Justice League Blu-Ray Art Makes the Team’s Costumes Even More Colorful

Warner Bros. is dead set on bringing a little light (and color) into the DCEU, as evidenced by the cover art for the upcoming Justice League Blu-ray. DC Comics’ shared movie universe has gotten off to an uneven start, hitting less often than it’s missing with the five theatrical releases we’ve seen to date. There’s a laundry list of reasons why the DCEU has underwhelmed thus far, but one common criticism that fans have repeatedly sounded off on is the lack of vibrant color on display in films like Man of Steel and Batman v Superman.

It’s no coincidence that those two films were directed by Zack Snyder, whose preference for utilizing muted, washed-out color palettes in his superhero movies has become something of a trademark. But now that he’s parted ways with the DCEU after stepping down as Justice League‘s director during post-production, the shared universe is undertaking a seismic shift, one that’s exemplified by the sheer amount of color on display is recent promotional art.

Related: Here Are The Superman Deleted Scenes That Could Be On The Justice League Blu-Ray

We got out first look at Justice League‘s Blu-ray cover last week, but because the cover art was a (heavily photoshopped) composition, comparing it to what came before wasn’t quite as straightforward. Our first glimpse at the other side, however, clearly demonstrates how far the DCEU has strayed from Snyder’s original vision. As pointed out in a Twitter post by Batman-News, a portion of the art featured on the back side of the Justice League Blu-ray stands as a pretty significant departure from one of the film’s officially released images. The Wonder Woman picture seen below was initially unveiled back in September, where the Amazon was shown standing alongside Batman and the Flash in the midst of one of their showdowns with the villainous Steppenwolf. As you can see, Diana has received a drastic infusion of color in the months since.

After Snyder left Justice League and Joss Whedon came onboard to helm the reshoots, the movie was clearly reshaped in a number of ways. The new color palette may seem insignificant in comparison to the litany of jokes that were added in, but both serve to signify that the DCEU is headed in a brand new direction.

What do you think of the shared universe’s new look? Do you think Warner Bros. is overcorrecting a bit here, or is the color infusion a welcome change? Sound off in the comments!

Next: Justice League Deleted Scene Fixes Superman Plot Hole