Latest Watchmen Trailer = All Kinds Of Awesome

You’re in luck, you don’t have to go see the latest James Bond flick Quantum of Solace just to get a look at the new Watchmen trailer – you can see it tonight, right now, right here.

Of course watching it online doesn’t really compare with seeing it on a 20 foot tall movie screen, but hey you take what you can get, right?

This trailer reveals more about the movie than before – kind of like slowly unwrapping a Christmas package to get a peek at the present. The problem is knowing when to stop so as to not spoil the final effect when sitting down to watch the entire film for the first time. We finally get to hear some meaningful dialog from the cast – mostly Rorschach… and I wouldn’t want to cross him.

Check out the brand new trailer below:


For higher-res versions of the trailer head over to Yahoo! Movies.

This is probably for me (at least right now) my most highly anticipated movie of 2009.

What do you think?

Watchmen is currently scheduled to open in theaters and IMAX on March 6, 2009.