Julie Chen Moonves Has Been “Waiting 25 Seasons” To Say These Words On Big Brother

Julie Chen Moonves Has Been “Waiting 25 Seasons” To Say These Words On Big Brother

Big Brother season 25 host Julie Chen Moonves joked that she’s been waiting 25 seasons to say, “You are now a Big Brother Zombie,” after revealing how the reality competition show’s latest twist will impact the two Big Brother houseguests eliminated during the double eviction, Cameron Hardin and Jared Fields. After the double eviction, Julie informed the two houseguests that their games weren’t quite over yet, as they’d be re-entering the Big Brother 25 house as Zombies during Scary Week, and one of them would be resurrecting his game.

In an interview with EW, when Julie was asked if she’d ever seen herself saying the words, “You are now a Big Brother Zombie,” she replied, “I’ve been waiting 25 seasons to finally say those words!” Julie also weighed in on what Jared and Cameron should do differently to avoid being evicted immediately after returning to the game. She said, “They need to make amends, and Jared needs to stop talking so much. Cameron needs to find a way to get in good with anyone willing to buddy up with him and build from there.”

Julie Chen Moonves Reacts To Cirie Offering To Sacrifice Herself For Jared

Julie Chen Moonves Has Been “Waiting 25 Seasons” To Say These Words On Big Brother

When Jared was HOH this past week, his mother, Cirie Fields, came up with a plan to protect him that involved her possibly sacrificing her own game. Julie admitted that when Cirie told Jared to use her as the replacement nominee but only if Cameron won the Power of Veto, “it totally surprised me.” Julie explained, “It surprised me that she felt confident enough that Jared could do well in the house without her guidance. But then again, he hasn’t exactly been taking her advice!”

The Big Brother 25 Zombie twist is an exciting way to have Cameron and Jared battle back into the house. For the first time in Big Brother history, there will be no Head of Household (HOH), no nominations, and no Power of Veto competition. Presumably, this is because Cameron and Jared are already on the chopping block, in a sense. Exactly how they’ll fight their way back into the house hasn’t been revealed yet, but it’s certain that they’ll each have to work hard to earn their spot back in the game. Both Cameron and Jared have been power players so far, winning more competitions than any other houseguests.

It’ll be very intriguing to see what Scary Week has in store for the houseguests. Julie is right that Cameron and Jared should spend their time as Zombies this week trying to mend their relationships with their fellow houseguests. Cameron wasn’t surprised to be voted out unanimously, but Jared seemed shaken to be evicted with only one vote to keep him, which was cast by his mother, Cirie. Not only will Cameron and Jared have to rebuild their alliances, but their fellow houseguests will have some explaining to do about why they evicted them. Scary Week is sure to bring many twists and turns to the already chaotic Big Brother 25 house.

For the week of September 24, Big Brother season 25 will air Sunday at 10 p.m. EDT and Thursday at 9 p.m. EDT on CBS.

Sources: EW, Big Brother/Instagram