Lucifer: 10 Storylines Season 5 Can Have

Lucifer: 10 Storylines Season 5 Can Have

The return of Lucifer for its fifth season is different than expected. Not only is it not the final season anymore, but it will also be divided into two blocks of eight episodes. This means that the second half will potentially differ from the first, paving the way for storylines to be spread out. 

To this end, there are many arcs that can play out, and it’s worth speculating on how these can be reflected in Season 5. Based on what is known so far, and the trend from previous seasons, there’s a good chance these 10 storylines will be seen. These can be shown in either half of the season and can overlap with one another.

Chloe And Lucifer’s Relationship Troubles

Lucifer: 10 Storylines Season 5 Can Have

At some point, there’s no doubt that Lucifer will be back in full and his long-delayed romance with Chloe will officially take off. However, since they have such vastly different personalities, the story can steer toward relationship issues.

This can be about how Lucifer has no idea how to be a boyfriend, along with their relationship interfering with their police investigations. It could also steer toward Chloe being unsure of how Lucifer can be a good father figure towards Trixie, and Lucifer’s own problems with settling down and letting go of his womanizing ways.

Dan Searching For The Meaning In His Life

Dan lived up to Lucifer’s favorite quote of calling him “Detective Douche” in Season 4. At the end of the season, he finally went to therapy and admitted to Linda that he had just been looking for someone to blame for Charlotte’s death.

With Dan now looking to move on, the fifth season can focus on him going on a soul searching arc where he realizes what exactly it is he wants in life. This can be similar to Amenadiel’s arc in Season 2, and Dan can be shown trying to improve his relationships with Trixie and his friends, or become ambitious in his career to finally gain the peace he wants.

Eve Revisiting Adam And Her Children

Eve is another character in need of soul searching. After spending all of the fourth season trying to be who she thought Lucifer wanted, Eve understood she had to be who she really is. The only way to truly know that would be by seeking clarity with her past.

To this end, the fifth season can see Eve once again meeting Adam, her much maligned ex-husband, and separating what part of her personality she got from him and who she inherently is. Similarly, she can also revisit her son Cain to understand what it was that drove him to murderous levels, and if it was her fault he turned out this way.

Linda And Amenadiel Dealing With Charlie’s Powers

Lucifer Linda Amenadiel

Along with his arc of reuniting with Lucifer and dealing with Michael, Amenadiel will also be shown dealing with becoming a father. Where the fourth season had him decide to raise Charlie on Earth, this time Amenadiel and Linda can be seen being actively involved parents.

This should consist of them being blindsided by the many things they didn’t expect about their nephilim. With Linda having no clue about angels and Charlie being the first of his kind, this storyline can have both parents struggling to raise a whole new being.

Michael Genuinely Falling For Chloe

The real game changing arc of Season 5 has to do with Michael, Lucifer’s twin brother, returning to pose as the devil in a plot to discredit him. His plan also involves duping Chloe, although the plot can turn toward turning this into a genuine thing.

This initial manipulation can open up Michael toward human feelings that Lucifer has embraced, and can result in him either abandoning his plans or looking to win over Chloe for himself. This arc can set the stage for the eventual clash between the twins, as they battle for Chloe’s love.

Ella And Dan’s Love Story

The sudden romantic interaction of Ella and Daniel won’t be a one-time thing, and the fifth season can have the two beginning a secret relationship. This can overlap with Dan’s search for meaning in his life, with Ella providing the unconditional love he’s always wanted.

Ella herself has been reluctant to be around love interests for the most part, so the season-long arc can be how she falls truly in love for the first time. Along with that, the two coming to terms with their relationship can be the core aspect of this story.

All Angels Following Lucifer And Amenadiel To Earth

It’s pretty noticeable how one by one the angel siblings are arriving on Earth to seek out Lucifer or Amenadiel. Ramiel and Azrael have also admitted that being around humans has had positive changes in their brothers.

Season 5 can have the other angels follow suit and look to understand why Lucifer and Amenadiel enjoy being on Earth so much. This could also include these angels’ mismatched attempts to integrate into society, or their hopes to crash at Lucifer’s place to share his hedonistic desires.

Ella And Dan Dealing With The Revelation About Lucifer And Amenadiel

It’s high time the rest of the characters also learned about how Lucifer and Amenadiel are angels, and more importantly, how they’ve been in the company of the devil this whole time. To this end, the storyline here can be the big contrasts in the reactions of Dan and Ella over this revelation.

The angle could have Ella reaffirm her faith in God by hounding Lucifer with questions about Heaven and Hell, while Dan would reevaluate his friendship with Amenadiel and actually understand why Lucifer is the way he is.

God And Goddess Igniting A Civil War

Lucifer the Goddess leaves the Earth

The fifth season is set to see the return of Goddess, who still had the thirst for vengeance toward her former husband. With her return, and the uneasiness angels are in, the storyline here can see Goddess gaining a portion of her children on her side.

This can lead to a civil war of sorts in Heaven, with some other angels looking to stay by God, which would then break out a conflict that spills over onto Earth as well. This could also see Goddess bringing in new angels from the dimension she disappeared into in Season 2.

Maze Dealing With Resurfaced Demons

Maze looks into the camera with a smile

There’s definitely going to be more of Maze’s romance with Eve to look forward to, but an additional storyline could see her face off against her own kind. The fifth season can expand upon the previous season’s finale of demons escaping to Earth, and Maze is the perfect foil to these plans.

Her demon history hasn’t been explored as much, so this storyline can have her retrace her past and definitively conclude why she isn’t fit to return to Hell anymore. The combination of her bounty hunter status and need to protect her friends can set her in an arc where she fights her own kind.