Loki & Thor’s MCU Reunion Art Finally Makes Loki Worthy

Loki & Thor’s MCU Reunion Art Finally Makes Loki Worthy

A worthy Loki reunites with Thor in an emotional Marvel Cinematic Universe fan-art. The Asgardian Princes have been separated since the Sacred Timeline’s Loki died in Avengers: Infinity War. Thanks to the multiverse, however, Marvel Studios was able to find a way to bring back Tom Hiddleston to play his fan-favorite character by making him a variant. While his primary counterpart took years to be redeemed, his new iteration only needed a couple of TV seasons to make up for all of his trespasses.

Set on the heels of the Loki season 2 finale is this imagined reunion between Thor and a now-worthy Loki. Check out the emotional artwork below from Rachel Woo on Instagram.

The artwork visualizes Loki finally being able to lift Mjölnir after his massive sacrifice to save the multiverse makes him worthy of wielding the magical hammer. Interestingly, Thor isn’t threatened by it; instead, the God of Thunder just to see his brother again.

Why The MCU Needs A Loki & Thor Reunion

Loki & Thor’s MCU Reunion Art Finally Makes Loki Worthy

It’s no secret that the MCU is currently at a precarious point in its history. The success of Avengers: Endgame continues to haunt the franchise while it struggles to find its footing after having to rebuild following the end of the Infinity Saga. Since the death of Iron Man, Marvel Studios has introduced a string of new and interesting players that are expected to play a bigger role in the universe moving forward. Still, the original heroes like Loki and Thor will always be special, considering they have been in the MCU for much longer.

Given this, one way to get the public invested in the MCU again is to shift focus towards established characters like the Asgardian Princes. While there have been rumblings about re-assembling the original Avengers in the Multiverse Saga, the universe is better if they take advantage of the existing characters that they have now. Thor and Loki’s stories go hand in hand throughout the Infinity Saga, and their reunion after years of separation will be one of the biggest highlights of the MCU’s current storytelling. Aside from what it means to the bigger franchise, seeing them back together and catching up on each other’s recent adventures will set the stage for their future stories.

Loki at the end of Loki season 2 with Ikaris and Sersi in the MCU's Eternals


Loki Season 2’s Ending Makes The MCU’s New Avengers Roster Even More Important

The Loki season 2 ending effectively makes Tom Hiddleston’s character, God Loki, which means that his inevitable Avengers meeting more interesting.

Only time will tell if Marvel Studios is planning on reuniting Thor and Loki sooner rather than later. Looking at the franchise’s slate, other characters are set to be at the forefront of the Marvel Cinematic Universe‘s storytelling before Odin’s sons. Regardless, it’s safe to say that the Asgardian Princes will eventually cross paths again.

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