Lucifer: The Main Characters, Ranked By Likability

Lucifer: The Main Characters, Ranked By Likability

No matter how many fan campaigns are launched to save canceled shows, it’s rare for a series to be given a second chance. But the passionate fans of the Fox series Lucifer made that a reality, causing Netflix to pick the series up for a fourth, then fifth, and now sixth season.

The love fans have for the series is almost unparalleled in the world of cult television fandom. But no matter how passionate the fans may be about the show as a whole, it’s clear that not all of the series’ characters are as beloved, well-written, or likable as the rest of them. Which of the series’ many characters is the most likable of them all? Keep reading to find out.

Charlotte Richards

Lucifer: The Main Characters, Ranked By Likability

Whether as Mum, Goddess, “Mumlotte,” or the real Charlotte Richards herself, it’s hard to think of much that Tricia Helfer’s various roles added to the series overall.

As Mum/Goddess, the character was initially lovable and humorous, but ultimately untrustworthy. As the real Charlotte Richards, the character was unremarkable and downright unnecessary.


Maze looks into the camera with a smile

As the series’ resident demon, Mazikeen is well-known for causing trouble everywhere she goes. With her acerbic humor and flashy fashion choices, Maze makes a big first impression on everyone she meets. But a little bit of Maze can go a long way.

And that’s definitely not always for the best. Oftentimes, Maze can come across as mean just for the sake of being mean, and arguably exists as one of the series’ most selfish, least well-rounded characters.

Dan Espinoza

Lucifer Chloe and Dan

When first introduced in the series, Dan Espinoza was nothing but an antagonist – one whom Lucifer nicknames ‘Detective Douche’, who would later be revealed to be involved in some corrupt dealings in the workplace as well.

But over time, the series has peeled back the layers on Dan, allowing him to be more fully realized and complex. Dan is never better than when he’s used for comedic effect, as it’s where Kevin Alejandro truly excels.

Chloe Decker

Chloe Decker sitting down and looking at something in Lucifer

Though Chloe, and by extension Lauren German, is one of the series’ dual protagonists, it’s a disappointment that her character often feels like nothing more than an audience cipher or a plot vessel.

She has had some compelling storylines over the years, most notably in the series’ fourth season as she comes to accept Lucifer’s identity. But for the most part, Chloe is a disappointing leftover of the tired procedural genre, and German often feels like the series’ weakest performer as a result.

Dr. Linda Martin

Lucifer Doctor Linda Martin

When the series first began, there was little more to Linda Martin’s role than that of a therapist, and a way for the audience to understand Lucifer’s charms and influence. But over time, through Rachael Harris’s expertly layered performance, Linda has become one of the series’ greatest assets.

Whether in comedic moments, including noteworthy Girls Night Out episodes, or in dramatic ones, such as her fourth season pregnancy storyline, Linda is far and away one of the series’ best.


Eve in a night club in Lucifer

Though a late addition to the series in its fourth season, Inbar Lavi’s Eve is a character that feels like she was perfectly made for the series’ universe and one who makes the show impossibly better as a result.

The show’s depiction of the much-discussed original sinner is an incredibly nuanced one. Eve is allowed to have Lucifer’s charms and seductive ways in her initial appearances, but later episodes reveal layers of difficult human emotions, such as guilt, neglect, jealousy, uncertainty, and a lack of self-confidence.


When Lucifer first began, D.B. Woodside’s Amenadiel was given the role of angelic antagonist, a constant reminder for Lucifer to stay in line lest he is sent back where he came from. The brothers were almost always in conflict with one another, with Amenadiel almost always on the losing end.

Yet over the following seasons, Amenadiel has become nearly human, and further humanized in turn. The show has allowed him to be kind, to be nerdy, to be scared, to be loving, and to be a father, proving to be one of the show’s most layered and beloved characters of all.

Ella Lopez

Lucifer Ella Lopez

Ella Lopez (Aimee Garcia) may not have appeared in Lucifer‘s first season, but it’s hard to imagine a version of the show that exists without her in it at this point. The series’ resident believer, Ella is a beautiful contradiction in her eternal optimism and sunny demeanor, even as she works as a coroner on horrific murder scenes.

The fourth season revealed even more depth in her character as she reckoned with the nature of her faith, allowing Garcia to show her acting chops and prove that she’s far more than just some comic relief.

Trixie Espinoza

Trixie in her Halloween costume in Lucifer.

It’s rare that child characters are considered among the greatest in any television series. But it would be virtually impossible to find anyone who doesn’t absolutely adore the precocious and quirky young Trixie Espinoza (Scarlett Estevez).

Through her friendships with devils, angels, and demons alike, Trixie has proven herself to be universally loved, even when she’s causing or getting in someone else’s trouble. Though she’s been sadly underused in recent years, hopefully, further seasons will rectify that issue.

Lucifer Morningstar

Could any other character have possibly topped this list? In a career-defining turn from Tom Ellis, Lucifer Morningstar is not only the star of the series but also the center around which the series’ universe gravitates.

Charming and self-loathing in equal measure, Lucifer is one of the more compelling anti-heroes on television in recent years. There’s no telling where Lucifer’s arc is headed by the time the series ends, but thanks to Ellis’s performance, it’s guaranteed to be one hell of a ride.