Karl Urban Wants to Introduce McCoy’s Family in Star Trek 4

Karl Urban Wants to Introduce McCoy’s Family in Star Trek 4

Star Trek film star Karl Urban says he’d like to examine Dr. McCoy’s backstory with his family whenever Star Trek 4 gets made. Star Trek, of course, got the reboot treatment to great success in 2009 under the helm of director J.J. Abrams, grossing an impressive $385 million at the global box office. A lot of the film’s success no doubt was hinged on who would bring the young versions of the iconic TV series to life, and luckily Abrams was right on target selecting the likes of Chris Pine (Kirk), Zachary Quinto (Spock), Zoe Saldana (Uhura), Simon Pegg (Scotty), Anton Yelchin (Chekov), John Cho (Sulu) and Urban (McCoy, aka Bones).

Ably filling the late Deforest Kelly’s shoes from the classic TV series, Urban’s introduction in the reboot came early in the film (his first line, appropriately, was, “I don’t need a doctor, dammit, I am a doctor!”), when the paranoid medicine man introduced himself to James T. Kirk aboard a shuttle shortly after they joined Starfleet (his first line to Kirk: “I may throw up on you”). Asked by Kirk why he was there, McCoy bared his soul to the future captain, saying, “I have no where else to go. The ex-wife took the whole damn planet in the divorce. The only thing left is my bones.” (Hence, the character’s nickname.)

Related: Karl Urban: Star Trek 4 Would be a Blast

Now, it appears that Bones is ready to face the bane of his existence. Mulling over the possible storylines for Star Trek 4 following the success of 2016’s Star Trek Beyond, Urban said during the The Continuing Voyage Convention in Chicago on Saturday that he’d like to delve into Bones’ family life. In a quote taken by Trek Movie (via Comic Book), Urban says:

Karl Urban Wants to Introduce McCoy’s Family in Star Trek 4

“Perhaps it would be interesting to see something of McCoy’s family. His ex-wife and daughter and that dynamic.”

Introducing McCoy’s family life would fit into the Star Trek canon. Comic Book says the original series’ show bible for writers divulged the existence of McCoy’s daughter was mentioned, although there was no actual reference to her in the show. However, the daughter, whose name is Joanna, was mentioned in an episode of Star Trek: The Animated Series from the 1970s.

In all likelihood fans would embrace the introduction of McCoy’s family, since it would obviously give even more depth to an already great character. Plus, exploring the family dynamic isn’t exactly new to the films, since fans have already been treated to peeks into the personal lives of Kirk, Spock, and Sulu.

In the meantime, Urban is keeping himself busy as Skurge in Thor: Ragnarok, starring opposite Chris Hemsworth, who brought George Kirk to life (albeit briefly) in the 2009 Star Trek reboot. With any luck, Hemsworth and Urban will share the screen once again if and when Star Trek 4 is produced, since Hemsworth has been confirmed to reprise his role as George Kirk. With George and James, as well as Bones and his wife and daughter, Star Trek 4 could truly become a family affair.

NEXT: Zachary Quinto Says Star Trek 4 Script Still Being Written