Kingdom Hearts III: The 5 Best Keyblades (& 5 Worst)

Kingdom Hearts III: The 5 Best Keyblades (& 5 Worst)

What would the Kingdom Hearts video game franchise be without keyblades? It’d hardly even be worth playing! It’s as intrinsic to the franchise as mushrooms are to Super Mario Brothers and thick boxing gloves are to Wii Sports.

The seminal 2019 release of Kingdom Hearts III continued the storied legacy of keyblades in the franchise. As one of the most creatively designed hybrid weapons in video game history (and an iconic emblem of the story), the keyblade maintained its prominent status in the industry. While some were not quite up to the lofty standards, the best the game had to offer were among the best in the franchise’s history.

Best: Crystal Snow

Kingdom Hearts III: The 5 Best Keyblades (& 5 Worst)

Putting Crystal Snow on the “best” side of the list might be controversial, but it has a lot of underrated features that help it stand out amid a sea of keyblades that can verge on blending together.

For one, Crystal Snow is one of the best keyblades for fighting multiple enemies. That can’t be underrated and it makes Crystal Snow an underappreciated takeaway from finishing up in Arendelle.

Worst: Happy Gear

Kingdom Hearts III

Moving away from Arendelle, the Happy Gear keyblade results after a traipse through Monstropolis. However, it almost doesn’t seem worth it and it certainly ranks in the bottom of the keyblades from the game.

It has a pretty decent range, so it’s not the bottom of the barrel. But the strength repetition leaves a lot to be desired. It feels like Happy Gear does what many keyblades do, but worse.

Best: Ever After

Kingdom Hearts III

The Ever After is not necessarily a keyblade that works for everyone. After all, it’s in the way they’re wielded, most prominently, not in the baseline features they provide to the game. Those do go a long way, but Ever After is one of the best for how it makes powerful magic users even more powerful.

It seems like Ever After is just a juggernaut of a keyblade, capable of wiping away bars and enemies in seconds. It’s like cutting through melted butter and it’s one of the best keyblades for magic.

Worst: Hero’s Origin

Kingdom Hearts III

Hero’s Origin might have some supporters when it comes to players who appreciate its shield-based formchange. However, it ultimately manifests as a keyblade that pleases no one.

It’s hardly effective from a defensive standpoint and it has weak numbers from an offensive perspective. It’s a keyblade that players are better off dispatching and the only reason it’s not ranked lower is because the shield can be stealthily useful, on occasion.

Best: Wheel Of Fate

Kingdom Hearts III

Wheel of Fate is a keyblade that results following time spent in the Caribbean. Due to this, there’s not a whole lot of time left in the game for players to wield it. However, it earns a position nearer to the top of the list due to how powerful it is from the jumping off point.

In addition to a high strength (it boasts 8), it also provides players with the ability to cast the Waterza spell. There’s a lot of amenities to Wheel of Fate, but this alone earns it top billing among its keyblade contemporaries.

Worst: Shooting Star

Kingdom Hearts III

There are some bones to pick with Shooting Star. It’s not one of the worst keyblades in Kingdom Hearts III because it comes along early in the game and has basically no useful features without further mastery of spells.

No, instead Shooting Star ranks among the worst in the game because, to harness its full impact, it requires upgrades to be made. Ultimately, this proves to just be a waste of time, as other keyblades are stronger from a base level. There’s no real point to the Shooting Star.

Best: Ultima Keyblade

Kingdom Hearts III

When in pursuit of Ultima Keyblade, it might seem just impossible to actually attain it. Between its end-of-the-game, denouement status and the perfect confluence of circumstances to actually synthesize it, Ultima Keyblade is rare and hard-earned.

If it’s obtained, though, it’s an undeniable boon. It’s the most powerful keyblade in the game and ranks aces when it comes to strength and magic. Sometimes, the hard work pays off.

Worst: Hunny Spout

Kingdom Hearts III

Following a journey through the One Hundred Acre Wood, the Hunny Spout keyblade turns up. And it turns out to be a whole lot of nothing. Hunny Blasters and Hunny Launcher stem from it, but they hit with all the ferocity of a wet towel in the game.

It’s cutely named, for sure. That alone means it shouldn’t be considered the worst keyblade. But ultimately, balance can only get a keyblade so far.

Best: Favorite Deputy

Kingdom Hearts III

Favorite Deputy may not be the best keyblade statistically. But really, it is just a quintessential weapon in the universe of Kingdom Hearts. If a competent player obtains it, they become an extremely effective and efficient engineer of energy in the game.

It has strength on strength on strength and can levy some of the game’s most devastating attacks. When enduring Toy Box, just know that Favorite Deputy is waiting on the other side.

Worst: Kingdom Key

Kingdom Hearts III

This one is practically a gimme. Of course, Kingdom Key is going to be the worst keyblade in the game. It never really had a chance not to be because it’s designed to be essentially ineffectual in every capacity.

It’s the first keyblade players encounter and it’s orchestrated to largely be a jumping off point for later upgrades and harnessing of abilities. It’s a training weapon and nothing more. But there’s plenty in its lineage that are more worthwhile!