Justin Bieber Wants to Fight Tom Cruise, Dwayne Johnson Responds

Justin Bieber Wants to Fight Tom Cruise, Dwayne Johnson Responds

It appears Justin Bieber is still interested in fighting Tom Cruise, with Dwayne Johnson commenting on a recent post by the singer. Cruise has become known as one of the biggest action stars on the planet, frequently doing his own stunts. He’s earned a reputation for his commitment to his films and characters. Cruise is currently working on Mission: Impossible 7, where he’ll reprise his role as Ethan Hunt. However, the movie has faced several issues due to the coronavirus pandemic. Cruise made headlines in December due to a recording where he threatened to fire crew members for breaking COVID protocols. Though cases are surging in the U.K., filming will continue on Mission: Impossible 7 into 2021.

Despite Cruise’s intimidating presence, Bieber, primarily known for his music career, challenged the actor to a fight in June 2019. Bieber even went so far as to say Cruise would be admitting he was “scared” and would “never live it down” if he didn’t accept. Bieber’s challenge to Cruise went viral on Twitter, though many were unsure if it was a joke. Shortly after, it became clear Bieber was serious, as the agency that owns UFC discussed the potential fight with Bieber’s manager. Ultimately, nothing came of Bieber’s challenge to Cruise.

Now, a year and half later, Bieber has expressed new interest in fighting Cruise. Bieber shared a photo of himself on Instagram where he’s seemingly preparing for the fight. The singer captioned his post “Tom Cruise is toast.” It drew the attention of several stars on social media, including Johnson. Check out Bieber’s photo and Johnson’s response below:

Justin Bieber Wants to Fight Tom Cruise, Dwayne Johnson Responds

Johnson’s reply includes a quote from Rocky, which makes sense, given Bieber’s photo. However, his “go get em bro” seems to suggest he’s rooting for Bieber if a fight against Cruise ever happens. Of course, it’s possible the singer is merely poking fun at himself with the new post, and Johnson is simply joining in the fun. Since many found Bieber’s original challenge rather strange, this may be his way of convincing people he was joking.

Even if the singer is sincerely reupping his efforts to fight Cruise, it seems unlikely the actor will ever agree to a fight. He has a busy career and little incentive to take on Bieber. The only exception could be a charity event of some kind, but Bieber has given no indication the fight would be for a worthy cause. It remains to be seen if Tom Cruise will respond to Bieber’s newest challenge or ignore it all together.