Kingman’s Eggsy Just Died in Official Continuity (The Same Way As His Uncle Harry)

Kingman’s Eggsy Just Died in Official Continuity (The Same Way As His Uncle Harry)

Major Spoilers for Big Game #3 ahead!!

Issue #2 of Mark Millar’s Big Game limited series, which has seen the writer connect his various titles in a shared continuity, seemingly positioned crimefighter Hit Girl and the comic book counterpart to Kingsman’s Eggsy as the last, best hope for the Millarverse’s heroes – a notion that Big Game #3 brutally dispelled, as Eggsy became the latest hero to die at the hands of the Fraternity of Super Criminals.

Big Game #3 – written by Mark Millar, with art by Pepe Larraz – witnessed Eggsy going out in exactly the same way as his Uncle did in Millar’s Kingsman comic book series, shot in the head by a henchman of the main antagonist.

Kingman’s Eggsy Just Died in Official Continuity (The Same Way As His Uncle Harry)

While readers expected Millar to kill his darlings in Big Game, and the series has so far delivered, Eggsy’s death is perhaps its most impactful yet.

Eggsy Was Out Of His Element Against The Fraternity

big game #3 eggsy hit girl fraternity fire fight

First introduced in 2012’s The Secret Service, Gary “Eggsy” Unwin has turned out to be the Mark Millar character that has translated best to the big screen, with the series’ 2015 film adaptation Kingsman: The Secret Service spawning two sequels and a prequel. Eggsy, played on-screen by Taron Egerton, has become a much-loved character – presumably, this is why Millar killed him off so graphically in Big Game #3, to give the reader the series’ biggest gut-punch moment yet. Eggsy’s violent, tragic death raises the stakes considerably for readers who came into the series already emotionally invested in the character.

Eggsy’s Death May Not Be Permanent

hit girl cradles eggsy's body as wesley approaches

In Mark Millar’s original Secret Service limited series, Eggsy’s Uncle Jack is shot in the eye by the villain’s henchman. The character, renamed Harry for the Kingsman adaptation, seems to suffer a similar fate in the film – though the sequel, 2017’s Kingsman: The Golden Circle, diverges from the source material by revealing Uncle Harry, played by Colin Firth, in fact survived. While the Millarverse-version, Uncle Jack, likely remains dead, it is possible his nephew Eggsy will have luck closer to that of his cinematic uncle. Big Game #3 ends with Hit-Girl using technology from another Millar series, Chrononauts, to travel back in time, perhaps providing a hint at the series’ endgame.

Big Game #3 also featured a brief appearance by characters from Millar’s Magic Order, wielders of mystical powers who protect the world from supernatural threats. With the Millarverse populated by superpowered beings, time travel technology, and magic of untold power, there are multiple vectors within the story for Eggsy to return, if all the characters killed in the series ultimately do not. With Big Game, Millar has tightly interwoven decades worth of his stories, making every element count – whether his demise sticks, or Hit-Girl finds a way to bring Eggsy back, the Kingsman protagonist’s death will prove vital to the series.

Big Game #3 is now available from Image Comics.