Law & Order SVU Meets Criminal Minds: Who Would Be Friends?

Law & Order SVU Meets Criminal Minds: Who Would Be Friends?

With Law & Order: SVU going strong and already renewed for its next season, and Criminal Minds spinoff already in the works, these procedural shows are clearly two of the best.

These shows are also very similar – both procedurals, of course, but also both dealing with a close knit team who take down vicious criminals and killers. They both have to cope with the darkest elements of human nature, although the level of crime they take on is quite different. Some of the characters even have similar personalities, making audiences curious about who might be friends if the worlds converged.

Olivia Benson And JJ Jareau

Law & Order SVU Meets Criminal Minds: Who Would Be Friends?

Olivia Benson is one of the characters still on SVU from the beginning, and JJ was on Criminal Minds from start to finish. Both of these women have very similar personalities. They are both known for having a caring and level-headed persona, as well as being tough leaders when the time calls for it.

These two could easily be friends because they share similar traits, especially being able to engage in difficult situations with both an emotional understanding and reasonable thinking. In the shows, both of these women were kidnapped by enemies that changed their lives, but they came out stronger and with a new understanding of life.

Elliot Stabler And Derek Morgan

Stabler from SVU and Morgan from Criminal Minds.

Stabler and Morgan may have different personalities at first glance, but the way they handle their jobs are quite similar. When Stabler was still a part of the Special Victims Unit, he was a dedicated and thoughtful member of the team but was also known for losing his cool. Similarly, Derek Morgan is known for being a natural leader because of his strong skills in his work but gets distraught when things become personal.

These two men would have a connection because they would appreciate the other’s dedication. Both are high-spirited people that have determined to protect others they feel need their care.

Fin Tutuola And Penelope Garcia

Tutuola from SVU and Garcia from Criminal Minds.

Fin Tutuola and Penelope Garcia are both people with honest, quirky personalities. Though these two often feel like they’re in the background, they each have gotten episodes that highlight their unique personalities and their passions. While their interests may seem few and far between, they’re both open communicators that are valued in their teams.

Where Penelope Garica is outgoing and caring, Fin Tutuola is resourceful and never fails to tell people what he’s really thinking. These two would be friends because, though Fin might find Penelope to be over the top, they’re both open communicators that will tell a friend what they’re really thinking.

Amanda Rollins And Elle Greenaway

Rollins from SVU and Greenaway from Criminal Minds.

From the moment Amanda Rollins started on SVU, the audience could tell she was as good at her job as she was flawed in her ability to make life decisions. Similarly, when Elle was a part of the profile team on Criminal Minds, she was an excellent profiler but had some serious faults when it came to her ethics.

Elle ended up off the show after she was accused of killing a man. While Rollins is still part of her team, she has had a lot of bumps in the road that nearly led to her being tossed out. These two would be friends not only because they’re excellent at what they do and care about the work they do, but they’re also imperfect enough to understand each other’s faults.

George Huang And Spencer Reid

Huang from SVU and Reid from Criminal Minds.

George Huang is one of the aspects fans miss the most about the older seasons of SVU, adding a different and educated perspective to the psychology behind cases. While Reid lasted longer on his show than Huang as a side character, Reid is also known for contributing valuable information that no one else is aware of.

These two are extremely intelligent people. While Huang may not have a genius IQ like Spencer, they are both interested in psychology and use it in their work. In a universe in which Huang’s FBI job intersected with Reid’s team, these two would be able to interact in a likely a very in-sync way, bonding through their unique understanding of important details of the human psyche.

Alexandra Cabot And Emily Prentiss

Cabot from SVU and Prentiss from Criminal Minds.

Alexandra Cabot was a resourceful, talented ADA that was already dedicated to doing her job no matter the cost. Similarly, Emily Prentiss dedicated her whole life to her work, moving around the world to pursue different careers. Both of these characters are known for being stern individuals but can get emotionally involved when a case is particularly moving.

Both of these women have some shared experiences, including going into hiding to avoid people bent on killing them. These two would be fast friends because they are workaholics who have sacrificed much of their personal lives to ensure they help others and make a difference.

John Munch And Aaron Hotchner

Munch from SVU and Hotchner from Criminal Minds.

From the moment both of these characters were introduced, it was clear they were the most experienced members of their teams. Though John Munch is missed from SVU and Aaron Hotchner from Criminal Minds, they left a lasting impact on the audience and the characters left behind.

John Munch has a quirky personality with a good sense of humor and a focus on the controversial, while Aaron Hotchner is relatively stoic and has a hard time showing his feelings. However, they would be respectful companions because they have respect for the people around them and care deeply for the people on their team.

Dominick Carisi and David Rossi

Carisi from SVU and Rossi from Criminal Minds.

These two characters are similar in a few standings, and it’s not only that they’re Italians still in touch with their heritage and culture. Carisi has climbed the ladder in his career, with success in his eyes. Rossi spent his whole life determined to be successful and got there by the time he was first introduced to the show.

These two would get along because both men are career-oriented that focus on doing the right thing, even if their team can give them a headache while they’re working through the complexity of a case. Carisi would be very respectful to Rossi because he’s proven he has respect for people that have proven themselves and established a good reputation.