Lilo & Stitch: The Main Characters Ranked, By Likability

Lilo & Stitch: The Main Characters Ranked, By Likability

Lilo & Stitch is one of Disney’s most enjoyable movies, and while at times it can be fairly underrated, the movie is a lot of fun. The mixture of the science fiction elements with Stitch and the other aliens, being combined with a full-hearted movie about family and the importance of ‘family’ worked perfectly.

The characters within this movie are full of energy, with some really big personalities helping to make this a very enjoyable story overall. Each character adds something unique to the movie. However, as with any good story, there were some that were more likable than others.

Mertle Edmonds

Lilo & Stitch: The Main Characters Ranked, By Likability

Mertle Edmonds only has a supporting role but when she does appear within the movie, she is not shown in a great light. It’s clear that Mertle isn’t that nice of a person as she’s incredibly cruel to Lilo at points, simply seeing her as someone who is different.

Mertle seems to think that Lilo is beneath her, and the way she treats her is simply bullying for the most point. Lilo certainly gives back as good as she gets, but Mertle is the one who comes across as the worst of the characters, which makes her unlikeable.

Captain Gantu

Captain Gantu flying his spaceship in Lilo & Stitch

Captain Gantu certainly brings a physical and scary presence to the movie, especially as the movie’s main antagonist. He is the captain of the Galactic Federation and Stitch’s rival, which only leads to Gantu being even more aggressive when it comes to chasing him down.

Gantu doesn’t show the same compassion that some of the other stricter characters do throughout the movie, and in the end, that leads to him being one of the worst characters ever.

Grand Councilwoman

Grand Counilwoman

The Grand Councilwoman is the leader of the United Galactic Federation and she works hard to try and bring Stitch back, looking to capture him while he’s on Earth. While she is trying to do her job as Stitch is seen as a major threat, there are a few times where she does is unlikeable.

However, the fact that she ends up showing a softer side to herself at the very end of the movie turns things around for her at the last minute. The fact that she sees the good that others bring is a really big positive for her.

Cobra Bubbles


Cobra Bubbles is someone who comes across as a character that people might hate and be scared of at the start of the movie. After all, he seems like he is going to be very harsh and split Nina and Lilo apart. However, as the movie goes on, the social worker quickly proves himself to be kind and caring in reality.

He works hard and does his job correctly, trying to do what he feels is best for everyone. Plus, because he has such a soft heart and has a great relationship with Lilo throughout the movie so it isn’t surprising that the viewers grew to love him.

Jumba Jookiba

Jumba Lilo and Stitch

Jumba Jookiba is someone who is actually very intelligent, as he is the person responsible for creating Stitch in the first place. However, when he is sent to Earth to retrieve him, Jumba proves that he can quite as well.

His friendship with Pleakley brings a lot of funny moments, which helps to really enhance the story overall. Plus, because Jumba actually cares about Stitch, he is someone that the audience is able to appreciate as he sees the positives in Stitch that the others aren’t aware of.


David Lilo and Stitch

David is someone who just tries his best to be part of Nani and Lilo’s life, always wanting to help them as much as possible. He’s quite goofy and silly, and that brings a lot of funny elements to him.

On top of that, his loyalty is something that easily makes him a hit with audiences. David happily puts himself on the line to help Nani at every point and that makes him one of the nicest characters within the movie.


Pleakley looking at himself in the mirror in Lilo & Stitch

Out of everyone within the movie, Pleakley is the one who brings the most comedy to it, and that certainly makes him one of the most popular characters throughout. While Pleakley is initially sent to try and collect Stitch, it’s clear that he loves and enjoys the Earth lifestyle.

Seeing him experience different things that Earth can provide brings a lot of humor, and all of it combined makes him a great character. Ultimately, he is one of Disney’s funniest supporting characters.


Lilo and Nani Hug

Nani is one of Disney’s most underrated characters, as she takes on the mother role to her sister, Lilo, and does an amazing job at it. Her life wasn’t going the way she wanted but she always tries her best.

She works incredibly hard to keep a roof over their heads and makes sure that Lilo is her number one priority. Everything Nani does is about her family and that makes her come across very well. It makes her very easy to like as she is very relatable.



Stitch has gone down in history as one of the most popular Disney characters of all time. His over the top personality and brilliant growth throughout the movie bringing a lot of joy. At first, Stitch is aggressive and causes nothing but carnage, but once he learns about Lilo and the importance of family, the character becomes incredibly loveable.

He then becomes a character that is fiercely loyal and funny. Stitch’s energy works really well, and his scenes are always humorous, especially when he’s dancing around to Elvis Presley. He really does develop into being the dream pet that Lilo initially wanted.


Lilo and Stitch Disney

Ultimately, Lilo is the main character within this movie, and Disney did an amazing job at creating a character that was full of emotion and heart. She clearly goes through a difficult time with the loss of her parents, but deep down, she knows the importance of family and her sister, in particular.

Lilo is very creative and has a lot of imagination, which makes her very funny to watch. She’s incredibly sassy as well, not being afraid of saying what’s on her mind to whoever is in front of her, no matter what. Her bravery and heart is ultimately what puts her over the top of everyone else, simply because she’s such a compelling character.