Katniss Everdeen & 9 Other Action Movie Icons, Sorted Into Their Hogwarts Houses

Katniss Everdeen & 9 Other Action Movie Icons, Sorted Into Their Hogwarts Houses

Action heroes are among the most interesting characters in modern cinema. Increasingly complex and diverse, these figures cross lines that most people could never, constantly sacrificing their lives for the well-being of others. And while some are inspired by more selfish reasons, all of them are guided by their own sense of morals, which sometimes take them to extremes.

Should ten of these heroes attend Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, the Sorting Hat would have a feast deciding where to place them. Some would be sorted as soon as the hat graced the top of their head. Others would prove more of a challenge, though, but the Hat always knows what’s best, even if it doesn’t always seem that way.

Katniss Everdeen – Gryffindor

Katniss Everdeen & 9 Other Action Movie Icons, Sorted Into Their Hogwarts Houses

Brave and selfless, Katniss Everdeen could easily be the poster child for Gryffindor. She’s honorable and loyal, willing to sacrifice everything she has to protect those she loves. She, like many Gryffindors before her, is a reluctant hero, with a huge burden placed on her unprepared shoulders.

Katniss, however, also has all the negative traits of the House of gold and scarlet. She’s hot-headed, extremely emotional, not very tactical or analytical, and allows herself to get carried by the heat of the moment. She’s a hero who doesn’t seek glory, but rather justice, and while she doesn’t enjoy the fight, she knows that sometimes, there’s no other way out.

Alice – Ravenclaw

Often described as a supremely efficient killing machine, Alice has powers that could qualify her for the title of a superhero. Throughout her appearances in the Resident Evil franchise, she displayed tremendous skill in hand-to-hand combat, use of weapons, mastery of a diverse style of martial arts, and even psychic abilities.

Composed, rugged, calculating, and effective, Alice could arguably fit into both Ravenclaw and Slytherin. However, the Hat would ultimately go for the former, identifying in Alice a superior intellect that separates her from her fellow action comrades. An effective tactician, Alice could further improve in the house of the eagle.

Bryan Mills – Slytherin

Bryan Mills talking on the phone in Taken

He has a very particular set of skills, skills he’s acquired over a very long career, skills that make him a nightmare for certain people. Bryan is unstoppable when it comes to retaliation. If someone is on his killing radar, he’ll most definitely get the job done.

Bryan’s ruthlessness and cold approach to vengeance make him a perfect candidate for Slytherin House. He’s not evil per se, but his moral compass is definitely grayer than most people’s. He’s willing to do numerous things, and while he can justify himself by claiming to be doing them in the name of justice, the truth is it takes a very particular kind of coldness to be able to sleep at night while having so much blood in one’s hands.

Jason Bourne – Ravenclaw

Jason Bourne prepares to fire at his target

An amnesiac elite assassin who used to be the top agent of the Treadsome Program, Jason Bourne is a complicated fellow. He used to pull the trigger, no questions asked, until he stumbled upon a target he couldn’t quite finish off. Shot twice in the back after “betraying” the CIA, he goes on a mission to piece his memory back together.

Bourne possesses a superior intellect that allows him to be one of the best tacticians in the game. Methodical, alert, analytical, and adaptive, he’s a quick learner with considerable knowledge in plenty of subjects. The Hat would send him to Ravenclaw without even hesitating.

Imperator Furiosa – Hufflepuff

Imperator Furiosa with her bionic arm

Furiosa can realistically be a part of three Hogwarts houses. She’s brave and daring but doesn’t look for fame or recognition. She helps the Five Wives out of an actual desire to save them from Inmortan Joe, with little regard for her own well-being. She’s also clever and observant, attributes that allow her to improvise when needed.

The Hat would spend several seconds on her, analyzing each of her attributes and trying to decide where she could feel more at home. In the end, it places her on Hufflepuff, determining that her selflessness and morality make her the ideal leader for the House of the badger.

James Bond – Slytherin

Daniel Craig as James Bond

Despite being portrayed by seven different actors over the course of twenty-seven different movies, Bond remains a mystery. Not much is known about his past, despite the vague and often contradictory clues given in the films. His personality, however, remains consistent. Bond is cool, vain, suave, egotistical, debonair, clinical, and cold.  In other words, he’s the ultimate Slytherin.

His license to kill makes him a lot more distant and cunning than any other hero, and his lifestyle and profession requires him to remain detached and always in control of his emotions. He flows and adapts like water, and slithers like a snake, making him the literal embodiment of his House’s elements.

Ethan Hunt – Hufflepuff

Tom Cruise in Mission Impossible Fallout

Ethan Hunt is the living manifestation of destiny. There’s no secret he cannot extract, no security he cannot breach, no person he cannot become. He has a nearly unbreakable faith in others, and himself, which allows him to keep going, even when the situation turns lethal. Ethan always finds a way, because he knows he’s fighting for something greater than himself. His mission, which he always accepts, is impossible for anyone but him.

Hunt would quite possibly be the toughest, most daring, bravest, and craziest Hufflepuff that ever lived. Just like his housemates, he’s all about hard work, patience, and loyalty. On top of that, he’d certainly appreciate the quiet and homey feeling of the Hufflepuff common room.

Ellen Ripley – Gryffindor

Ellen Ripley is a natural-born leader. She has a tactical mind and is good at strategizing, having back-up plans for most cases. She’s tough and rugged, hardened by the many battles she’s fought over a lifetime of alien wars. She’s caring, but can’t really allow herself to show it, for she always needs to be strong for others.

Ripley, like Furiosa, is another conundrum that the Hat would take several minutes on. Debating itself between two Houses, it finally sends her to the fiery Gryffindors. Her bravery, courage, and nerve make her the ideal member of the House of the lion, and also a role model for her younger, less experienced housemates.

John Wick – Slytherin

John Wick in a gun fight in the Red Circle nightclub

Feared and respected, “Baba Yaga” is known in his business as a ruthless, consistent, and determined hitman. Cruel when necessary, remorseless, focused, and infallible, John Wick is not only the man one would send to kill the Boogeyman, he quite possibly is the Boogeyman.

Wick would be sent to Slytherin House and the Hat wouldn’t even need to do a deep dive into his psyche. He’s resourceful and cunning, characteristics that Slytherin values above all other things. Like the most famous alumni of the House of green and silver, Wick will stop at nothing until he gets what he wants, making him an obvious choice for the serpent.

The Bride – Slytherin

Beatrix Kiddo is a cold-blooded killer. Sure, she loves her daughter and even Bill, but that doesn’t mean she’s not a merciless, cruel, incompassionate killing machine. Furthermore, she has a spirit that just won’t break, and an unfathomable will that takes her as far as she wants to go.

Like Wick, the Bride is sorted into Slytherin as soon as the Hat touches her blonde mane. There would be no other possibility for her, not that she’d complain, though. Indeed, as soon as she’d set foot on the dungeons, she’d know she’s finally where she belongs.