Karl Urban: Star Trek 4 Would Be ‘A Blast’

Karl Urban: Star Trek 4 Would Be ‘A Blast’

Thor: Ragnarok star Karl Urban is hoping he gets to revisit his other big budget franchise, as fans await official word on a fourth entry in the rebooted Star Trek film series. Urban is unsure of the franchise’s future, but would love to portray the loveably surly Dr. McCoy once again.

The Star Trek film series is in a strange spot. J.J. Abrams’ first film in the alternate timeline reboot of the exploits of Kirk and Spock was a huge hit both critically and financially. The followup, Star Trek Into Darkness, also enjoyed mainstream success, but was decidedly more divisive among Star Trek fans. Last year’s Star Trek Beyond, directed by The Fast and the Furious veteran Justin Lin, was beloved by fans but ended up with relatively disappointing box office returns, leaving the franchise’s future in peril.

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For his part, Urban is more than ready to re-board the Enterprise. In an interview with Screen Rant at San Diego Comic Con promoting his role as Skurge in the upcoming Thor: Ragnarok, Urban expressed his enthusiasm for a fourth trip to the final frontier:

I’ll tell you if Paramount greenlights a fourth movie for us, I’ll be there. I love working with those guys and you know the fans love those characters. Yeah. It’d be a blast.

Karl Urban: Star Trek 4 Would Be ‘A Blast’

This is good news for Star Trek fans, as Urban expressed some reluctance about returning for Star Trek Beyond after his personal disappointment with Star Trek Into Darkness. Urban’s iteration of Bones is arguably the most true to the original version. Urban shares virtually no physical characteristics of the original actor (the late, great DeForest Kelley), but Urban has somehow managed to channel Kelley’s irascible spirit with gusto. After being somewhat marginalized in the first two films, his character’s relationship with Spock in Beyond was a franchise highlight, showcasing a new spin on a classic Star Trek dynamic.

All that said, it is very much an open question whether or not there will be a fourth Star Trek film at this point. While J.J. Abrams is said to be on board as a producer with a story involving time travel and Captain Kirk’s long deceased father (played by Thor himself, Chris Hemsworth), the movie has not been green-lit, and no director is attached. It would be a shame if Beyond is the end, as it was the point where the reboot truly found its footing and started to tell recognizably Star Trek stories about exploration and hope. It would be a nice counterbalance to the apparent darkness of the upcoming television revival Star Trek: Discovery. If it happens, it’s good to know Bones will be there.

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