Lucifer: The Worst Thing Each Major Character Has Done So Far

Lucifer: The Worst Thing Each Major Character Has Done So Far

The series Lucifer has more than a handful of leading characters that make the show great to watch. Besides Lucifer Morningstar himself, these main characters have also done their fair share of evil deeds. Believe it or not, the Devil isn’t the worst out of the bunch.

Everyone from Ella to Chloe has their own traitorous and evil sins to atone for. At least its a reality check that even humans can be as evil as people claim the Devil to be. Throughout the show, these main characters have done at least one really bad thing that even had audiences shaking their heads in dismay.

Ella’s Relationship Issues

Lucifer: The Worst Thing Each Major Character Has Done So Far

Ella Lopez is a saint compared to all the other main characters in the show. This is due to the fact that she once had a past life as a car thief that she embraces and later decides to turn her life around in the LAPD. She’s the kindest hearted and most optimistic person in the room that leads to some of her best moments and quotes.

It’s hard to find one bad thing that Ella has done in the past five seasons. The only faux pas she committed was in season five when audiences get a glimpse at her relationship bad habits. Chloe is investigating a murder and goes to interrogate a suspect and loan shark. Audiences later see Ella with the same suspect in her undergarments.

Charlotte Hurt Linda

Rachel Harris as Linda in Lucifer show

In the second season of Lucifer, Charlotte played a major role. She was “The Goddess” and Lucifer’s mother who manages to escape her imprisonment in Hell. Her main goal was to find the missing piece of the flaming sword that once guarded the Garden of Eden.

While Charlotte did manipulate the people around her and her son, this isn’t the worst thing she did. What had fans disliking her was when she went after Linda. Charlotte threatens her and leaves for her dead when her powers get out of hand and cause a fatal injury to Linda.

Linda Not Telling Maze The Truth About Amenadiel

Linda, Maze and Amenadiel season 3, episode 15 of Lucifer

Linda can be described as the glue that holds the group together. It also helps that she’s a licensed therapist. Throughout the show, Linda hasn’t done anything extremely life-threatening to the group, but she did do something that hurt her closest friend.

Maze once had a sexual rendevous with Amendiel and did catch some feelings. This intensified her lonesome feelings and self-doubt about the people around her. Linda ends up dating Amenadiel and never tells Maze, even when Maze tries to urge her to reveal any secrets that a best friend wouldn’t hide. Linda does so anyway despite promising not to and knowing Maze’s inner turmoil with her emotions. It ends up in an unplanned pregnancy.

Cain Kills Charlotte

Charlotte's death in season 3, episode 23 of Lucifer

At the end of season three, Cain or Pierce doesn’t fulfill his grand plan and his identity is revealed as being the mass murderer, The Sinnerman. While Cain did many horrendous things on his time on the show, like stealing away Chloe for his own gain and turning Maze against Lucifer, there’s far worse.

Despite trying to kill Lucifer by using Chloe, his absolute worst deed is when he kills Charlotte. He originally meant to kill Amenadiel until Charlotte sacrifices herself in front of the bullet. Charlotte had returned to her old self and changed her life around. Her death rattled everyone, especially Dan.

Amenadiel Lies To Lucifer

Amenadiel and Penelope Decker season 2 of Lucifer

Amenadiel has had more than his fair share of screw-ups in how they have hurt the people he has come to care for, especially Lucifer. While Amenadiel has done everything he could to get him back to Earth, there’s one secret he never told Lucifer.

This becomes his worst deed. In his time on Earth, Amenadiel comes to understand humans and Lucifer’s interest in Chloe. But he never tells Lucifer the truth about her existence. After discovering that Amenadiel had his hand in making sure Chloe was conceived, Lucifer is livid and feels betrayed. This hidden secret changes the way he sees Chloe.

Dan Shoots Lucifer

Kevin Alejandro as Dan in season5 of Lucifer

While Dan is a sweetheart, he does have some deeds to atone for. In “Once Upon a Time,” audiences see the alternate version of Dan that is corrupt and steals from Lucifer. But in real life, this isn’t his worst deed. While Dan harbors some ill feelings towards Lucifer, it comes crashing down in season five.

Michale tricks Dan into seeing Lucifer’s real face. Dan is unable to cope and goes to confront Lucifer. Riddled with emotions, Dan says he has to and shoots Lucifer.

Michael Turns Lucifer’s Friends Against Him

Tom Ellis as Michael in Lucifer hugs Chloe in season 5

Michal is the new character at play in season five and in a short period of time has turned everything into chaos. While Lucifer doubts his twin’s abilities, Amenadiel warns him of his conniving ways. Michael’s worst act was his ability to turn Lucifer’s friends against him.

He tricks Dan into seeing Lucifer’s true form that inadvertently destroys him. Michael also manages to turn Maze against Lucifer by feeding her truths Lucifer kept hidden from her. She ultimately feels even more betrayed and helps Michael with his plan.

Maze Helped Cain And Michael

Mane and Cain work together in season 3 of Lucifer

Maze has become a character that many fans have to come to sympathize with. She is constantly lied to and manipulated by Lucifer and others. She was promised to one day return home, which never happens. She also deals with abandonment issues from her mother. In an effort to save herself, Maze ends up committing treason by helping Lucifer’s enemies.

She first helps Cain in secret so he can become human so that she can hopefully return home. Cain becomes Lucifer’s enemy seeing as he’s also after Chloe’s heart and is plain evil. She later helps Michal with his plan against Lucifer after discovering that Lucifer kept more secrets from her.

Chloe Helps Father Kinley

Father Kinley and Chloe season 4, episode 2 of Lucifer

Many fans can agree that things turned sour again Chloe when it’s revealed she was in cahoots with Father Kinley. She finally saw Lucifer’s devil face and is unable to rationalize. She goes on a trip to Rome and meets Father Kinley who persuades her to help him eradicate Lucifer.

Chloe returns and tries to trick Lucifer into circumstances that would banish him back to Hell. Chloe even takes the sedative that Father Kinley offered her to use on Lucifer. She betrays Lucifer and doubts her feelings for him and decides to believe Father Kinley’s lies.

Lucifer Didn’t Tell Maze About Lilith

Lesley-Ann Brandt and Tom Ellis in season 5, episode 4 of Lucifer

One thing that Lucifer has never lied about is his true form or who he really is. Besides this, Lucifer isn’t a bad guy who does heinous acts. In the five seasons, he has only committed two acts that can be described are horrible. One being killing his brother Uriel.

The other led fans to shed a tear and have some anger towards Lucifer when discovering that he never told Maze the truth about her mother, Lilith. This tipped the scale when Lucifer has in the past kept Maze in the dark. Maze has started to feel strong emotions and severe abandonment issues as seen in “Orgy Pants” when she talks about not having a good mother. It’s revealed that Lucifer knew all along that Lilith was alive and was promised to never tell anyone. This is the worst thing Lucifer has done to hurt Maze seeing as he refuses to acknowledge her new emotions and vulnerability.