Loki vs. The Mask: Who Made The Better Presidential Candidate?

Loki vs. The Mask: Who Made The Better Presidential Candidate?

Amid a presidential election year unlike any other in the United States, comic book fans are reminded of the few times elections have made their way to the panels of popular comic storylines including Loki and the Mask. While the two characters of chaos and mischief never ran against each other in a race for the Oval Office, Loki and Big Head each ran for President in their respective comic series. So, which one made the better presidential candidate?

Though he will seemingly find himself running for office in the Loki Disney+ series, Marvel Comics already dove into how the God of Mischief would campaign. Vote Loki #1-4 by Christopher Hastings and Langdon Foss finds Loki saving a presidential debate between two candidates from Hydra agents, creating a massive following across the US calling for his candidacy as a result of his witty, trenchant remarks and heroic behavior. Loki decides his following has a point and decides to run for president, telling the American people that he, unlike other candidates, would lie right to their faces rather than behind their backs. Voters loved Loki’s “honesty,” which carried the god of mischief far in the election, though come election day Loki was unsuccessful in claiming the Oval Office after a reporter was able to expose his indifference to the result… which it turned out had been his plan all along – penance for destroying her family’s home in his first comics appearance. 

In The Mask: I Pledge Allegiance To The Mask #1-4 by Christopher Cantwell and Patric Reynolds, Big Head is embodied in a man who is running for president with little chance at success who finds the mysterious artifact known as the Mask. Big Head decides the best way to get a leg up on the other candidates is to kill them, one by one, in a truly horrific fashion of which only the Mask is capable (a far cry from the kid-friendly Mask movies). When it comes time to sit down and discuss his political views with the American people, Big Head says he will eliminate taxes, make drugs available at the supermarket, and give a handgun to every child in America. Similarly to Vote Loki, voters ate up his blatant though terrifying honesty, and Big Head soared to the top of the polls and ended up winning the presidency as a result. While his term was short-lived after he was ambushed by those looking to destroy the Mask, Big Head still became President, which is more than Loki can say. 

Loki vs. The Mask: Who Made The Better Presidential Candidate?

Both villains have a track record of being agents of chaos – the Mask is even described as belonging to Loki in the movie adaptations starring Jim Carrey, though that connection is not confirmed in the comics. Loki and Big Head ran on relatively the same platform: blatant and despicable honesty. While Loki’s overall intentions were not to win but to better the life of one American, which would easily make him a better President than Big Head, the topic in question is who made the better presidential candidate. The one and only goal of a presidential candidate is to become President and, unfortunately for Loki and the citizens of the United States, that honor must go to Big Head, making the Mask the winner of this very particular duel.