King Kong Should Have Died to Another MonsterVerse Titan Before Ever Fighting Godzilla

King Kong Should Have Died to Another MonsterVerse Titan Before Ever Fighting Godzilla

A powerful MonsterVerse Titan could have spelled the end for King Kong before he even got the chance to fight Godzilla. Adam Wingard’s Godzilla vs. Kong was one of the most anticipated MonsterVerse films for fans because it promised the long-awaited duel between two of the most iconic kaijus in film history. While the film certainly did not disappoint, there was almost a possibility where the two never fought in the first place, and it was all at the hands of another Titan in their shared universe.

The 2021 prequel comic to Godzilla vs. Kong, titled Kingdom Kong by Marie Anello and Zid, introduces a giant bat-like Titan to the MonsterVerse canon called Camazotz. When he engages Kong in combat, it’s clear that Camazotz is far more powerful than Skull Island’s greatest warrior. Camazotz’ ability to fly allows him to use air travel to his advantage and keep Kong on his toes. While there are moments where Kong is able to get a few good licks in, it’s clear during the battle that Kong is constantly struggling.

What’s even worse is that Camazotz is never alone during his fight. He actually has a loyal band of Kaiju followers that overwhelm Kong, making the battle even harder. If not for a certain ally that steps into the fight to help, Kong would be as good as dead.

The Monarch Organization Saves Kong from Certain Death

King Kong Should Have Died to Another MonsterVerse Titan Before Ever Fighting Godzilla

While Kong and Camazotz fight for the Skull Island throne, a group of human G-Team fighter pilots from the Monarch organization are shown fighting their own battle to turn the fight in Kong’s favor. They’re wary of interfering at first due to being overwhelmed by Camazotz’s minions, but eventually they help their ally and fire on the winged Titan. Without Monarch, there’s no way King Kong would win this battle. Camazotz’s supersonic abilities constantly keep him disoriented and his ability to fly make it consistently difficult for Kong to keep up. There wouldn’t have been a Godzilla vs. Kong movie without Monarch’s help, opening the doors for speculation on what would come had Monarch not intervened and Kong had actually died.



Is Monarch Setting Up Godzilla X Kong? Monsterverse Show Teases Godzilla’s Biggest Fight Yet

A scene in Monarch: Legacy of Monsters episode 6 teases Godzilla’s biggest Monsterverse fight yet, possibly for Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire.

Godzilla vs. Camazotz Would Have Been a Very Different Story

Godzilla and Camazotz

If Kong had not survived his encounter, it’s highly likely that Camazotz and Godzilla would eventually cross paths. The resulting story would likely feature a world thrown into chaos due to Camazotz’s ability to traverse the world at great distances due to his flight, all in an effort to make himself the new King of the Monsters. Sensing his throne threatened, Godzilla would turn into the hero of the story, rather than how he is portrayed in the first two acts of Godzilla vs. Kong before the truth behind his rampage is revealed.

When the two battle, though, it’s unlikely that Godzilla himself would lose. Unlike Kong, Godzilla has dealt with winged Titans before, such as his most-hated nemesis King Ghidorah. There’s no way that Camazotz would be able to use his strengths against Godzilla the same way he does against Kong. With the combination of atomic breath as well as his alliance with Mothra, Godzilla could easily overcome Camazotz’s threat and restore peace to the world.

What’s fascinating about this “What If” scenario is that it really shows just how important Monarch’s role is in the MonsterVerse. Without them, things would play out very differently in the world. Kong would be dead, Camazotz would be on a world domination campaign and Godzilla would need to sort it out himself. King Kong owes his life to the humans who work behind-the-scenes in the MonsterVerse to prevent the worst-case scenarios from happening.

Kingdom Kong (2021)

Kingdom Kong (2021)

Kingdom Kong Cover Art Legendary Comics
  • Writer: Marie Anello
  • Artist: Zid
  • Letterer: Jimmy Betancourt
  • Cover Artist: Arthur Adams
  • Editors: Robert Place Napton and Nikita Kannekanti