Juggernaut’s OTHER Source of Power Would Make Him an Amazing Sith

Juggernaut’s OTHER Source of Power Would Make Him an Amazing Sith

There are few beings in the Marvel Universe stronger than the Juggernaut as the villain is supernaturally powered by the demon-god Cyttorak, and while the otherworldly power fueling the Juggernaut is his main source, the X-Men villain has another source of power that would make him an amazing Sith Lord from Star Wars. As shown time and again in his X-Men related adventures, and even throughout his solo series, the Juggernaut is powered by more than just magic but also the hatred that flows through him. 

In Juggernaut #1 by Joe Bob Kelly and Duncan Bob Rouleau, the Juggernaut is ambushed by two villains who were working to steal his power, pretending to be a woman interested in him as well as impersonating his best friend Black Tom. When the Juggernaut discovers their true intentions, he attacks them, but not before taking extreme damage himself. After a debilitating blast, the Juggernaut was reduced to nothing more than a skeleton, with his iconic helmet perched on top of his head. When asked how he was still moving as there was nothing left of his body, the Juggernaut replied, “Nothing by hate”. 

The Juggernaut was fueled by nothing except the magic offered to him by Cyttorak and the pure force of will that comes with utter hatred. Due to the fact that the Juggernaut was able to channel his hatred and use it against his enemies, plus his general villainous nature, the Juggernaut would make the perfect Sith Lord from Star Wars. The Juggernaut values power above all else as he fights to maintain the supernatural abilities he acquired, and he constantly lets his hatred guide his actions made clear in the number of attacks he launched against the X-Men just to get at Professor X. 

Juggernaut’s OTHER Source of Power Would Make Him an Amazing Sith

The only criteria the Juggernaut may not meet to become a great Sith Lord would be the Sith Rule of Two. The Juggernaut doesn’t take orders from anyone and considers himself to be the strongest there is. It would be doubtful that the Juggernaut could be anyone’s apprentice without immediately undermining or murdering them for daring to give him orders. 

Aside from the Juggernaut’s inability to take direction due to his well-established hard-headedness, he uses his hatred to fuel his immense power just like a Sith Lord would do. While a Sith is powered by the force, it is their hatred that flows through them to propel their actions and the same can be said for the Juggernaut as he is powered by Cyttorak but his hatred is his true driving force, another source of power that would make the Juggernaut an amazing Sith.