Loki Isn’t the Enemy Thor Deserves, But The Enemy He Needs

Loki Isn’t the Enemy Thor Deserves, But The Enemy He Needs

Warning: Spoilers for The Immortal Thor #3!An entirely new layer to the Loki vs. Thor relationship is developing in the comics. Loki and Thor have always shared a complicated relationship, which has covered a variety of dynamics over the years, as they frequently switch back and forth between being allies and between being enemies – and sometimes, both at the same time, with Loki always serving a unique purpose in Thor’s heroic journey.

A deeper purpose to their perennial feud is explored in The Immortal Thor #3 – by Al Ewing, Martín Cóccolo, Matt Wilson, Joe Sabino, Michelle Marchese, C.B. Cebulski, and Will Moss – where what begins as a petty game becomes a learning moment, when Loki teaches Thor how to deal with a new enemy.

Loki Isn’t the Enemy Thor Deserves, But The Enemy He Needs

The issue highlights to readers exactly what kind of purpose Loki serves in Thor’s life at this stage in their long, unique relationship. Loki knows Thor better than anyone else in the Marvel Universe – and while this makes them the perfect antagonist for the God of Thunder, it also makes them the perfect teacher.

Loki Prepares Thor To Face A Villain Unlike Any He’s Battled Before

The Immortal Thor #3, Loki was testing Thor

Thor’s latest antagonist is the Thor of Utgard, Toranos. Escaping this new threat, Loki forces their brother into a “game”, trapping Thor on a rune planet until he answers a riddle. After forging a new legendary weapon, Thor succeeds in answers Loki’s riddle, but demands answers as to why they initiated this. Loki explains they’re preparing Thor to face Toranos, and getting their brother a new weapon when he needed one. Thor still would have died had he lost the game, but that’s the biggest part of Loki’s design. If I come to you as your enemy, it is as the enemy you need … and I will not coddle you.”

Considering how great the risk would have been had Thor failed this lesson, given Thor would have died, it would be easy to view Loki’s methods as being a little too extreme. However, at the same time, it also shows just how much Loki cares for their brother, in their own strange little way. Whether they come to Loki as an enemy, or as a well-meaning ally, they give Thor their all – and in this instance, it is all for the purpose of teaching him a greater lesson. For that lesson to be learned, the stakes have to be high in Loki’s mind, even if the results are villainous behavior.

Loki Is Thor’s Most Essential Supporting Character

he Immortal Thor #3, Loki is the enemy Thor needs to help him defeat a much greater threat

Immortal Thor #3 adds a new layer to the relationship between Thor and Loki, meditating on just how necessary Loki is in Thor’s life. Some heroes are lesser without the influence of their arch-rivals. This is the case with Loki’s prominent role in Thor’s life as well; Loki proves just as useful to Thor as an antagonist as an ally. It is more of a case of iron sharpening iron, and regardless of whether Loki comes to Thor with hate or love, with good or bad intentions. As an enemy or as a friend, Loki comes to Thor just when he needs them.

The Immortal Thor #3 is available from Marvel now.