Love, Death & Robots: 10 Best Characters

Love, Death & Robots: 10 Best Characters

Content Warning: This article contains references to sexual assault and murder

With Netflix’s Love, Death & Robots season 3 now out with 9 new self-contained animated stories to add to the much-loved anthology series, it is important to remember how brilliant the characters in past episodes are. The show’s various styles of animation and use of several genres within science-fiction, fantasy, and horror enhance the grounded themes and realistic characterization that is phenomenal in every episode.

While season 3 of Love, Death & Robots has a 100% rating on Rotten Tomatoes, the lower-rated seasons 1 and 2 are just as beloved by fans. They adore the incredible array of amazing characters who are of various backgrounds, identities, and even species. Every episode contains characters with intricately detailed backstories, ambiguous morals, and fascinating (but often terrifying) personalities that help them face their perilous adventures.

Sonnie – Sonnie’s Edge

Love, Death & Robots: 10 Best Characters

‘Sonnie’s Edge’ is the first episode in this iconic Netflix adult animated show and goes all out to present a dystopian London, where people fight in remotely-controlled bio-engineered beast battles. In the last moments, it is revealed that because of an assault that left her more-or-less dead, her consciousness resides inside her Beastie. This revelation puts her battles into perspective as she is not using an avatar like her opponents, she is fighting and risking her life.

Incredibly brave, Sonnie is a fighter through and through as she dishes out justice to terrible men. Every time she fights, she’s fighting for her life and metaphorically destroys the men who assaulted her.  Winning money with dignity, Sonnie is a vigilante in disguise.

Detective Briggs – Pop Squad

Love Death and Robots Pop House

Detective Briggs is a haunted man with a gruesome job of killing children. He lives in an overpopulated dystopian society where humans have gained biological immortality, thus they make having children illegal. While “breeders” are prosecuted, their children are exterminated – which is where Briggs comes in.

It is a hard life and a tough job that takes its toll on Briggs’ mental state. With a hardened and ice-cold exterior, Briggs is actually a sentimental and sympathetic man who is just trying to get by in a world where everyone lives forever. Though his age is never specified, Briggs’ soul is clearly worn down to the point where he eventually gives in. He chooses to let a child live and is killed for it by his partner – but at least he dies knowing he did the right thing.

Yan – Good Hunting

An image of Yan looking sad in Love, Death and Robots

In this hidden Netflix’s gem, Love, Death & Robots integrates Chinese folklore and steampunk. This is embodied by Yan the Huli Jing (a shape-shifting fox spirit), who becomes an incredibly strong cybernetic vigilante after she undergoes a traumatic experience.

Yan has a flexible personality that allows her to adapt to the unfortunate circumstances she finds herself in. A kind soul, Yan always tries to make the best out of a bad situation and finds a way to help others like her, and becomes an avenger of women’s rights in steam-punk Hong Kong.

Alexandria Stephens – Helping Hand

Love Death & Robots Helping Hand

In a terrifying stuck-between-a-rock-and-a-hard-place story, Alexandria realizes her bravery and strength of will knows no bounds when her life is in jeopardy. When her EVA suit is hit by a stray screw among a plethora of orbital debris, she is left with only 14 minutes left of oxygen. At first resigning to hopelessness, Alexandria finds her will to live is stronger.

Alexandria’s willfulness and determination shine through when she exposes her left forearm to the vacuum of space. With an astounding resolve that leaves the audience in awe, Alexandria breaks off her own arm in a Hail Mary moment to get back to the ship. She miraculously survives and after enduring all that horror, she is still able to make jokes. She is undoubtedly one of the most stubborn and courageous characters in the entire show.

Lt. “Cutter” Colby – Lucky 13

Love Death & Robots Lucky 13

Loyal and strong-willed, rookie pilot Lieutenant “Cutter” Colby is given the unluckiest drop-ship of the lot, which – despite being technically fine – was avoided for superstitious reasons. After coming back from a mission with all the crew miraculously intact, Cutter finds herself bonding with the machine and learns the ship’s personality is like her own – headstrong and devoted.

