Juggernaut’s God Can Destroy Doctor Strange With One Spell

Juggernaut’s God Can Destroy Doctor Strange With One Spell

Warning! Spoilers ahead for Doctor Strange: Nexus of Nightmares

There aren’t many magical heroes in the Marvel Universe on Doctor Strange‘s level, but there is one spell that stopped him dead in his tracks. And it just so happens to be a spell uniquely tied to the mutant powerhouse Juggernaut.

As master of the dreaming world, the villain called Nightmare has often sought to invade the waking realm, even using Doctor Strange’s arch enemy, Baron Mordo, to assist him in his plans. After spending weeks invading Doctor Strange’s dreams in his latest attempt, Nightmare’s plan culminated in a massive battle between Strange and Mordo inside the Sanctum Sanctorum. When the two faced off, they cast many spells in battle, countering each other move for move.

Featured in Doctor Strange: Nexus of Nightmares by Ralph Macchio and Ibrahim Moustafa, the fight appeared to be evenly matched until Baron Mordo’s magical power called upon a spell called ‘The Clamp of Cyttorak.’ The name should sound familiar, but in practice, the spell has immediate results: creating a magical binding around Strange’s neck, preventing him from speaking… or casting any more spells at all.

Juggernaut’s God Can Destroy Doctor Strange With One Spell

Cyttorak, of course, is a demon God that also empowers Professor Xavier’s step brother, the mutant known as Juggernaut. Since the spell was so effective at stopping Doctor Strange, it implies that if Juggernaut and Strange ever face off in battle, Juggernaut may be able to invoke Cyttorak to do something similar and effectively stop the Sorcerer Supreme in his tracks. Of course, Juggernaut isn’t known for being much of a strategist when it comes to his fights. His catchphrase, “nothing can stop the Juggernaut” shows how he most always reverts to physical confrontation rather than cleverly out thinking his opponents. Then again, if faced with a master of the mystic arts like Doctor Strange, Juggernaut’s physicality might work against him. In which case, he will probably fall back on the source of his powers and allow Cyttorak to render the Sorcerer Supreme useless.

It’s also worth noting just how powerful the Juggernaut can be under Cyttorak’s influence. He’s unstoppable to begin with, but the magical side of his powers take him to a whole other level. Cyttorak allows Juggernaut to not just be stopped when he’s using momentum, but not stopped when he’s at a standstill, too. The magical blessing allows Juggernaut to live on without eating, sleeping, or even breathing. This is probably why the clamp was so effective being used on Doctor Strange. When Cyttorak’s powers were invoked, it stripped Doctor Strange of his voice.

So if Juggernaut and Doctor Strange were ever to face off, that is one major weakness the Sorcerer Supreme would need to account for, if he hoped to stand a chance.