life as a villain, and the impact he had in most people’s lives was negative. However, along the way, he made legitimate paternal connections with those he had a strong bond with, effectively adopting them as his children. And now, one more has been added to the fold, as Magneto admits the incredibly powerful X-Men villain, Irae, Queen of Wrath, is his daughter.

Magneto vol 4. #1-4 by Marvel Comics is available now.