Lucifer: 10 Things To Remember Before The Final Installment

Lucifer: 10 Things To Remember Before The Final Installment

Content Warning: This article contains discussions about death and grief.

Fans wait eagerly for the final installment of Lucifer, which is set to debut in May 2021 on Netflix. The new installment with be the second half of season 5 and will bring the end of the popular show. The new trailer had fans giddy with anticipation as Lucifer, Michael, Amendaiel, and the rest of the main characters finally meet the infamous God.

The trailer also brought about new questions that need answers as well as a new storyline to see unfold. God has arrived on Earth but it’s not to solve the rivalry between Michael and Lucifer, far from it. While fans are on the edge of their seats with anticipation, there’re a couple of plot lines to remember before diving in.

The Arrival Of Michael

Lucifer: 10 Things To Remember Before The Final Installment

At the end of season 4, Lucifer decides to return to Hell and leaves behind his new relationship with Chloe. Season 5 brought a new player to the field that would uproot Lucifer’s life and cause a major ruckus. Michael is revealed to be Lucifer’s twin brother and an archangel in Heaven.

Michael has a complex backstory as he has a deep hatred for Lucifer. Lucifer was always seen as the preferred twin, despite everything he had done to land him in Hell. It’s said that Michael is the one to egg Lucifer, persuading him to get involved with Adam and Eve and whispered the idea for him to take a vacation on Earth. Michael also manipulated his way to become God’s right hand.

Lucifer & Michael’s Feud

Lucifer and Michael laying on the floor in Lucifer

Michael’s tactics to ruin his brother only worked for a short while. Having grown jealous of all the praise Lucifer received for returning to Hell, Michael ventures to Earth to ruin his brother’s reputation. Micahel pretends to be Lucifer to try and double-cross those closest to him.

He even managed to turn Mazikeen and have Dan learn the truth about who Lucifer really is. While some may see him as weak, he is one of the hardest angels to defeat as he preys on people’s fear.

Lucifer’s Dad Issues

Lucifer and God sitting in therapy in Lucifer

It’s important to rehash Lucifer’s issues with his father as it’s the main driving factor for the entire show. Looking beyond what’s known biblically about Lucifer and God, the show plays into their feud much more. Lucifer grows bored of Hell and decides to go to Earth as a major hit at his father.

As the show progressed, fans feel for Lucifer as he reveals he has been emotionally affected by his father abandoning him. Even more so as Lucifer ridicules his teachings about good and evil and who deserves to die. Fans felt for Lucifer as he angrily shouted at his father over letting Father Frank die. Lucifer becomes even more distraught at his father over learning that his path to love wasn’t his own.

Can Dan Handle His New Reality?

Kevin Alejandro as Dan in season5 of Lucifer

Season 5 was harsh on Dan as he was seen to be grieving for Charlotte and doesn’t have anyone to really fall back on. It only got worse when Michael manipulated Dan into going to Amenadiel’s house, which allowed him to see Lucifer’s real face.

Dan becomes more gutted when he learns that Chloe knew all along. Dan’s ability to cope with his new reality is still up in the air, as the new trailer revealed that he isn’t 100% aware or isn’t fully accepting of celestial existence.

Whose Side Is  Mazikeen On & Her Relationship With Eve

Lucifer pointing alongside Maze in precinct in Lucifer

Mazikeen’s character on the show has gone through a lot between being a good friend, a bad friend, and finding her own path. Mazikeen is known as one of Lucifer’s best demons and his right hand. As the show progressed, she loses her way as Lucifer constantly stabs her in the back and disregards her.

When Michael arrives, Mazikeen is swayed by him against Lucifer. The trailer shows that Mazikeen once again is on Lucifer’s side but for how long? It won’t be easy to pinpoint if Mazikeen will stay faithful 100%. The trailer also shows Eve making her return. Eve was the only real woman that Mazikeen came to love. But their relationship was flawed as Eve only used her to get back at Lucifer.

The Big Issue With Lucifer & Hell

Lucifer Morningstar in hell in Lucifer Season 4

Lucifer’s role as the ruler of Hell is a huge storyline in the show. Lucifer is banished to become Hell’s ruler but gets bored and ventures to Earth leaving the fiery kingdom abandoned. Throughout the show, Lucifer’s siblings try to get him to go back as Hell without a ruler can become a danger for everyone on Earth and in Heaven.

This was proven when the demons of Hell try to overtake it and rule on Earth by kidnapping Amenadiel’s son to become king, which ultimately saw Lucifer return to Hell. However, it does seem like Lucifer’s responsibility to Hell isn’t simple as there has to be a reason why God came to Earth.

Where Does Amenadiel Stand?

Amenadiel and Lucifer in therapy in Lucifer

It’s important to note the evolving brotherly relationship that Amenadiel and Lucifer have had in the show. Amenadiel is tasked by God to venture to Earth to force Lucifer back to Hell. Amenadiel thinks Lucifer is selfish, rude, and not a good person for what he’s done. However, over time, Amenadiel sees the drastic change Lucifer has gone through.

He realizes that humans aren’t bad and even starts to sympathize with them and Lucifer’s reasoning to stay. As stated in the trailer, Lucifer has come a long way. Lucifer even saves Charlie and returns to Hell once he realizes how his presence has put his family in danger. Fans can say that Amenadiel has grown to love his brother and would stand by his side for what’s to come.

What The BIG Arrival Means

God arrives at police precinct in Lucifer

In the very last scene of the first part of season 5, Lucifer, Michael, and Amenadiel’s fight are broken up by a white light. The white light was the arrival of God himself. This is a huge moment for the characters and fans. Lucifer has for a long time held a grudge against his father and egged him on to do something in person.

The day finally arrived as God arrives in the precinct. God’s arrival eludes to a much bigger storyline because of Lucifer’s anger, Amenadiel’s initial orders, and Michael’s supposed manipulation of God. As the trailer showed, God’s arrival has an ulterior motive than to just stop his children’s quarrel. He’s stepping down and needs someone to take his place.

Who’s On Lucifer’s Side

Chloe,Lucifer and Amenadiel on football field in Lucifer

The new trailer showed that a war of the angels in Heaven will soon take place. God announces he will retire but needs a successor. While Michael is filled with an intense need to take the position and have ultimate control, Lucifer sees it as his opportunity to rectify his father’s wrongs and his teachings.

This leads to the question of who would be on Lucifer’s side in the battle. In the show, Lucifer’s other siblings do visit. Remiel arrives to take baby Charlie but allows him to stay with Amenadiel. It’s also hinted that Gabriel is proud of Lucifer for finally growing up. Lucifer also had a good relationship with Azrael. It’s hopeful to assume that Mazikeen and Lucifer’s friends will aid him.

Where Do Chloe & Lucifer Stand?

Lucifer and Chloe kiss season 2

Lucifer and Chloe’s relationship has been rocky. Their relationship becomes hindered when Lucifer returns to Hell. It gets complex when Chloe realizes from the start that the new Lucifer is actually Michael. Chloe is initially upset at Lucifer for neglecting to tell her she’s “the gift.”

Their relationship is far from perfect despite having reconciled and working together once again. The inclusion of Lucifer’s celestial life in their love story leaves them with unstable footing. Lucifer has certain responsibility as the ruler of Hell and possibly the new God that doesn’t mesh well with a human relationship with Chloe.