KUWTK: How Norway’s New Instagram Law Will Affect The Kar-Jenners

KUWTK: How Norway’s New Instagram Law Will Affect The Kar-Jenners

Norway is taking drastic measures against altering photos on social media, which could negatively affect the facetuning queens of Keeping Up With The Kardashians. The country recently announced a ban on edited paid Instagram advertisements. Not only did the new law ban the highly popular feature, but they’re threatening to jail influencers who are guilty of the crime. Now, KUWTK fans are wondering how the new law will affect the famous sisters, who are known for enhancing their online appearance.

The Kar-Jenner sisters are often criticized and accused of photoshopping and facetuning their social media pics and videos. A number of videos have shown hints of photoshop where the background appears cinched around areas where the sisters might’ve been carrying a little extra weight. Earlier this year, Khloé Kardashian was forced to respond to a photo leak scandal after she was caught working hard to get an unedited photo of herself scraped from the internet. Khloé addressed the backlash by going on live and showing that her body wasn’t “photoshopped.” During the reunion, viewers called out Kim Kardashian after she denied claims of her family promoting an unattainable beauty standard.

But it looks like the country of Norway is taking matters into its own hands. Now, as part of Norway’s Marketing Act, they’re demanding for social influencers, like Kylie Jenner, to clearly state if their sponsored ad has any photo edits. According to NY Post, guilty culprits will be fined or jailed for breaking the new law. The rule applies to popular social networking platforms used by the Kar-Jenners, including Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, Twitter, and Snapchat. As a result of the new law, advertisers and influencers paid by advertisers will have to be honest and state if their photo or video was retouched in any way. A new label designed by the Norwegian Ministry of Children and Family Affairs will be added to any paid ads where someone’s shape, size, or skin has been altered.

KUWTK: How Norway’s New Instagram Law Will Affect The Kar-Jenners

This applies to instances where an influencer advertises a lip product but enhances the photo to make their lips appear bigger, or enhances their muscles or weight while promoting a fitness product. The country is working to stop paid influencers from promoting unsafe or unattainable beauty standards, which Kim already claimed her family doesn’t do. Fans and viewers blasted Kim for the comment, but she has yet to respond to the critics who have been calling out the apparent hypocrisy. Now, it’s up to the Norwegian monarch King Harald V to decide when the new law will go into effect.

The ban could lead to paid influencers like the Kar-Jenners avoiding posting pics in Norway rather than revealing their natural, unfiltered appearance online. It could also mean the sisters will continue to edit their photos and risk having to add the label indicating the photo was retouched. The law is a gamechanger and has many wondering how the Kar-Jenners will work to get around it.