LEGO Fortnite: How to Build A Rocket Ship

LEGO Fortnite: How to Build A Rocket Ship

Building is one of the most fun parts of LEGO’s, and now players of LEGO Fortnite can build anything they have the bricks for, including a Rocket Ship. This can be done in either Survival or Sandbox mode, but it will be easier in Sandbox mode with unlimited building materials. There are many different ways to build a Rocket Ship, but players will need to have a plan before they start.

While players might start off recruiting villagers in LEGO Fortnite, they will soon be off to the races to build the biggest Village they can. Once players have enough resources, they can build the Rocket Ship of their dreams.

LEGO Fortnite: How to Build A Rocket Ship


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Building A Rocket Ship In LEGO Fortnite

A custom rocket ship flies into the sky in Lego Fortnite.

YouTuber JaxBek shows how to build a rocket ship in his video below, and the detailed requirements are as follows. Building a Rocket Ship will take a little time once you start, but collecting the materials is the hardest part. If you are playing Survival Mode, remember that as your Village is upgraded, villagers can collect resources for you, such as marble in LEGO Fortnite. Remember, what goes up must come down, and you must reassemble your Rocket. The table below lists all the materials you will need for the parts required to build a Rocket Ship.


Amount Needed

Materials Required


Dynamic Foundation


4x Wood

Place this down first

Wood Foundation (4x4x12)


1x Wood

Place this in the middle of the Dynamic Foundation

Dynamic Foundation


4x Wood

Place this Dynamic Foundation on top of the last piece

Large Thruster


3x Wooden Rods 2x Blast Powder 1x Torch

Place all four along the bottom of the last placed Dynamic Foundation. They should be placed evenly, in the corners with a single brick margin around the edge.

Castle Railing 04 (1x12x3)


1x Granite

Place these along the top with the edges touching, it may be a little uneven but you can replace these with other walls or fences to make it look the way you want.

Activation Switch


1x Wood 1x Blast Powder

Place this on top or where you plan for your character to stand when you want to blast off.

Add more walls, a roof, or even a garden to complete the ship and make it your own. Replace the fences with walls and add a roof to make it look like an enclosed rocket. Remember, outfits from Fortnite‘s base game often transfer over to LEGO form, giving you plenty of options to look like an astronaut! While this is a basic build that will allow you to blast off, there are plenty of ways to make your Rocket Ship truly your own in LEGO Fortnite.

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    How Long To Beat:
    64 Hours