Kevin Feige Explains Why Marvel Studios Expanded to 3 Films Per Year

Kevin Feige Explains Why Marvel Studios Expanded to 3 Films Per Year

Having three films per year allows Marvel Studios to continue expanding their brand by introducing new franchises without compromising their established properties. Superhero movies and franchises are currently the bread and butter of Hollywood. And, while over the last few years, other companies have attempted to set-up their own cinematic franchises, Marvel Studios remains on the top spot. With a brand new chapter set to begin for the MCU after next year’s Avengers 4, the famed cinematic universe is showing no signs of slowing down producing three movies annually.

Upping their movie production from two to three projects last year with Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, Spider-Man: Homecoming and Thor: Ragnarok, 2018 is only the second year to the follow this new establishing the new quota. Apparently, more than just wanting to increase their yearly turn-out, there’s actually a deeper logic for this decision.

Related: Kevin Feige Promises to Be “Less Cagey” About MCU Plans After Avengers 4

Speaking with CinemaBlend, Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige explained how the three movies per year arrangement allows the MCU to introduce new franchises without the risk of forgetting about their existing ones.

“It’s one of the reasons we’ve expanded to three films a year, is so that we could do the sequels to films that people have responded to — because we love to make continuing stories with characters people have responded to — but also keep doing the stuff that nobody’s ever heard of, and people go, ‘Why are you doing that?’ That’s fun. And that’s what Phase One was built on, Phase Two was built on, Phase Three was built on, is having that… Whenever we announce the next year, two years, three years, five years, whatever we’re going to announce, there will be plenty of those that, maybe people in the know like yourself will know what they are, but the world at large will go, ‘What is it? Why are they doing that?’ That’s exciting, for sure.

“When you’ve got, what is it now, six, seven separate franchises? It’s part of the scheduling process. Sometimes when people ask, ‘What about this character, what about that character?’ I go, ‘Well, it’s scheduling.’ And they go, ‘What’s he talking about?’ Scheduling. How many years between movies can you have? You know, [Thor:] Ragnarok was four years. There’s four years between, right? He had an appearance in between there. So that seems to be maybe okay – sometimes, though, you want it to be less. Sometimes it can be more.”

Kevin Feige Explains Why Marvel Studios Expanded to 3 Films Per Year

Often overlooked,  Marvel Studios’ scheduling scheme is actually a huge a factor in the MCU’s success as it allows all sub-properties to develop without leaving any of them behind. This is why event movies like the Avenger films continue to be exciting as it serves as mini-culminating events that reunite all heroes and introduce them to new ones after they all finish their own respective missions.

While some may argue that having three superhero films a year from a single studio might be an overkill, which could result in fatigue, the franchise attempts to combat that by switching things up in terms of genre. As examples, Captain America: The Winter Soldier was a political thriller movie, Ant-Man was a heist film, Ragnarok was an intergalactic road trip, Black Panther was a mix of political and family drama, and Homecoming was a coming-of-age story.

As the company’s third and final movie of the year, Ant-Man & The Wasp, inches near, it’s almost hard to believe that the Disney subsidiary already has two smash hits in Black Panther and Avengers: Infinity War with still six months left in 2018. But fans can expect that this scheduling will continue to be the case moving to MCU’s Phase 4 with three more flicks already on the docket for next year: Captain Marvel, Avengers 4 and Spider-Man: Far From Home.

More: Avengers 4: Every Update You Need to Know

Key Release Dates

  • Ant-Man and the Wasp Poster

    Ant-Man 2
    Release Date:


  • Captain Marvel
    Release Date:


  • The Avengers 4
    Release Date:


  • spider-man homecoming 2
    Release Date:
