Jude Law’s 10 Best Movies, Ranked

Jude Law’s 10 Best Movies, Ranked

As one of Hollywood’s leading men, Jude Law has starred in numerous movies, showcasing his incredible range and talent. Out of all of his movies, several stand out as being the best. Over his decades-long career, the Academy Award-nominated actor has proven himself as both a versatile performer and a box office draw, leading major studio franchises while also taking risks on smaller independent films. Law is an actor that has broken his typecast, moving effortlessly between romantic comedies, historical dramas, sci-fi epics, and more grounded character studies. He brings charisma and magnetism to even his most flawed characters, investing them with complexity.

Rather than simply relying on his good looks, Law disappears into roles with utter commitment. Just when audiences may have expected him to play it safe and cash in on his leading man image, he has consistently chosen creative challenges. Whether starring in poetic art house films or smart big-budget crowd pleasers, Law elevates the material with nuance. Now nearing veteran status while still possessing his roguish appeal, Jude Law remains a powerful force on screen across an impressive array of memorable films.

10 A.I. Artificial Intelligence (2001)

A thought-provoking examination on emotional awareness

Jude Law’s 10 Best Movies, Ranked

In the sci-fi drama A.I. Artificial Intelligence, Jude Law delivers an exceptional supporting performance as Gigolo Joe, an android designed to fulfill sexual desires. Though Law’s screen time is limited, he brings profound empathy to this robotic character. Gigolo Joe experiences a crisis of identity when accused of murder, struggling to accept his sole purpose. Through nuanced expressions and line delivery, Law conveys the emotional awakening of an artificial intelligence gaining self-awareness. This movie contains one of Law’s best performances, as it adds layers of complexity to what could have been a shallow trope.

9 Side Effects (2013)

Law’s intelligence and magnetism shine through

Side Effects

Release Date
February 6, 2013

Steven Soderbergh

Rooney Mara , Jude Law , Channing Tatum


In the cleverly twisted thriller Side Effects, Jude Law plays the psychiatrist Dr. Banks whose patient’s questionable motives cause his life to unravel. Law brings an intellectual charisma to the role, while convincingly portraying the character’s moral dilemma. As Dr. Banks investigates an experimental drug’s deadly side effect, Law layers in tremendous emotional complexity. He suspects manipulation but struggles with the ethical implications of doubting his patient. This nuanced performance captures this internal conflict. Anchoring the film’s shifting tones between psychological drama and intriguing thriller, Law delivers one of his most dimensional performances in this captivating role.

8 The Aviator (2004)

Captures the essence of an acting genius in just a few scenes

Jude Law as Errol Flynn in The Aviator
The Aviator

Release Date
December 25, 2004

Martin Scorsese

Willem Dafoe , Alan Alda , Leonardo DiCaprio , John C. Reilly , Alec Baldwin , Kate Beckinsale , Ian Holm , Cate Blanchett , Gwen Stefani , Jude Law


Old Hollywood comes alive with Law’s magnetic performance as silver screen legend Errol Flynn in Martin Scorsese’s sprawling 2004 Howard Hughes biopic The Aviator. Through his supporting role that offers a brief glimpse into the Golden Age of Hollywood, Law’s depiction of Flynn epitomizes why the icon captivated audiences. Beyond nailing Flynn’s mannerisms and charm, Law taps into the profound magnetism that made Flynn a star. When Law’s character strolls into a party scene, his charisma leaps off the screen. Law translates his own leading man appeal into a deeper understanding of Flynn’s image and cultural impact, turning his take on Flynn into an acting masterclass.

Leonardi DiCaprio in The Aviator and Killers of the Flower Moon with Ray Lotta in Goodfellas


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7 Gattaca (1997)

Law constructs an emotionally resonant character

A compelling performance in the sci-fi drama Gattaca sees Law in his first major American film role. Set in a future where genetics determine social class, Law plays Jerome, a former elite rendered paralyzed by an accident. When inferior “In-Valid” Ethan Hawke assumes Jerome’s identity to pursue space travel, Law portrays the complex psychology of a fallen golden boy with a sympathetic complexity. While revealing unexpected vulnerability, Law sells Jerome’s inner turmoil and redemptive sacrifice beautifully. An impressive range is showcased within a thought-provoking concept film, and Law announces his acting talents with understated power.

