Luke Cage Continues to Stand on the Wrong Side of Marvel’s Civil War History

Luke Cage Continues to Stand on the Wrong Side of Marvel’s Civil War History

Warning: Spoilers for The Amazing Spider-Man #36!

Dating back to Marvel’s second Civil War, Luke Cage fails to stand on the right side of history. Since adopting his new position as Mayor Cage, the former Hero for Hire has struggled to maintain equal decorum with the citizens who are at odds with superheroes and the superheroes themselves. For as long as he’s held his position, he’s tried to be a middleman between both parties.

The Amazing Spider-Man #36 – by Zeb Wells, Mark Farmer, Marcio Menyz, and VC’s Joe Caramagna – puts Mayor Cage’s political correctness on display once again, and it recalls the character’s lackadaisical attitude, displayed during Marvel’s second Civil War. Luke Cage’s middleman mentality needs to be reevaluated following his actions in this issue.

Luke Cage Continues to Stand on the Wrong Side of Marvel’s Civil War History

Mayor Cage’s behavior on the wrong side of history again – threatening to stain not only his reputation as one of Marvel’s best street-level superheroes, but also as the leader New York City, one of the most influential cities in the Marvel Universe, just as it is in real life.

Mayor Cage Chooses Politics Over Choosing Sides

panels from The Amazing Spider-Man #36, Spider-Man talks to Mayor Luke Cage about politics of New York

The Amazing Spider-Man #36 sees Spider-Man and Mayor Luke Cage having a meeting with Madelyn Pryor on the nature of the demon Rek-Rap, who escaped Limbo and continues to turn New York City to shambles, in the course of multiple fights with the Insidious Six. Afterward, Cage appears concerned about being seen with Spider-Man, not wanting to talk to him outside the shadows. Spidey challenges Cage’s political concerns, suggesting he should explore options to change the anti-superhero laws currently causing tension, and sentiments rather than try to navigate within them. Mayor Cage believes there are too many obstacles to even try, suggesting that politics has taken a toll on his heroic spirit.

In public, Cage pushes against superheros, but in the shadows, he rubs elbows with them. Trying to remain in the middle, without picking a side, is reminiscent to his stance in Civil War II, where he told Iron Fist he was going to “sit this one out,” not picking at all when it came down to Team Captain Marvel vs. Team Iron Man. This is a shame because, alternatively, during the original Civil War, he presented himself as being just as inspiring as Captain America, in the stance he took then. However, Civil War I was a long time ago; Mayor Cage is far from the man he used to be back then.

Mayor Cage Continues To Ride The Fence

panels from The Amazing Spider-Man #36, Mayor Cage needs to pick a side

Luke Cage is trapped by his political ambitions. He is super strong and bullet-proof, but he is unable to overturn the law against vigilantes. His back is against the wall metaphorically, as another election looms. He’s not comfortable, but rather than fight back, he remains idle. Just like with Civil War II, he tried to play both sides, riding the fence to see how things play out. Solicits for the upcoming “Gang War” arc promise Cage will return to his vigilante values, donning a mask. That may end up being a key part of his journey moving forward. To get back to the man he used to be, Luke Cage must rediscover his heroic values, which means chosing a side, and taking a stand.

The Amazing Spider-Man #36 is on sale now.