King in Black Redeems Spider-Man For Creating Venom

King in Black Redeems Spider-Man For Creating Venom

Warning! Spoilers ahead for King in Black #5 from Donny Cates and Ryan Stegman

The conclusion of Marvel’s King in Black event well and truly redeems Spider-Man for his creation of Venom. Years ago in the aftermath of Marvel’s first Secret Wars, Spider-Man brought home a mysterious black substance that formed around his body as a new black suit. However, its true nature as a symbiote eventually became known, and Spider-Man’s rejection of the symbiote led to the creation of the villain Venom when it bonded to Eddie Brock. Since that time, Peter Parker has held himself personally accountable for Venom’s many terrible actions and crimes in the past. However, Venom has actually redeemed himself in recents years, becoming a protector and hero, and he’s even received an offer from Captain America to be on the Avengers. That being said, Spider-Man was blaming himself hard in the midst of Knull’s invasion of Earth.

In the King in Black: Spider-Man one-shot from Jed MacKay and Michele Bandini, Spider-Man nearly has a panic attack in the midst of the symbiote hordes overtaking the city. Peter feels that Knull’s attack is entirely his fault, since he was the one who brought Venom to Earth in the first place, leading to the creation of Carnage who released Knull, summoning him to claim Earth for his own. However, it’s since been revealed in other issues that symbiotes would have come to Earth regardless of Spider-Man’s actions, such as the presence of symbiotes in Vietnam and the proto-symbiote Mister E, who brought Earth to Knull’s attention regardless of Spider-Man and his own symbiote that would eventually become Venom.

Likewise, King in Black #5 from Donny Cates and Ryan Stegman sees Eddie Brock being resurrected as the ideal host for the Enigma Force (also known as the God of Light and Knull’s opposite). Venom then epically battles Knull with this increase in power, soundly defeating the King in Black by casting him into the sun after beating him with an axe made from Thor’s hammer and Silver Surfer’s board, proving his heroism in the final battle. Not only that, but all of the freed symbiotes then recognize Eddie Brock as their new King in Black. Spider-Man gets to witness all of this, and Venom saving the world definitely redeems Peter Parker for his creation of Venom all those years ago.

King in Black Redeems Spider-Man For Creating Venom

While Spider-Man is the type of hero who will always feel guilty and responsible for something, it’s nice to see that he can clear the birth of Venom from his conscience. If he hadn’t brought the suit back to Earth, Eddie would have never become Venom, and the planet might have been doomed as Knull would have most likely come to Earth all the same. It’s likewise very cool to see that Eddie’s ultimate redemption from the villain he once was works to also redeem one of Spider-Man’s darker periods as well.

While Venom still did a lot of bad things in the past (and Spider-Man might still feel guilty for those) the crazy amount of good Eddie Brock has just done for the entire Marvel Universe should absolutely make Peter Parker feel better in future comics from Marvel. In any case, it’s a pretty incredible journey for Venom, and it’s one that intersected well with Spider-Man as the massive King in Black event has reached its end from Marvel Comics.