KUWTK: Highlights From The Reunion Show Part 1

Keeping Up With The Kardashians fans have been looking forward to the two-part reunion show, and there are a lot of things that were revealed on night one. Andy Cohen had the pleasure of hosting the Kardashians, and, in true Andy fashion, he did not hold back when it came to asking the tough questions.

As most people already know, The Kardashians revealed that they would be ending their show after 20 successful seasons. Fans were devastated over the news, but it was only a matter of time before the family became too busy and wanted to move on with their lives. The Kardashians agreed to sit down for a reunion show, and fans learned a lot that they did not know about the group.

To start the reunion show off, Andy dove right in and asked Kourtney Kardashian why the show ended. Kourtney has been under fire for being the reason the show ended, so it is no coincidence Andy pointed the question at her. She revealed that while it was not entirely her fault KUTWK ended, she was the one who was most in favor of the decision. She said, “I just felt like it wasn’t productive.” She went on to explain that the amount of time spent filming and the fact that episodes would air six months after things occurred made for a “slightly toxic environment.” Kourtney also said she thinks her relationship with Scott Disick would have “probably” survived had they not filmed and revealed so much about it on the show.

Kim discussed her short marriage to Kris Humphries and how she got cold feet the night before. She even revealed that Kris Jenner offered to put her in a car and take her somewhere where nobody could find her, so she could essentially leave him at the altar. She said, “I am going to be known as the runaway bride forever, and it’s going to be a huge joke, and I think I just have cold feet.” Kim says she felt pressured to go through with the wedding because it was being filmed for KUWTK. She did admit the Kris deserved an apology from her but that he would never return her calls, so she never got that chance.

On that note, Kim addressed the very public divorce from Kanye West. Kim didn’t want to discuss exactly why the marriage didn’t work, but she did say, “It was not one specific thing that happened on either part. I think it was just a general difference of opinions on a few things that led to this decision.” Kim also mentioned that she tried her hardest to make it work and then praised Kanye for being a great parent. Kris Jenner was also asked about her divorce from Caitlyn Jenner and revealed the two would have separated even if Caitlyn hadn’t gone through a transition.

While many are saddened to see the Kardashians leave reality television for good, fans learned a lot of things from the Keeping Up With The Kardashians reunion part one. The good news is that there is still so much to learn once part two airs. It will be interesting to see what other juicy, behind-the-scenes details are revealed by the famous family.