6 Contagion (2011)

One of Law’s most subversive roles

Allan from Contagion in a hazmat suit putting a flyer on a windshield

Release Date
September 9, 2011

Steven Soderbergh

Laurence Fishburne , gwyneth paltrow , Matt Damon , Jude Law , Marion Cotillard , Kate Winslet


Jude Law sinks his teeth into the provocative role of fringe blogger Alan Krumwiede in Steven Soderbergh’s uncannily prophetic pandemic thriller Contagion. Though largely unlikeable, Law’s conspiracy profiteer commands attention. As Alan creates public panic for his own gain when a deadly virus emerges, Law turns the character’s toxic ambition into a study of human nature’s darker impulses. With smarmy smiles and cynical rants, he captures Alan’s duplicitous energy. In depicting this chaotic character that thrives on upheaval, Law is both loathsome and impossible to look away from. While embracing difficult truths about society’s vulnerability to troublemakers, Law’s thought-provoking performance artfully provides insight by being deliberately provocative.

5 Sherlock Holmes (2009)

A grounded portrayal of Watson

Sherlock Holmes

Release Date
December 25, 2009

Guy Ritchie

Mark Strong , Eddie Marsan , Robert Downey Jr. , Rachel McAdams , Jude Law


Heart and humor are seen in Jude Law’s role of Dr. John Watson in Guy Ritchie’s 2009 action mystery Sherlock Holmes. Though the film focuses on Downey Jr.’s eccentric take on Holmes, Law holds his own as the grounding force to Holmes’ manic energy. Law plays Watson straight, giving the necessary weight and displaying his ability to create the perfect onscreen chemistry. Law’s exasperated reactions bounce off Downey’s antics perfectly as Holmes pulls his partner into another adventure. Matching Downey beat for beat, Law ensures Watson is more than just a sidekick. Ranked as the best Sherlock Holmes movie, Law ensures that the film feels both fresh and faithful.



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4 Road To Perdition (2002)

An essential watch for understanding Law’s range.

Harlen from Road to Perdition taking a photo on an old school camera
Road to Perdition

Release Date
July 12, 2002

Sam Mendes

Tyler Hoechlin , Stanley Tucci , Tom Hanks , Daniel Craig , Jude Law , Jennifer Jason Leigh , Dylan Baker , Paul Newman


In his electrifying performance as Harlen Maguire, Jude Law plays the chillingly cheerful hitman in Sam Mendes’ brooding 2002 mob drama Road to Perdition. When dispatched to go after Tom Hanks’ mob family, Law’s usually gentle features harden with palpable menace. His unconventional casting pays off powerfully, derailing expectations of a leading man. Law makes Maguire unpredictable and unsettling with off-kilter line readings and wolfish grins. In a noteworthy departure from his usual screen persona, Law taps into new depths of darkness. Law’s terrifying portrayal of this villain signals a thrilling new dimension for him as an actor.

3 Cold Mountain (2003)

An example of his leading man talents

Ada and Inman from Cold Mountain

Jude Law shines brightly in Cold Mountain with his nomination-worthy performance as a Civil War soldier on an arduous journey home. As Confederate deserter Inman, driven by love to return to his sweetheart Ada despite lethal obstacles, Law expresses the longing for human connection amidst war’s unforgiving brutality. Cold Mountain proves to be one of his best movies as he unveils impressive range, exposing Inman’s courage, anguish, rage and desperation with captivating depth. Carrying the story’s weight on his shoulders through perilous terrain and inner turmoil, Law brings Charles Frazier’s complex literary character to life. His first Best Actor Oscar nomination cements Law as essential to the film’s success.

2 Closer (2004)

A career achievement playing this difficult antihero

Dan and Alice from Closer

Closer is arguably some of Jude Law’s best work as he portrays the turbulent Dan in the piercing drama of tangled modern romance. Adapted from a play, the film watches Dan and three others fall into criss-crossing affairs filled with betrayal. As unethical journalist Dan, who ignites the fuse, Law commits completely to exposing his character’s ugly flaws. Cycling through women while destroying his chances for happiness, Dan earns some empathy thanks to Law’s honest depiction. He effortlessly pours raw emotion into the character rather than ask for sympathy. Law’s powerhouse performance lifts Closer into a perceptive study of romantic selfishness.

1 The Talented Mr. Ripley (1999)

A memorable and incredible display of talent

Jude Law as Dickie in The Talented Mr. Ripley
The Talented Mr. Ripley

Release Date
December 12, 1999

Anthony Minghella

Matt Damon , Jude Law


Jude Law delivers the defining performance of his career as irresistible charmer Dickie Greenleaf in The Talented Mr. Ripley. On any list of Law’s best films, this movie surely ranks number one for showcasing the full force of his acting talent. As wealthy expat playboy Dickie, Law turns on the golden charm, then chillingly tosses aside those most enamored with him. Law embodies the intellectual magnetism that sparks obsessive adoration in Matt Damon’s title character, even as he hints at the void behind Dickie’s beauty. With significant range on display, Jude Law justly earned his first ever Oscar nomination, justifying his gifts as a film actor.