Lucifer Theory: Maze Already Has A Soul

Lucifer Theory: Maze Already Has A Soul

Warning: SPOILERS ahead for Lucifer season 5, part 1.

Mazikeen was on the hunt for a soul throughout the first half of Lucifer season 5 – but she might have already developed one without her or anyone else realizing. Played by Lesley-Ann Brandt, Maze followed when Lucifer first decided to leave his post in Hell. Equal parts bodyguard and trusted lieutenant, she immersed herself in his hedonistic lifestyle. After Lucifer’s chance meeting with detective Chloe Decker, however, she begrudgingly joined him on a new and unexpected path. A result of that path was that Maze gained a lot more independence, as she discovered her own passions and desires.

Lucifer season 4 took that concept to another level when she met and fell in love with Lucifer’s famous ex, Eve. Unfortunately, after coming to terms with her failed relationship with Lucifer, Eve opted to leave Los Angeles. Despite acknowledging Maze’s feelings for her, Eve decided that she needed to find herself as a person. Maze’s heartbreak was further compounded when Lucifer decided to return to Hell without her. Believing that he had to go in order to prevent a prophecy that threatened the world, he didn’t even say goodbye. As a result, Lucifer season 5, part 1 picked up with Maze nursing her sadness and rage by partying with Chloe. After mistakenly making an advance on her and being rejected, Maze’s sense of abandonment only grew.

Lucifer season 5, part 1 saw Maze also learn that her mother, Lilith had surrendered her immortality and lived a human life. Though she ventured to meet her, Maze was similarly rebuffed and later learned that her mother had died. Grieving and feeling more abandoned than ever, the fact that Lucifer had kept her mother from her fuelled her frustrations with him all the more. She subsequently sided with the machiavellian rogue angel, Michael in his quest to destroy his twin brother Lucifer’s life. Also fuelling her betrayal was her increasing desire to acquire a soul. Believing that it would help her find genuine love and keep people from leaving her, Maze was swayed when Michael offered to help her get one. However, a surprising twist would be to reveal that, unbeknownst to her, Maze has already manifested one.

Evidence Maze Already Has A Soul In Lucifer

Lucifer Theory: Maze Already Has A Soul

The world of Lucifer Morningstar and friends has built a lot of its mythology around one simple tenet: Self-actualization. Despite long believing that his father was the root cause of everything, Lucifer learned in Lucifer season 3 that wasn’t entirely the case. When his wings returned, he presumed it was yet another infringement of his free will. He believed that his father had restored them as a manipulative way of pulling his strings. In truth, though, Lucifer had personally manifested them — no longer viewing himself as an outright monster. The guilt and self-hatred he felt for his initial rebellion was the reason that his devil face emerged in the first place. He can also lose, transfer, and regain his powers for similarly self-conscious reasons. The same was true of Amenadiel who lost and regained his wings and powers in reflection to his sense of self. Furthermore, he even rendered himself mortal enough to conceive a seemingly human child with Linda. Humans themselves were established to have possessed similar aspects to their free will. Whether or not a person goes to Heaven or to Hell is based on the regrets and guilt they feel when they die.

The only thing that suggested that demons can’t also self-actualize in line with other sentient beings was the belief others. However, some of those beliefs came from a potentially skewed or biased place. Lucifer season 5, part 1 delved a little more into demon heritage, with the brief appearance of their mother, Lilith. A lot of what was learned, though, came from what they were intended to be rather than what they necessarily are. Lilith intended them to be a detached and unbreakable army for her son. Lucifer molded them in Hell to be his resident torturers, a role in which they relished for their king. Throughout their existence, they were expected to be a certain thing and they fiercely lived up to that expectation. However, Lilith didn’t stick around to actually view her children grow and come into being. Lilith’s view of them is merely what she desired that they would be. Similarly, Lucifer always viewed them through his established narcissistic lens. Angels, in general, looked down on demons as lesser beings, similar to how some of them view humans. As such, demons could have easily absorbed and built their self-image around how they were perceived. Like Lucifer’s devil face, they could have taken on the form and traits attributed to them by their mother and king, and that they believed they deserved. However, Maze’s time on Earth has uniquely positioned her to be proof that, like humans and angels, they actually can be more. Maze even wanting a soul already has set her apart.

