Love, Victor: 10 Things You Missed About Mia

Love, Victor: 10 Things You Missed About Mia

Mia Brooks is the only character in Love, Victor that shows no growth throughout the series. She spends her time stifling her emotions and sidestepping her problems. Her boyfriend Victor is too busy with his own issues to help her out. These circumstances give the audience ample time to understand her flaws and motivations.

While other characters progress, we see how Mia became the person that she is. There are a few smaller details that help to flesh out the picture. Although Mia spends the series being neglected by everyone else, observant fans are more willing to pay attention to details about her that may have gone unnoticed.

She Does Have Feelings For Andrew

Love, Victor: 10 Things You Missed About Mia

Mia refuses Andrew every time he dares to flirt with her. They did have one make-out session, but it happened two years ago. She minimizes the event by explaining that she used Andrew for comfort after an encounter with her estranged mother. It’s a reasonable excuse. Yet, she keeps the photos from what was thought to be a bad date. She pulls them out right after Victor says he isn’t ready for sex. At this moment, Mia is considering what could’ve happened if she’d gone for the other guy.

She Isn’t Actually Popular

Mia is the most beautiful girl in the school, according to Felix. Victor becomes popular after one just Ferris wheel ride with her. All this implies that she’s popular, too. Yet no one ever interacts with her. Even at her own packed party.

She had never been on a date before Victor, and not because she wasn’t interested. The whole time she’s out with him, she’s overjoyed. Lake is the one person that pays her any attention before Victor comes along.

She Never Hated Veronica

Mia is horrible to her father’s new girlfriend from the first time that they meet. This woman in particular is not the source of Mia’s problems. Her father has brought several women home before. Mia explains that his overseas “business trips” turn into extended flings with young women while she’s left home alone. It’s hard for her to understand why this woman is any different. Mia‘s problem has nothing to do with this woman and everything to do with her father.

Black Is Her Favorite Color

All of Mia’s go-to outfits come in black. She’s introduced to the audience in a black dress covered in daisies. It’s similar to the dark, floral shirt she wears on her date with Victor. On the night of her stoplight party, she wears a solid black dress with white buttons. Victor finds her working on a sculpture in a pair of black overalls. This is the color that makes her feel most comfortable. Bolder outfits are reserved for settings like her father’s charity event.

She Prefers Painting To Sculpture

Art pieces cover the walls of Mia’s bedroom. They’re striking portraits done in colorful paints. Right below her artwork is a desk occupied by cups of brushes and paper. It’s a hobby that she returns to often.

She dares to display the paintings, unlike her sculptures. It shows that this is what she’s most proud of. Or perhaps that the sculptures are closer to her heart. The paintings never get the same attention that the sculptures do. Victor walks by them during the stoplight party and says nothing.

She Never Trusted Victor

Things would’ve ended the same way between Victor and Mia even if he was truly and romantically interested in her. The relationship was doomed from the start. Mia was never comfortable enough to share her true feelings with Victor. She was unable to tell him that she was angry when he missed the charity event. She failed to communicate again when Victor used Felix to avoid having sex with her. Lake was left to explain the situation on her behalf. Mia saves all her truths for Andrew.

She Hates Parties

The stoplight party was Lake’s idea. She told Mia that it had to happen rather than asking her if she wanted it to. Mia didn’t bother to mingle with any of her guests. She found Simon to see what color he was wearing, then retreated upstairs to her room. Her behavior is the same at her father’s charity event. She stands around waiting for her boyfriend to show up. Andrew comes to keep her company, but she isn’t exactly thrilled. Parties are nothing more than an obligation for her.

She Doesn’t Drink

Most of the kids that attend the stoplight party appear with Solo cups in hand. Felix downs enough alcohol to get blackout drunk; Andrew is seen in the shadows sipping a cup himself. Victor and Lake go alcohol-free, but they’re both expected to drive themselves home. Mia is already at home; she could’ve had something to drink if she wanted it. Considering how unexcited she looks to be there, it might’ve helped her mood. Mia abstains because alcohol just isn’t her thing.

She Is A Neat Person

Mia’s room is pristine. Not a single detail is out of place. Since she’s so wealthy, it’s probable that a maid service comes through to clean the house every now and then. But even late into the night, Mia‘s bedroom looks like it’s never been touched.

When friends come to visit, the bed is undisturbed, all of her clothes are in the closet, and most surfaces are entirely blank. Even when compared to the rooms of other characters in the series, Mia’s is the odd one out.

She Decorates Her Room With Sculptures

Several ceramic statues add a pop of color to Mia’s sterile room. A few bright elephants sit on her bookshelf. A giant white knight chess piece is on a table. Little pots, the kind that you’d make in a basic pottery class, run along the top of her dresser. It’s possible that these were sculpted by Mia. Small projects like miniature pots could’ve been what sparked her interest in the beginning. Now she expresses her own creativity with full-size pieces of art.

She Speaks Spanish

Almost all of the characters attempt Spanish at some point. They’re lucky to get out a full sentence. Mia shows some actual skill in the language. She understands when Victor’s grandpa says, “I love this girl” in Spanish. Victor’s grandma speaks to her in a mix of English and Spanish after she realizes she can understand both.

In another scene, Mia corrects Lake when she confuses baño, the Spanish word for bathroom, with boudoir. Her Spanish knowledge comes from the summers she spent in Barcelona while her father taught classes.