Lucifer: 10 Times Fans Felt Bad For Mazikeen

Lucifer: 10 Times Fans Felt Bad For Mazikeen

Considering that Mazikeen from Lucifer, otherwise known as Maze, was a demon, it’s tough to imagine that anyone would feel bad for her. She did, after all, torture people for a living back in Hell. But through each episode, Maze became less hardened and more emotional. It was clear there was more to her than just anger, violence, torture, and death.

As fans started to get to know Maze more, they sympathized with her whenever something bad or sad happened to her, even when, in one of the most predictable plots on Lucifer, she betrayed Lucifer again and again. Indeed, there are many times throughout the series’ first five seasons when fans wished Maze could have had a better outcome.

Lucifer Using Her

Lucifer: 10 Times Fans Felt Bad For Mazikeen

While Lucifer and Mazikeen had one of the best friendships on Lucifer, enduring for millenia, Lucifer also used Maze in many instances. He knew she was doomed to protect him at all costs through all eternity, so he put her through the ringer many times.

Not only that, but he often neglected to respect or even think of her feelings, moving on with Chloe, Linda, or others and totally forgetting about her on more than one occasion. He did some sweet things for Chloe on Lucifer, but the Devil himself often did so while forgetting about the other woman and close friend who had always been by his side.

Not Being Able To Go Back To Hell

Maze looking sad in Lucifer season 5.

Once Maze began to feel out of place on Earth, she desperately wanted to get back to Hell. She begged and pleaded, but Lucifer refused to let her go, saying only an angel would be able to take her.

Maze resorted to helping Michael in an effort to get back, and while she completely betrayed Lucifer, fans felt for Maze. All she truly wanted to do was get back to the only place she knew as home.

Feeling Alone And Left Out

Linda and Maze from Lucifer standing at opposite sides of a door, looking longing.

As everyone in her life seemed to be moving on with others – Lucifer was with Chloe, Amenadiel was with Linda, and Dan was with Charlotte – Maze seemed lost. She needed a purpose and couldn’t figure out what it was supposed to be.

Maze was so lonely, she took solace wherever she could get it, including hanging out with Trixie, with whom she eventually developed an honest friendship. But seeing Maze feeling left out time and time again was sad. Any time she got close to someone, such as Dan, she would lose them.

Finding Out About Her Mother

Maze from Lucifer in the dark, wearing a hood over her head and looking angry.

Maze always felt that her mother didn’t want her, but when she discovered the true story through Lucifer (in a babysitting story he told Trixie), she realized that her mother was actually still alive.

It made Maze feel even more rejected. She felt even worse when she went to meet her mother in person and was, once again, met with disdain for who and what she was – her mother wanted nothing to do with her. One Reddit theory about Lucifer suggests Lucifer might help give Maze some closure by gifting her Lilith’s ring, without its powers, as a symbolic gesture.

Being Told She Couldn’t Have A Soul

Lucifer Maze hells new warden

Maze was confused when she started to have real feelings, getting sad, jealous, upset, and actually caring about it when someone was hurt or died. Her time on Earth was confusing, but eventually, Maze realized that she wanted to have a soul.

Sadly, as a demon, she was laughed at whenever she talked about the possibility. Maze later learned she could indeed, and likely already had, begun to grow a soul. But going through life believing that you are destined to disappear when you die, and there’s nothing else beyond that, was crushing for Maze.

Trixie Getting Upset With Her

Lesley Ann Brandt as Maze Scarlett Estevez as Trixie Lucifer

While Maze was in the wrong by taking her anger out by saying mean things about Trixie, who was just a child, it was made even worse when Trixie overheard them. Seeing Maze’s spirit drop as soon as she realized both what she said and that Trixie was within earshot was devastating.

Maze spent plenty of time and effort trying to win back Trixie and gain her forgiveness, and genuinely felt bad about saying such hurtful things that she really didn’t mean.

Recalling Her Lonely Childhood

Maze from Lucifer sitting in Linda's office with a blonde bob haircut and red lollipop.

When Maze discussed her childhood with Linda, it was clear that while she puts on a tough and strong exterior, emotionally, Maze was really torn up inside about not having a mother or any type of real childhood. She might not be among the smartest villains on Lucifer, making sometimes desperate moves, like when she teamed up with Cain. But Maze was very self-aware.

Maze was missing love and care and having someone willing to do anything for her. She did not have fancy toys or anything, really. It was enough to make anyone feel sad for Maze, demon or not.

Her Mother’s Death

Maze from Lucifer looking angry, with dark hair and bangs.

While Maze did get to see and meet her mother briefly, the final and only meeting was not pleasant. And making things worse was that when Maze returned to try and clear the air and work towards forgiveness, she discovered that her mother had died.

It seemed Maze just couldn’t catch a break. She took a big step by trying to find her mother and confronting her. And when she cooled down and was ready to return with a level head, it was too late.

Eve Not Reciprocating Feelings

Maze and Eve from Lucifer standing together outside, both smiling.

Watching Maze try time and time again to get through to Eve, only to be completely ignored and used as a way for Eve to gain Lucifer’s attention, was heartbreaking. Maze poured her heart out in a way she never had before. It wasn’t that her advances were rebuffed, but she wasn’t even considered seriously as a romantic partner.

While Eve and Maze eventually shared one of the best kisses on Lucifer, and Eve finally realized Maze was who she wanted to be with, seeing how heartbroken Maze was before getting to that point was equally as heartbreaking for viewers.

Linda And Amenadiel Going Behind Her Back

Linda, Maze and Amenadiel season 3, episode 15 of Lucifer

It’s never a good feeling when an ex gets together with a friend. In Maze’s case, however, it was a sticky situation because it involved two of the people with whom she was the closest: Amenadiel and her best friend Linda.

Not only that, but they didn’t tell her about it for fear of how she would feel, which meant Maze found out on her own. She was so upset that she tried to make them uncomfortable by setting up a double date. Linda ended things with Amenadiel, putting Maze first. As many powers as Amenadiel had on Lucifer, one of them was not an ability to navigate relationships with humans (or demons). Nonetheless, he and Linda getting together in the first place was like a stab in the back to Maze.