Lumalee Theory Sets Up Bowser’s New Goal For The Super Mario Bros. Movie 2

Lumalee Theory Sets Up Bowser’s New Goal For The Super Mario Bros. Movie 2

The Super Mario Bros. Movie ended with Bowser being defeated and imprisoned, but a Lumalee theory could set up his new goal for the sequel. While Bowser was able to capture the Super Star, his ultimate goal was to marry Princess Peach, which he was unable to do. Mario and Luigi successfully thwarted Bowser’s plans and the antagonist was given a mini mushroom before being shrunk down and locked in a cage, solidifying his loss. Jack Black’s Bowser performance in The Super Mario Bros. Movie stole the show, but with the villain now seemingly beaten and without purpose, it raises concerns about whether he will be back for the sequel.

A theory revolving around fan favorite Lumalee gives Bowser the chance to return for The Super Mario Bros. Movie 2. Lumalee was one of Bowser’s prisoners and had some hilariously dark lines that made him a standout character. Although his appearance might seem like a chance to throw in some unexpected gags, his role could have a deeper meaning. Despite Bowser having many prisoners, Lumalee doesn’t seem to connect to the rest, prompting questions about why the villain captured him. Given Bowser’s best scenes in The Super Mario Bros. Movie were some of the film’s highlights, this Lumalee theory offers the protagonist a much-needed return for the sequel.

Super Mario Bros. Movie Theory Reveals Why Bowser Captured Lumalee

One theory reveals the reason for Bowser capturing and imprisoning Lumalee. The theory suggests that Bowser wanted to use Lumalee’s power since Lumas can create new galaxies. Bowser was presented as a powerful antagonist in the film, managing to destroy the Ice Kingdom. This makes the idea of him wanting to create new galaxies or at least wield the power of a Luma logical. These are plausible motivations for him considering he craves power, even if he doesn’t know what to do with it. Bowser had already pursued the Super Star, and the theory suggests that he wanted that before using the Luma, perhaps so he would be essentially unstoppable.

The Super Mario Bros. Movie sees Lumalee in Bowser’s dungeon, suggesting that while the villain may have a purpose for the Luma, he has yet to utilize him. It is unlikely he is being held for information, making the idea that Bowser would want to use his power all the more likely. The antagonist could have used Lumalee at any time but getting sidetracked over his obsession with Princess Peach resulted in him neglecting this plan. Given Lumalee’s constant talk of death, it is possible Bowser found a Luma that was chaotic enough to help achieve his goals, but these potential plans were never achieved.

This Lumalee Theory Gives Bowser A Reason To Return In The Super Mario Bros. Movie 2

Lumalee Theory Sets Up Bowser’s New Goal For The Super Mario Bros. Movie 2

Bowser wanting Lumalee’s power would give him a reason to return in The Super Mario Bros. Movie 2. Bowser’s motivations in the first film were generic, telling the same story Mario has told through its games. Bowser wanting to capture the princess is a staple of the franchise and while the Super Star was a fun addition, he managed to acquire it early in the film. This led to small criticisms about the movie’s story, and a better overall narrative is one of the complaints The Super Mario Bros. Movie 2 must fix. Lumalee solves this problem by giving Bowser a fresher and more intimidating goal.

Using the power of the Luma would add much higher stakes to the sequel and make Bowser even more menacing. The Super Star is portrayed as a powerful item, but Lumalee and other Lumas could be built up to be even more devastating. Bowser creating his own galaxy would be intimidating, or the movie could find a way for the villain to potentially reverse Lumalee’s powers, making him capable of destroying galaxies. There wasn’t enough jeopardy around Peach and Bowser’s story in The Super Mario Bros. Movie, but adding the cosmic twist with the Lumas makes Bowser feel much fresher and completely changes the direction of the sequel’s story.

Lumalee in a cage and Bowser smiling The Super Mario Bros. Movie


Super Mario Bros. Movie Theory Reveals Lumalee Was Actually Bowser’s Secret Weapon

Lumalee was a hilarious addition to The Super Mario Bros. Movie, but one theory suggests that he may have been Bowser’s secret weapon all along.

A Nintendo Sequel Could Use This Theory To Bring In A Fan-Favorite Character

Lumalee in a cage, Mario with his fist in the air and Rosalina posing from Super Mario

If Bowser does begin using Lumalee’s power to destroy planets, it gives Nintendo the chance to utilize another fan favorite in the Mario sequel. Rosalina could become a pivotal character in The Super Mario Bros. Movie 2 given her connection to Mario Galaxy. Both Rosalina and Lumalee debuted in Super Mario Galaxy, giving the two characters an obvious connection. The Lumalee and Bowser theory would set up a more cosmic setting, which is the perfect way to introduce Rosalina to the movies. Given the character’s popularity, she would be a welcome addition.

While it might seem a little early to go down the route of a Mario Galaxy storyline, it makes sense to capitalize on its popularity. Lumalee also proved to be a fan favorite from The Super Mario Bros. Movie, making the story of trying to rescue him more compelling than giving Peach the role. Not only would the heroes be rescuing Lumalee for the character’s sake, but also to prevent Bowser from doing incredible damage. The Super Mario Bros. Movie already set up Rosalina through the inclusion of a Luma, and if Lumalee is a part of Bowser’s next evil scheme, a Mario Galaxy story should be the focus of the sequel.

  • Super Mario Bros Movie Poster

    The Super Mario Bros. Movie
    Release Date:




    92 Minutes



    Universal Pictures, Illumination, Nintendo

