Kreese’s Karate Kid History Reveals 1 Big Clue About His Revenge Plan In Cobra Kai Season 6

Kreese’s Karate Kid History Reveals 1 Big Clue About His Revenge Plan In Cobra Kai Season 6

Kreese’s history in The Karate Kid franchise teases what to expect from his story when he ultimately returns in Cobra Kai season 6. Cobra Kai season 5’s ending amounted to a surprising turn of events for Kreese, especially in light of the conflict that was unfolding with Terry Silver and Cobra Kai’s main characters. Had he continued his act in prison, an exoneration likely would have been in sight for Kreese, but his escape only worsened his situation and set him on a new, uncertain path.

While he had no way of knowing it, with Terry Silver beaten and discredited, Kreese had an opportunity for a fresh start. However, his actions have turned him into a fugitive. This change in pace makes it difficult to determine exactly what the show has in store for Martin Kreese’s character, though revenge is likely on his mind. In light of what’s happened, he could have a motive to target any or all of three Cobra Kai characters: Daniel, Johnny, and Silver. For now, his next move remains open to speculation. That said, there is one part of his strategy that may not be so hard to nail down ahead of Cobra Kai season 6.

Kreese Has A Predictable History Of Faking His Death

Kreese’s Karate Kid History Reveals 1 Big Clue About His Revenge Plan In Cobra Kai Season 6

At this point in The Karate Kid timeline, it’s become clear that faking his death is a favored tactic for Kreese, who has employed it on three known occasions. The first was in the original trilogy when it was revealed that Kreese was believed to be dead in The Karate Kid Part III. He used this false assumption about his fate to spring a surprise on Daniel at the Cobra Kai dojo. Years later, Johnny was also shown to be under the impression that Kreese was dead in Cobra Kai season 1. Having heard about this from Johnny, Daniel later acknowledged that Kreese has faked his death “twice.

A third use of this tactic occurred in the Cobra Kai season 5 finale. To pull a trick on the prison staff, Kreese orchestrated a fake murder attempt by a fellow convict. The scheme worked and put him in position for an easy escape. The very nature of the plan naturally made perceptions of his death short-lived. But while this differs a bit from his intentions in The Karate Kid Part III, it says a lot about how Kreese likes to approach his problems. Clearly, Kreese appreciates the low profile he gains from people falsely believing he’s dead. It would seem that in his mind, this lie gives him an advantage against his enemies, who are no longer aware of the threat he poses.

Kreese’s fondness for this strategy makes sense when considering his constant snake analogies, including the one he made in the season 2 premiere. When discussing brumation, Kreese talked about how snakes burrow into holes, “waiting for the right moment to emerge.” That idea applies perfectly to Kreese’s tactics in The Karate Kid and Cobra Kai; by pretending to be dead, he can bide his time and wait for his chance to strike without those he considers his enemies becoming wise to his intentions.

What Faking His Death A Fourth Time Would Mean For Kreese’s Cobra Kai Season 6 Story

When looking at Kreese’s past tendencies, it’s not hard to imagine Kreese trying this a fourth time, possibly offscreen. Given that a time skip is expected for Cobra Kai season 6, it’s possible that it’ll be revealed that the characters heard that Kreese died sometime after escaping from prison. Kreese preferring to take his time would help explain why he wouldn’t rush his revenge or attack sooner than season 6. If that’s the case and they really do believe he’s dead, characters like Johnny and Daniel may not be concerned about Kreese potentially returning while they prepare their combined dojo for Cobra Kai’s Sekai Taikai tournament.

Johnny and Daniel being preoccupied with the Sekai Taikai, or Terry Silver being focused on staying out of prison, would be of great benefit to Kreese’s plans. It’ll also create a shock factor for the characters in the show and set up an extremely tense encounter when he does show up. By maintaining a sense of suspense while building up to his return, Cobra Kai can ensure that Kreese makes an unforgettable grand entrance, one that may even rival the scene that reintroduced him in the season 1 finale.

What Exactly Is Kreese Trying To Accomplish In Cobra Kai Season 6?

A popular theory postulates that Kreese will team up with Kim Dae-Eun

Martin Kove as John Kreese in prison in Cobra Kai

If his return to the picture truly is unexpected by his rivals, the odds may be in his favor in the upcoming struggle, whether it’s between the competitors at the Sekai Taikai or off the mat entirely. If it’s the former, that would fit in well with a growing theory that Kreese will team up with Sensei Kim Dae-Eun, who could seek to lead a new version of Cobra Kai since the dojo hasn’t officially lost its tournament spot. Cobra Kai did previously hint at Kreese having a connection to Kim, so an alliance between them wouldn’t be without setup.

Thanks to Kim, Kreese has an easy way to remain an enemy of Johnny and Daniel without immediately making his presence known. She can be the face of Cobra Kai, with Kreese lurking in the shadows and working against them in secret. With her as the official leader, Kreese can guide her students toward the tournament in Cobra Kai season 6 and reveal his return when it suits him.