Lord Of The Rings Meets The MCU: 5 Couples That Would Work (& 5 That Wouldn’t)

Lord Of The Rings Meets The MCU: 5 Couples That Would Work (& 5 That Wouldn’t)

While The Lord of the Rings and the MCU are two very different franchises, they are both incredibly loved. Because their fandoms are so big, it’s no wonder that many fans of each are into shipping different characters together, and sometimes, they think about crossover ships.

Here are some of the potential couples that would make sense and some that definitely wouldn’t. This list looks to pair people based on having certain similarities and possible compatibility.

Wouldn’t: Galadriel and Wanda Maximoff

Lord Of The Rings Meets The MCU: 5 Couples That Would Work (& 5 That Wouldn’t)

Both Galadriel and Scarlet Witch are extremely powerful women. While Galadriel is a wise elf with power to influence and even interject into people’s minds, Scarlet Witch has mind-bending and reality-altering abilities. For these reasons, they do seem to have a lot in common on the surface.

However, this doesn’t mean they are compatible in a romantic relationship. Galadriel is such an old and all-seeing type of being that it would be difficult for her to date any human, even one as extraordinary as Wanda.

Would: Arwen and Pepper Potts

Arwen and Pepper Potts

While Arwen and Pepper Potts might not have a ton in common at first glance, they seem more compatible based on personality. Arwen is an elf lady who is basically a princess, and Pepper starts out as a personal assistant but becomes a CEO.

However, both of these women seem like they are caring people who are often underestimated. While Pepper has a tougher personality, they would likely balance each other out.

Wouldn’t: Legolas and Loki

Legolas and Loki

While Legolas could also be compared to someone like Hawkeye because of their bow and arrow abilities, Legolas and Loki are both elves. While they are very different kinds of elves, they are both elegant and beautiful, and they are also both well-loved by fans because of this.

However, their personalities are so different. Legolas is more stoic and is also all about loyalty to his friends while Loki is a trickster god. They just wouldn’t get along even if the ship could be fun for an antagonistic dynamic.

Would: Faramir and Natasha Romanoff

Black Widow and Faramir

While Faramir ends up with Eowyn in his story, the best MCU fit for him, at least that’s a woman, is Natasha. While unfortunately in the MCU, Natasha is paired with many other men in ways that didn’t always make sense, she does seem to want to date a partner who is gentle and kind.

Faramir is definitely going to fit the bill in that way. Also, these two had very different upbringings, but they were both treated harshly and cruelly by the people who should have looked out for them. They could bond over this.

Wouldn’t: Gandalf and Doctor Strange

Gandalf and Doctor Strange

Despite the fact that they have somewhat of an age gap, Gandalf and Doctor Strange are the two most notable “wizards” from their respective narratives. And, they are both a tad bit arrogant in their own ways.

However, their personalities and goals vary greatly. Gandalf is more relaxed, some of the time, and is more friendly. Doctor Strange is more grandiose and sarcastic. And, truthfully, Gandalf is analogous to an angel and might not be interested in dating at all.

Would: Aragorn and Steve Rogers

Aragorn and Captain America

As two of the main heroes from their respective franchises, it seems fitting that these two would make a good couple. They are both leaders of army-like forces and both have a lot of responsibility placed upon them.

And, their personalities would mesh well, too. They both have moments where they rebel against certain expectations, but, at their core, they are honorable men who take care of others and prize loyalty highly.

Wouldn’t: T’Challa and Celeborn

T'challa and Celeborn

These two were placed together because they are the two most “kingly” characters from each property. However, their personalities are pretty different. While both men are royalty and come across as wise and insightful, T’Challa has a way more dynamic personality.

He’s much younger, and he also has a good sense of humor and a playful side. Celeborn, on the other hand, is very old (seeing as he’s an elf) and is a bit of a stick in the mud.

Would: Samwise Gamgee and Laura Barton

samwise and laura barton

While many fans were confused by the MCU giving Clint Barton a wife, this couple would almost make more sense than that one.

Hawkeye in the MCU is much different in the comics, and fans didn’t see why he would have settled down with a family. Samwise, on the other hand, is a family guy who has always wanted to get married and have kids. So, he would be more suited to this kind of domestic life.

Wouldn’t: Tony Stark and Boromir

boromir and iron man

Tony Stark and Boromir do have some similarities in how they function in their narratives. They both come off as a bit arrogant and abrasive, and they both make some poor choices that cause harm.

However, they both do want to do the right thing and try to make up for these mistakes. But, their personalities might clash because they are too similar. Both of them would want to be in charge, and they would likely just annoy one another.

Would: Eowyn and Valkyrie

valkyrie and eowyn

One pairing that would be great to see in a crossover universe is Eowyn and Valkyrie. Both of these women are warriors and fighters, and while it’s true they do have varying personalities, they seem like they would complement one another well. Valkyrie is more outspoken and funny, and Eowyn is more serious and intense.

However, they would really respect one another and balance each other out.