Judge Dredd Concept Art

Judge Dredd Concept Art

In December we told you that a new Judge Dredd movie was in production from the producers of  28 Days Later (DNA Films) . If you didn’t get the news – don’t worry, it has nothing to do with the 1995 Sylvester Stallone movie. Actually, wait a minute. It does have something to do with the Stallone movie; they are both based on the character from cult British comic book 2000 AD . Apart from that they have nothing in common.

We hope.

I09.com has snagged some early production art and if this is how the movie looks when it is completed then it will be (at least visually) the Judge Dredd movie that we have all been waiting for.

Judge Dredd Concept Art

There’s still no word on who will direct and star in the movie, but it looks to me like this concept art by Losers and 2000 A.D. artist Jock was/is part of a pitch by the producers to raise funds for the film.

Based on these I might just raid my piggy bank to give them a hand.

Visit i09.com for more  of Jock’s artwork for the forthcoming film.

There will be more Judge Dredd news on Screen Rant when we get it!