Kristen Stewart, Katy O’Brian & Love Lies Bleeding Director Discuss Interplay Of Love & Strength

Kristen Stewart, Katy O’Brian & Love Lies Bleeding Director Discuss Interplay Of Love & Strength

Love Lies Bleeding is a genre-bending exploration of love, strength, and violence that follows Lou and Jackie in a heightened version of the American West in the 1980s. Lou, an introverted gym manager, and Jackie, a bodybuilder with ambitious dreams, collide and fall in love fast. However, they are drawn into the dangerous world of crime as lust and love pull them deeper into the drama of Lou’s family.

Rose Glass makes waves once again after her directorial debut, Saint Maud. Teaming up with fellow writer Weronika Tofilska, the pair subverts expectations and bring a new crime couple to the big screen. Love Lies Bleeding stars Kristen Stewart as Lou, Katy O’Brian as Jackie, Ed Harris as Lou Sr., the father of Stewart’s character, and Jena Malone as Beth.

Kristen Stewart, Katy O’Brian & Love Lies Bleeding Director Discuss Interplay Of Love & Strength


Love Lies Bleeding Is A Kristen Stewart Genre Comeback 22 Years In The Making

Directed by Rose Glass (Saint Maud), 2024’s Love Lies Bleeding marks a definitive Kristen Stewart genre comeback that’s been 22 years in the making.

Screen Rant interviewed the team leading Love Lies Bleeding, including director Rose Glass as well as stars Kristen Stewart and Katy O’Brian. Glass discussed what influenced the visuals and the story of the movie. Stewart explained her character’s journey, and O’Brian broke down the exploration of strength, both physical and emotional, in Love Lies Bleeding.

Kristen Stewart Shares Insight Into Her Love Lies Bleeding Character’s Journey

Katy O'Brian leans on a car and Kristen Stewart sits atop one in Love Lies Bleeding

Screen Rant: Rose, Love Lies Bleeding is 180 departure from your first film, the brilliant Saint Maud, but they do both share some themes, people trying to transform themselves and the power dynamic of intimate relationships. Can you talk about what influenced the story of this film?

Rose Glass: Well, I co-wrote this one with Weronika Tofilska, whereas Saint Maud I wrote by myself. So, I think we probably influenced each other a lot when we were writing it. And I went to her with a very embryonic version of the idea and, then, it was just sort of trying not to hold back and just try to entertain each other and surprise each other. And that’s what led us where we’ve ended up.

Kristen, this film explores the gray areas of love, and Lou’s desire to protect the one she loves knows no bounds. What initially attracted you to the character of Lou, and what were your first thoughts when you read the script?

Kristen Stewart: Lou’s harboring a lot. We don’t learn much about what that is until we actually already really like her and love her just for her weird idiosyncrasies, but then you realize her twitchiness, or her defensiveness, or non-verbal communication skills come from really dark places that she’s ashamed of. And to meet that person and then watch them fall head over heels in love with someone is funny and weird.

Yeah. I think playing this feeble, smoking, barely alive person get woken up by someone just so vivacious and, then, also being like I’m a good guy, I’m a noble, righteous person who wants to do all the right things, but right and wrong, it barely exists. It changes every 10 years. You know what I mean? What does that actually mean? And so, just watching her fight for her right to be a tender, loving thing is sweet, and it’s not noble, and it’s not righteous, but it is relatable.

Katy O’Brian Discusses How Love Lies Bleeding Explores Strength

Kristen Stewart in Love Lies Bleeding

It is definitely relatable. Now, Katy, can you talk about playing Jackie, physically tapping into such a strong, literal, female character and what you wanted to bring to the role that went beyond the page?

Katy O’Brian: I feel like when you have a strong looking body, people tend to think that’s just all you are, just this lunk that walks around, and Jackie was just such a fully formed, beautiful person. And I think that even in any action role, whatever, I want to bring that level of vulnerability and a human being to the front because it’s not really about this shell, it’s about what’s inside, and that’s what I really wanted to bring out for Jackie. It’s a story about someone who desperately wants to be loved, and it’s f-cking sad. It’s just really heartbreaking, and I think a lot of people feel that. And yeah, I loved her despite it all.

Kristen Stewart: She’s lovable. She’s adorable.

Rose Glass Borrowed One Significant Element From Mulholland DriveWinkie's Diner Sign From Mulholland DriveRose, I love Mulholland Drive. It’s one of my favorite movies of all time, but I definitely picked up some Mulholland Drive energy from this film. Can you talk about some of your cinematic influences for this movie?

Rose Glass: Yeah. We stole the name Winkie’s, the diner, which I think our producers didn’t realize until we were filming it. Me and Weronika were like, “Oh yeah, we nicked that”. They’re like, “Oh, what”? Homage. Yeah, I mean, there’s probably a lot of stuff like that that inevitably seeps in, and I think, particularly, given where the film takes place and when there’s so many famous films that leap to mind with ease. So, in a way to not get too self-conscious about it, I tried to not overly pinpoint those things. I’d never seen Thelma and Louise until after making this film.

It’s one of those ones, it’s such a famous film. It’s one of those ones you sort of feel that you’ve seen without seeing it. But I knew that there would be crossover story-wise, and I didn’t want to get self-conscious about it, so I didn’t watch that. I didn’t revisit any of the other biggies that come to mind. Put my head in the sand and go la-la-la, yes, I’m doing my own thing and just follow the characters.

About Love Lies Bleeding

Lou is a reclusive gym manager who falls hard for Jackie, an ambitious bodybuilder who’s heading to Las Vegas to pursue her dream. Their love soon leads to violence as they get pulled deep into the web of Lou’s criminal family.

Love Lies Bleeding Movie Poster Featuring a Muscular Woman Holding a gun

Love Lies Bleeding


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Love Lies Bleeding is an action crime film from A24. Directed by Rose Glass, Love Lies Bleeding centers on a gym employee, played by Kristen Stewart, and a bisexual bodybuilder (Katy O’Brian) as they discover how difficult the world of competitive bodybuilding is. The film also stars Jena Malone, Anna Baryshnikov, Dave Franco, and Ed Harris.


Rose Glass

Release Date

March 8, 2024


, Film4


, Lionsgate


Rose Glass
, Weronika Tofilska


Kristen Stewart
, Katy O’Brian
, Jena Malone
, Anna Baryshnikov
, Dave Franco
, Ed Harris


104 Minutes