Jurassic World Dominion Theory: Dinosaurs Evolve To Coexist With Humans

Jurassic World Dominion Theory: Dinosaurs Evolve To Coexist With Humans

Jurassic World: Dominion could end with dinosaurs evolving to coexist with human beings. The ending of Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom set up the franchise’s conclusion, and it was one director Colin Trevorrow had in mind right from the start. As Trevorrow explained when discussing where the Jurassic World films should go, noted in one interview, “I remember telling Steven [Spielberg] even while we were making the first movie, ‘This is the beginning. Here is the middle. And here’s the end of the end.’ This is where we want to go.” That means he always had a sense of where the conflict between humans and dinosaurs was going to resolve.

Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom ended with the dinosaur auction at the Lockwood Estate going badly wrong, when Doctor Lockwood’s granddaughter Maisie chose not to allow these last surviving dinosaurs to die because of poisonous gases. Instead, she opened the cells and released these dinosaurs across North America. It was clearly setting up a sort of “dinogeddon,” with the dinosaurs reclaiming the world that had once been their own. While only a small number of dinosaurs were released, as previously established in Jurassic World lore the frog DNA incorporated into the dinosaurs means they are capable of reproducing asexually. The end of Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom served as an effective setup for the final installment.

However, for all these elements, it’s still unclear how the story will end. Clearly, a status quo will need to be reached, one that involves either the genie being put back in the bottle, or the dinosaurs and humans somehow coexisting. While any definitive answer remains conjecture at this stage, the recent Jurassic World: Dominion trailer seems to subtly signpost the second possibility. Here’s why the future of the franchise may revolve around both dinosaurs and humans living together.

Jurassic World: Dominion Can’t Simply Create A New Park

Jurassic World Dominion Theory: Dinosaurs Evolve To Coexist With Humans

The natural human instinct will be to try and restore balance – to create a brand new Jurassic Park, round the dinosaurs up and put them all there. It’s human nature to want to return to a status quo of dominance, after all, and that would fit perfectly well with the theme of evolutionary competition in the Jurassic World: Dominion trailer. Chris Pratt’s Owen Grady is trying to keep his pet dinosaur Blue secret, afraid Blue and her baby will be taken from him if they’re discovered. And another shot in the Jurassic World: Dominion trailer even shows what seems to be a new Jurassic Park sanctuary, apparently built in the mountains on a flowing river. It’s exactly what can be expected from humans.

However, this would be quite an unsatisfying conclusion to the Jurassic World saga. The best comparison between this trilogy is with the Greek legend of Pandora, who was given a jar that contained countless horrors – sickness, death, and so many other evils. When the jar was opened, all these things were unleashed upon the world, and they could not be put back. In exactly the same way, the releasing of the dinosaurs upon North America should be a change to the world that can never be undone. The films may have started out in a world similar to our own, albeit with genetically modified dinosaurs on a single island, but it can’t end with the dinosaurs contained in the same way.

The Pyroraptor Reminds Viewers Of What Could Happen

Jurassic World Dominion Archaeopteryx

The Jurassic World: Dominion trailer introduced a new dinosaur that has never been seen before in the movies; a Pyroraptor. The Pyroraptor lived in the Late Cretaceous around 70 million years ago, and as a feathered dinosaur, it was long considered to be the beginning of the evolutionary transition from dinosaur to bird. Alongside other more well-known feathered dinosaurs, such as Archaeopteryx, Pyroraptor has helped confirm the theory that birds are, in fact, the living descendants of the ancient reptiles that once dominated the earth.

As well-established as creatures like Pyroraptor may be in the popular consciousness, however, it’s actually a subject of intense debate. Archaeopteryx itself, for instance, was named after a single controversial feathered fossil in 1861, there’s still intense debate over whether or not the ten existing fossils are actually members of the same species, and more recent discoveries have led to a renewed scientific debate over the dinosaurs’ ultimate evolutionary tree. Still, the fact remains that to most viewers, Archaeopteryx – and therefore Pyroraptor – is a symbol of the transformation of dinosaurs into something that exists in the modern world. Pyroraptor’s appearance in Dominion is a reminder that dinosaurs didn’t just remain static; they evolved. The world changed around them, and they changed to fit in with it.

The same could well happen in Jurassic World: Dominion, with the dinosaurs evolving to suit their new environment. What’s more, because these are genetically-engineered dinosaurs, there’s already evidence they’re capable of evolving at an accelerated rate – as proven by the dinosaurs’ ability to reproduce asexually, a characteristic that the original creatures did not possess in prehistoric times. Thus the evolution could occur at an impressive speed. It’s even possible the Pyroraptor discovered by Owen and his friends in the Jurassic World: Dominion trailer could be a new creature, not an escapee from the Lockwood Estate.

Jurassic World: Dominion Could Bring The Story To A Climax

Brachiosaurus in snow Jurassic World dominion

This approach would be a dramatic one, but it would be far more satisfying than simply trying to restore the status quo established before the events of the first Jurassic World. The focus on most films that operate on this kind of scale lies on human beings trying to remain in control, but Colin Trevorrow’s Jurassic World could invert this by setting dinosaurs loose in the real world – and keeping them there. What’s more, because the dinosaurs are evolving themselves, the creatures would effectively be given a degree of agency. As is so often the case in the Jurassic Park and Jurassic World franchise, life would have found a way.

Such an arc would also mean Trevorrow’s Jurassic World fulfils Trevorrow’s dream, of a single narrative running through the entire trilogy. The first would introduce a new Park on Isla Nublar, the second would unleash the dinosaurs, and the third would establish the brand new status quo. It would make this trilogy far bolder than the original Jurassic Park films, because it has been thought through from the very beginning rather than stitched together one film at a time. The only question, of course, is just how this new status quo comes to pass – and whether any of the heroes of Jurassic World: Dominion oppose it.

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