Loki, Sylvie, & Mobius Reimagined as Distracted Boyfriend Meme

Warning: This post contains spoilers for Loki episode 4

In a new poster created by a digital artist on Instagram, the stars of Loki were reimagined as an iconic piece of internet pop culture, the distracted boyfriend meme. The series, which debuted on Disney+ last month, currently has 4 out of its 6 episodes available to watch. With only 2 episodes left in the first season, fans have created many theories—and memes, of course—about the show and its titular god of mischief.

Episode 4 of Loki revealed some major bombshells. Viewers got to see a fragment of Sylvie’s life before she was taken by TVA agents, causing many to wonder about what exactly she did to disrupt the sacred timeline. Many careful viewers’ suspicions about the TVA were confirmed when Sylvie further proved that each member of the TVA was actually, at some point in time, a variant, and had unique memories of their own. In a scene with Hunter B-15, she asks Sylvie to enchant her in the same way Hunter C-20 was enchanted in episode 2. Hunter B-15 sees memories from her past life, and in a surprise move, joins Sylvie in turning against the TVA. Mobius, on the other hand, isn’t as easily convinced when Loki tries to warn him about the TVA’s deception. He thinks that Loki is being played by Sylvie, and accuses the god of falling in love with what is essentially, a version of himself. This leads to another classic Loki-Mobius moment, or “tête-à-tête,” as Loki tries to persuade the agent to fight against TVA.

Digital creator, @thebutcherbilly, captured Mobius’ disgust toward Loki and Sylvie’s relationship in a new poster which reimagined the characters in the popular distracted boyfriend meme. Loki is the “distracted boyfriend,” glancing over his shoulder at Sylvie. An offended Mobius looks up at Loki, repulsed as he sneaks a peek at the other Loki variant. Check out the poster below:

Loki made history when the god of mischief was revealed to be bisexual in episode 3, which raised hopes for fans looking for better LGBTQ+ representation in the MCU. Because of this, some hoped for a romance between Loki and Mobius. But those hopes were quickly crushed when Sylvie became Loki’s love interest in a surprise enemies-to-lovers arc. Mobius’ interrogation session with Loki was interpreted by many fans as a jealous spat, with Mobius going as far as to call the god a “seismic narcissist” for showing an interest in Sylvie. Obviously, this kind of pseudo love triangle lends itself to some pretty hilarious meme material. The poster was shared by Loki director Kate Herron, who tagged actor Sophia Di Martino (Sylvie).

Whether Mobius’ explosion at Loki was actually a lover’s quarrel or just a way for the agent to get information, fans certainly have their theories about the true nature of the characters’ relationship. Loki was clearly willing to throw himself under the bus to defend Sylvie, and even lied to Mobius by telling the agent Sylvie was working for him all along. But towards the end of the episode, Mobius starts to uncover the truth behind the TVA, and plans to help Loki and Sylvie in their plans to confront the Timekeepers. Of course, Mobius gets the wrong end of a pruning stick after Renslayer begins to suspect the agent. However, it’s unlikely this is the last audiences will see of Mobius, as a clip of the agent driving a car was already featured in the mid-season promo. At this point, anything is possible in the series. Perhaps, audiences will even get to see an undeniably funny love triangle between Loki, Mobius, and Sylvie unfold as season 1 of Loki approaches its finale.