Leon Interview: A Day To Die

Leon Interview: A Day To Die

Crime-oriented action films and heist movies a natural pairing, and A Day To Die merges the two together. Directed by Wes Miller, viewers can check out A Day To Die in theaters and on VOD services on March 4. A Day To Die also brings together some big stars, including Bruce Willis, Frank Grillo, and Leon as the film’s antagonist Tyrone Pettis.

When parole officer Connor (Kevin Dillon) takes out a member of a drug ring, he finds himself pulled into a new deadly game to save his wife. In the space of one day, he has to reimburse Tyrone Pettis $2 million. In order to pull that insurmountable task off, Connor calls upon the help of some old military special ops friends in order to get the ruthless Pettis his money.

We speak to Leon about the making of A Day To Die, working alongside Bruce Willis, Frank Grillo, and director Wes Miller, and his role in the film as the sinister Pettis.

Screen Rant: How did you become involved with A Day To Die

Leon: So, I got a call that Wes Miller, the director, was a fan of mine and wanted to meet me and talk to me about this role of Pettis in this movie. We talked, I really liked him as a director, there’s not too many African-American action film directors out there. So, we talked about it, we talked about the character in-depth, and I said ‘Yeah, let’s go along for the ride’.

So, what was it like working with co-stars like Bruce Willis and Frank Grillo?

Leon: It was great. Of course, everyone knows Bruce, he’s a legend of the game, especially of the action game. Frank is someone that I’ve known for years, from being in downtown New York, we’ve got a lot of mutual friends. We hadn’t seen each other in a while, so it was really great to be on set with him. And of course, Kevin [Dillon], I’ve been friends with his family forever, me and his brother Matt have been the best of friends forever. It was a very friendly set, so for me, my character, having to be the type of character that’s basically me against the world, working with actors that I actually knew and liked was kind of fun.

Was the whole movie done during COVID?

Leon: Oh yeah, definitely. What’s not during COVID now!

How did that impact the experience of making A Day To Die

Leon: Well, you know, we have to go through all the protocols we have to go through. We have to constantly be tested and wear masks, and just try to keep everybody safe. With the amount of money it would cost for someone to come down or test positive on set, you just can’t afford it. So, we have to all try our best to keep everybody, whether it’s the other actors or everybody on the set safe, and we’ve been the last two years.

So, what really stood out to you in the making A Day To Die in terms your role role in the film?

Leon: What stood out to me was the type of character that Wes had written for Pettis, and to give this antagonist a lot of different dimensions, and to have him not be a typical antagonist. And so, I think whenever I get a chance to play roles like that, I jump at it, because you always want to play roles that are a little bit different, that may seem typical at first, but aren’t.

Leon Interview: A Day To Die

What were some of the more memorable moments or experiences from the making of A Day To Die for you?

Leon: Being down in Jackson, Mississippi. I hadn’t really been there before, and spending time with the people there and getting to know them. And more importantly, just going to work every day just trying to make something that’s going to hopefully make people excited and be a fun movie to watch.

What were some of your favorite scenes or standout moments from the making of the film?

Leon: Well, you know, being an actor who loves drama and likes to chew up scenery when I get a chance, I enjoyed doing the scenes in my office. In the office, I have scenes with Connor’s wife, also my head henchman, and I kind of made that office my home, and I hope people get that in the movie.

Would you want to collaborate with your co-stars in the film like Bruce Willis and Frank Grillo again?

Leon: Sure, I mean, it’s all about the movie and the story. If we can make something and there’s a good story that people want to watch, it’s great. Someone asked me recently, ‘What kind of movies do you like?’, and I said ‘Ones that are seen’. So, I want to do movies that are enjoyable for people to watch and that they’re going to put out there and you get to see the work?

What do you have coming up after the release of A Day To Die?

Leon: After A Day To Die comes out, I just have my continuing role on City on a Hill on Showtime, and I’m touring with my band, Leon and the Peoples.

So, with your role as Pettis in A Day To Die, do you have a preference for protagonists or villains?

Leon: Well, you know, often times in a movie, especially if it’s an action movie, the best role is often the bad guy. You get to chew up scenery, you get to do some of the more memorable things in the movie. So, when you get the chance to play a role like that, I love doing it, but I don’t particularly care what role I play in a movie as long as it’s important to the movie and important to the story.

A Day To Die will be released in theaters and on VOD platforms on March 4.