They are both stubborn and strong characters working together harmoniously. In the ship’s last mission, Cutter and the viewers learn that Lucky 13 is more than just a machine – she’s a character in her own right. Lucky 13 self-destructs but only on her own terms rather than when she is told to. Without Lucky 13, Cutter carries on and proves herself to be a bold leader, determined pilot and a loyal friend – whether to humans or ships.

Zima – Zima Blue

Zima floating naked in a tank full of water in Love, Death & Robots.

In one of Love, Death & Robots’ best episodes, Zima’s remarkable story and entrancing personality leave viewers in awe. Through his art, Zima explores philosophy, beauty, and what it means to be alive. Thought to be a human artist with a cybernetically enhanced body, Zima reveals himself to be a highly advanced android who is more “human” than most.

Originally designed to clean pool tiles, his creator continuously upgraded him and soon he becomes his own person. Through his stunning art, Zima searched for meaning and truth as many others do but he is luckier than most as he finds his answers. When his search is over, he courageously and contently returns to how he first began. It is a hauntingly poignant tale that touches the soul, Zima makes viewers wish they could live as deeply, as passionately, as genuinely as him.

Hirald & Snow – Snow In The Desert

Love death and robots snow in the desert

Snow (a virtually immortal being) and Hirald (a cyborg intelligence agent) are kindred spirits. Both lonely, Snow and Hirald are tragically forced to watch themselves outlive their loved ones. But their budding relationship allows them to finally be close to someone who might become a permanent fixture. Effortlessly exploring the loneliness of immortality and the philosophies of humanity, this episode of Love, Death & Robots features all three key themes.

Snow is dispassionate – especially after losing his wife – and while Hirald is restrained, she fiercely believes in the good she is doing and knows Snow’s DNA could save lives. With fascinating backstories and tortured personalities, their backstories and inhibited personalities could be explored thoroughly in a 2-hour movie, where Snow and Hirald’s emotions become aflame when they realize they are no longer alone.

Terence – Life Hutch

Love, Death & Robots Life Hutch

With a stubborn will to survive unlike any other, Michael B. Jordan’s Terence is pitted against a malfunctioning maintenance robot that is ready to destroy anything that moves. The astronaut crash-lands on a planet and finds a “Life Hutch,” where he can wait until his fellow pilots rescue him. His rest is anything but relaxing when the robot attacks.

It rips into his side and crushes his fingers but with an unbreakable resolve, Terence barely makes a sound. His high pain tolerance allows viewers to establish that Terence is a capable fighter with a mysterious past and a brilliant mind. His perseverance is outstanding as he outsmarts such a highly-advanced robot with just a flashlight.

“Greta” – Beyond The Aquila Rift

Love Death & Robots Beyond the Aquila Rift

In this terrifying episode, Thom and his crew find themselves thousands of light-years from home due to an automatic routing error. Fortunately, he is greeted by an old flame; Greta, who is equally pleased to see him. Thom soon sees through the cracks in this story and demands that Greta tells him the truth. In a horrific twist, “Greta” is revealed to be an alien keeping Thom in a simulation.

“Greta” looks after the lost souls who find themselves caught in her web. She carefully tends to the victims, like when Thom learns the truth and begins to lose his mind, and reboots his simulation. With a nurturing personality, she evidently cares for these lost souls and looks after them how she sees best. Whether she is doing more harm than good is up to the audience, but “Greta” is a captivating character in a chilling tale nonetheless.

K-VRC, XBOT 4000 & 11-45-G – Three Robots

Love Death & Robots Three Robots

In a refreshingly hilarious episode, three robots tour Earth after the collapse of human civilization. Each robot is a brilliant character in their own right; 11-45-G is sarcastic and has a very bleak opinion of humans, K-VRC behaves like he just chugged twelve energy drinks and XBOT 4000 is inquisitive but the grumpy one in the group. Together, they remind viewers of their own friendship groups.

It is hilarious to watch these characters learn or make incorrect assumptions about humanity through Earth’s desolation. They are advanced robots with their own consciousnesses, levels of intelligence, and remarkable senses of humor that is uncannily “human.” The return of these characters in the third season of Love, Death & Robots disappointed no one.