Jujutsu Kaisen Will Force Its Heroes To Fight Without Their Strongest Ally

Jujutsu Kaisen Will Force Its Heroes To Fight Without Their Strongest Ally

Warning! Contains spoilers for Jujutsu Kaisen Season 2 Episode #9Despite facing arguably their biggest threat yet, Jujutsu Kaisen is now forcing its heroes to fight on without their greatest ally Gojo after a shocking twist in the anime’s latest episode. This makes sense from a narrative perspective as Gojo was powerful enough to trivialize most threats in the series on his own, but it is still surprising given his extreme power level and popularity.

In Season 2 Episode #9 of Jujutsu Kaisen, the curses were able to enact their ultimate plan to stop Gojo from interfering with them. After tiring the sorcerer out by forcing him to kill a slew of transfigured humans quickly, Geto showed up with a mysterious item known as the Prison Realm. This box was able to capture Gojo as long as he was incapacitated for a mental minute, which Geto’s shocking arrival enabled. Despite Gojo’s immense power, once he was trapped by the Prison Realm, it seemed he was powerless to escape, even as the villain taunted him, which shows that the other heroes of the story will now have to fight on without him.

Gojo’s Sealing is Scary For Jujutsu Kaisen‘s Heroes

Jujutsu Kaisen Will Force Its Heroes To Fight Without Their Strongest Ally

This is an incredibly tall order especially given the power level of the enemies they must face in Shibuya. While Gojo was able to easily defeat Hanami in that episode, the other Disaster Curses are still free to wreak havoc on a massive scale, and each one has a devastating ability. Jogo can wield massive amounts of firepower, Mahito can transfigure humans with one touch, and the newest introduction Choso appears to be able to manipulate blood. This isn’t even including the sorcerer controlling Geto’s body, who can call forth several potent other curses to fight at his disposal. These villains are also incredibly disturbing in the Jujutsu Kaisen anime, meaning there is no moral limit on what they might do.

With all these powerful threats against them, the good sorcerers will likely be hard-pressed to bring the Shibuya Incident to a happy conclusion. There are many powerful sorcerers in the series besides Gojo, but they are all separated among various teams and none of them are as untouchable. Gojo’s Limitless technique granted him both powerful offensive and defensive techniques, and no other sorcerer could match that level of versatility. This leaves them with clear weaknesses that the Curses can exploit, which means that a fair amount of them will likely get killed or extremely injured.

Jujutsu Kaisen‘s Status Quo Has Now Completely Changed

Jujutsu Kaisen's main cast at the end of the OP

Gojo’s sealing represents a major status quo change for the series. Before this point, sorcerers could rely on Gojo to handle any enemy they deemed too dangerous, which gave them a bit of a crutch when dealing with dangerous Curses. Now this support is gone and the heroes of Jujutsu Kaisen must fight against the series’ incredibly powerful enemies alone.