Lucifer: 10 Characters Who Have Changed The Most From Season 1

Lucifer: 10 Characters Who Have Changed The Most From Season 1

Lucifer has come a long way since the first season. Not only has the epic story evolved, but the characters also have – a testament to solid storytelling. It’s also important to note that later seasons also consist of strong examples of character development and change, like Charlotte’s tale of redemption and Eve learning to embrace independence.

However, from Season 1, the characters may be few, but their changes are many. Some changes are more obvious than others, and other changes are in their motivations, realizations, and revelations.


Lucifer: 10 Characters Who Have Changed The Most From Season 1

Trixie has always been a cute kid. She’s sassy, smart, and energetic. Although Lucifer claims not to like children, Trixie immediately likes him, leading Lucifer to grow to appreciate and care for her. On top of this, Trixie is open-minded and accepts Maze even after she sees Maze’s demon-face.

So what has changed about Trixie? She’s older, and therefore, she gets moments of more agency like when she and Maze conduct a plan in order for Lucifer to reveal Maze’s mom’s story. She also reaches out to Lucifer when she thinks he needs a friend.

Dear Dad/God

Lucifer Season 5 God Dennis Haysbert

Now, viewers never see “dear Dad” in Season 1, but he’s still a constant character. Lucifer evokes him with every complaint. The fact that viewers don’t see the celestial being and just hear about him through his sons is actually very telling. In Season 1, dear Dad is hands-off and mysterious.

Even when Amenadiel goes through a challenging time, losing his wings, powers, and faith, dear Dad stays far away. In the last episode of Part 1 of Season 5, God actually shows up to stop his children from fighting. Dear Dad/God never did this before, even when Lucifer killed Uriel.

Dear Mum/Goddess

Viewers also don’t see Mum/Goddess in Season 1, but she’s talked about as a formative force for Lucifer. In some ways, Lucifer blames her more than dear Dad since she was the one who advocated to send Lucifer to hell. When Mum escapes her cage in Season 2, Lucifer and Amenadiel expect her to come back as a monster, a force to fear. Although she’s a bit of the big-bad, she really wants to connect with her children.

Her time on Earth changes her, and she connects more to her children. She also learns to appreciate humans. In the end, Lucifer creates another world for her. Once she passes through it, she brings Charlotte back to life (a character who has her own incredible character arc in later seasons).


Lucifer Chloe and Dan

One of the ways that Dan has changed is in how he treats Chloe. In Season 1, Dan acted more dismissive of Chloe and her hunches, and now, he recognizes Chloe as a great detective. Another way he’s changed is in his ability to self-reflect. He realizes that he almost got his daughter killed and that he had strayed too far from the law, and so in Season 5, Dan tries to better himself.

All that said, Dan is still very easy to manipulate as Michael proves in Season 1. Also, Dan harbors resentment, misunderstanding, and jealousy about Lucifer. This may be a burden that will conquer him, rather than the other way around. Hopefully, in Part 2 of Season 5, viewers will see Dan dive into a deeper self-reflection.


Ella Lopez in Lucifer

While Ella retains the characteristics that fans love about her – her whimsy, intelligence, strength, and good heart – her character has been put through more trials. Over time, fans have learned that Ella has a dark past, one that she’s constantly working against and working through. She could have gone one route in her life, but Ella chose to be joyful, loving, and law-abiding.

That said, Ella has changed since Season 1. Her faith has been questioned. She stops wearing her cross or referring to her faith. When her faith comes back, she returns to it with a deeper understanding of what it means to her. She also is much stronger than she thinks she is, something that Lucifer sees in Ella and comments upon with Maze, “Miss Lopez is stronger than you think. Stronger than she thinks.”


Chloe started in Season 1 as someone who was still figuring out her place in her career and trying to get respect for her natural ability. Season 1 Dan often dismissed her or made her doubt herself. This pattern of self-doubt continued in other seasons when Chloe was being convinced that Lucifer was evil. A part of her never really believed that, and she just needed to trust herself more.

This is a lesson that Chloe learned – her instincts, hunches, and love are often spot-on; she just has to get over the doubt that others bring to her. Chloe does have her own doubts and questions; she doesn’t need others’. This is a skill she’s still learning, but Chloe is now more open-minded and willing to be vulnerable around those she loves (i.e. Lucifer).


Linda looks scared in Lucifer

When fans first met Linda, she was solely Lucifer’s therapist, the one who believed that Lucifer was talking in analogies when he said that his dad was God. This Linda was also giddy to have sex with Lucifer once their session was over. How Linda has changed! Linda is now one of the most trusted friends for multiple supernatural beings; she is also Maze’s best friend and the person that Chloe trusts for insight, too. Added to all this, she is the mother of a half-angel baby with Amenadiel.

In Part 1 Season 5, fans learn that Linda is uncomfortable with motherhood, not just because of her baby’s half-angel status, but because of her insecurities about being a mother. She had a child once before when she was young, and she chose to put her child up for adoption. Linda makes peace with this, but no doubt her insecurities with motherhood will be something that she’ll have to work through more in Part 2 of Season 5.


Amenadiel Fears For His Son Lucifer

When Amenadiel showed up in Season 1, he was carrying out an errand. Dear Dad/God tasked Amenadiel with the chore of bringing Lucifer back to hell, to the role that father gave him. Amenadiel is faithful and doesn’t question Dad/God. He also is arrogant and doesn’t understand what Lucifer sees in humans.

Amenadiel has changed a lot since Season 1. Fans see this most directly when Remy, his sister, comes down to earth to take his son. Remy once worshipped her older brother so much so that Lucifer referred to her as Amenadiel’s “little clone.” Fans see what Amenadiel once was in Remy, and how different he is from that. He appreciates humans now, and no longer considers them to be, “inconsequential.”


Lesley Ann Brandt as Maze Scarlett Estevez as Trixie Lucifer

In Season 1, Maze worked for Lucifer, obeying his orders (even if she didn’t agree with them). She constantly missed Hell, her home. While she continues to miss Hell, her life on Earth has changed her. Maze learned to embrace her independence. Although she still works with Lucifer from time to time, she has her own job as a bounty hunter. She moved out, and she developed solid friendships, especially with Trixie, Chloe, and Linda.

Maze even works through difficult emotions like when she finds out about Linda and Amenadiel. Season 1 Maze would have cut-off her best friend, Linda, or worse. Latter-season Maze hurts, but she loves her friend, and so she’s willing to work through the hurt. Currently, Maze wants to have a soul. She still has a habit of double-crossing Lucifer, but then again, he has a habit of dismissing her desire to be more than a demon.


Lucifer and Chloe about to kiss

Lucifer’s internal journey is central to this whole show. He is challenged constantly, and this leads Lucifer into being a more interesting character. Lucifer has his character flaws, but he loves wholeheartedly. This causes him to return to Hell in Season 4 in order to protect those he loves–a grand sacrifice. This type of sacrifice wasn’t something that he was fully capable of in Season 1.

Lucifer worries that he is evil, shown in his brief bat-wings. Once he questions that and sees his reality as different, his angel wings return. Lucifer isn’t always the best communicator as still evidenced in Season 5, but he’s more willing to reflect and question than he had been before. His growth intrigues fans and has fans returning for more.