In her early days on Earth, Maze maintained the same qualities as other demons seen in Lucifer season 4. She held a cold and callous view of humanity. She was more cruelly brutal. And she selfishly only cared about seeing her desires met. Over time, however, Maze branched out. She gained a sense of self away from him. She formed her own friendships and relationships. The biggest testament to this is through her adorable bond with Trixie. As a result, she grew and evolved because of the new, ever-increasing interactions.  Humans had rubbed off on her and, like Lucifer and Amenadiel, she had become more human – potentially less figuratively than anyone has realized. In her case, a natural extension of that would be for her to have acquired a soul, likely without knowing, since stating that she didn’t have one in Lucifer season 2. Even back then, Linda was surprised, based on what she knew, and merely accepted it due to not being as knowledgable as celestial beings. After several acts of selflessness, one may have started to emerge as a subconscious reward.

As Amenadiel himself said in Lucifer season 5, part 1, Maze has come so far. Across the show’s run, Maze has become much more emotional than fellow demons. As well as more human monsters like Pete (aka The Whisper Killer), who, it could be argued, choose to act soullessly. In fact, Maze has been actively driven by such emotions. That, in itself, could lend itself to her unknowingly having a soul. After all, emotions are often considered the voice of the soul, and more generally a connection to deeper parts of oneself. Maze has never really stopped to consider the source of such feelings — the love, and sadness, and longing that has deepened since she met, fell in love with, and then lost Eve. Instead, she has mostly pursued ill-conceived ways to cope with the weight of them, or thrown herself into various distractions. Meanwhile, everybody else has been far too busy with their own things to potentially notice. By diving headlong into the quest for a soul, however, like certain Wizard of Oz characters, there’s a chance that she’ll find out that one had blossomed inside her already.

How Maze Can Get Her Soul Back

Lesley Ann Brandt as Maze Dennis Haysbert as God Lucifer

Of course, in her quest for a soul, Maze has fallen back into old habits. Once again, she has sided with a villain on the show. In the process, she has hurt such as Chloe and more directly returned to Lucifer’s orbit. The result of that has been to have her own fears reflected back at her, with even Lucifer dismissing the possibility of her having a soul. Though Maze actively battled against it, Lucifer offered nothing she herself wouldn’t think. As such, by actively desiring a soul she is likely denying the one she may already have. The situation could almost be a subversion of selling one’s soul to The Devil. Maze might potentially have figuratively sold hers to a rogue angel against The Devil.

Worse still, her fears and subsequent actions could be manifesting in a subconscious belief that she doesn’t deserve one. In the spirit of self-actualization, Maze would essentially have robbed herself of the soul she wanted. Lucifer season 5, part 2 will no doubt see her eventually side once again with her friends. With such redemption will inevitably come with a sense that she does deserve such a thing. That, in turn, could restore it more notably. The arrival of God on the show will also no doubt lead to the reveal of how he himself views demons. As such, his appearance will lead to some direct answers as to whether or not she already has the capacity for a soul. It could also prove to be a spark that puts Maze back on the path to acquiring or regaining it, whether through actualization or other means.

What Maze Having A Soul Would Mean For Lucifer’s Future

Lucifer and Maze standing together, her arms folded and him smiling.

Having a soul will likely not do much to change Maze’s character. She is, after all, an extremely singular person and would likely remain as such. Her passions and proclivities would no doubt stay the same and aggressively pursued. Though, it would benefit her deeper self-esteem. What would change, however, is how to relates to others and how they relate to her in return. Knowledge of an established soul would enable Maze to finally start dealing with and understand her emotions. Rather than believing she’s abandoned due to a lack of a soul, it would allow her to empathize with the others on a deeper level. She could start reckoning with her own destructive actions and how they affect those around her. She could understand people in ways she didn’t before and break the pattern on some of her worst habits.

Her becoming aware of her soul (or simply outright gaining one) would most especially affect her dynamic with Lucifer. As a result, it would also, subsequently, provide him some growth in the process. After millennia of viewing her as a lesser being, albeit one he is more fond of than most, he’d be forced to evolve and finally, truly, see her. And not just see her but actively view her as somewhat more of an equal. Both characters could come out all the better for it, individually and collectively. The result could make for a much deeper and nuanced friendship between the pair. One way or another, all will be made clear when the remainder of Lucifer season 5 is inevitably released.