Joker’s New Hero Transformation Has the Potential to be DC’s Best Superhero

Joker’s New Hero Transformation Has the Potential to be DC’s Best Superhero

Warning! Contains spoilers for Action Comics #1063!

The Joker has always been one of DC’s most dangerous criminals: he’s nearly destroyed Gotham more times than anyone can count, and in several different universes, he has succeeded in ending the world. There’s no doubt that the Joker is a fantastic villain, but a recent Superman story also suggests that he could be an amazing hero, too.

A Bizarro version of the Joker debuts in Action Comics #1062 by Jason Aaron and John Timms. In the following issue, this sane version of the Joker teams up with Superman to defeat Bizarro Superman. This is a surprising team up for both characters, but with Bizarro’s magic turning everyone on Earth into their opposites, the Joker becomes the sanest man on Earth, reversing his usually chaotic nature.

Joker’s New Hero Transformation Has the Potential to be DC’s Best Superhero

The Joker being sane has always been a fun concept to explore, but him transforming into a sane person in this story not only switches his morality but entirely changes how the Joker views the world. Instead of believing that the world is meaningless chaos, the Joker ends up seeing the meaning in everything, which could make him a true pillar of hope in the DC Universe.




“I Believe in You”: Joker Names the 1 Hero He Actually Respects

The Joker will always be the DC Universe’s infamously chaotic trickster villain, but he even admits to believing in one beloved superhero.

The Bizarro Version of the Joker Could Be the DCU’s Savior

Panels from Action Comics #1063 by Aaron, Timms, Rex Lokus, and Dave Sharpe

The Joker is such a dangerous enemy because he simply cannot function in society. His insanity allows him to deal out mass death and create brutal traps and deadly scenarios with absolutely no regret or care at all. He’s been one of Batman’s biggest enemies because he represents everything Batman stands against. While Batman represents hope and the possibility of things getting better, the Joker believes that all life is meaningless and that if anyone understood how pointless life truly is, they’d be driven mad just like him.

The Joker’s Bizarro form, on the other hand, believes in the exact opposite. In a moment of stunning clarity, Bizarro Joker explains exactly why his actions in The Killing Joke by Alan Moore and Brian Bolland are so pointless. He pleads with Bizarro Superman to understand that lashing out at the world because of the hurt they feel deep inside isn’t going to fix anything. Shockingly, the Joker’s plea to Bizzaro is so reasonable, sane, and kind that it gives Superman the hope he needs to break free of Bizarro’s control.

Bizarro Joker Is an Inspiration – Even to Superman

Superman relies on the Joker’s clarity of mind during the “I, Bizarro” arc of Action Comics

The Joker Takes Down Bizarro With His Super Sanity

While the Joker is technically just a man with no superpowers, DC has dabbled in the past with giving the Joker the power of “super-sanity.” This so-called “superpower” has been the explanation for his brilliance in the past: that Joker isn’t insane so much as he’s so unbelievably sane that he looks “crazy” to the rest of the world. Bizarro Joker takes this idea and flips it. Instead of being sane to the point of being unable to function in society, this version of the Joker sees life and society more clearly than ever. Because of this clarity, his words of unmatched kindness and sincerity can talk anyone down from the metaphorical ledge.

With his ability to view the world so clearly, the Joker talks Bizarro down, actually stunning him with the clarity and kindness of his words. The issue goes on to state that the Joker’s speech is likely the greatest example of sympathy and “high-minded sanity” that the spoken word has ever been used for. This speech is so incredible that it inspires Superman, who is often DC’s symbol of hope. This amazing feat alone would make the Joker an outstanding superhero. Not every hero needs to use violence to prevent crime, and if the Joker could calm down Bizarro, he could prevent even the most desperate from resorting to criminality.

The Joker Willingly Sacrificed His Sanity to Save the World

The Joker’s unique mind – whether sane or insane – is his version of a superpower

Comic book panels: a Bizarro-infected Superman talks with Bizarro Joker.

The Joker has always used his insanity against other people. The Joker famously drove Harley Quinn insane by manipulating her through their therapy sessions — which he has done to several doctors, not just Harley Quinn. The Joker has a long history of using his words to get into the minds of other people and manipulating them into doing what he wants, a feat achieved through his intense charisma. His twisted view on the world can, admittedly, make some level of sense. The Joker’s talent for manipulation has always been one of his greatest skills, and with the power of sanity, it would make him one of DC’s greatest heroes.

During JLA: Rock of Ages by Grant Morrison and Howard Porter, to cite another example, Martian Manhunter uses his powers of telepathy to reorder the Joker’s mind, granting him sanity. While this new state of mind doesn’t last long, in the brief moments of the Joker being sane, he immediately expresses horror and regret over his actions, revealing that Bizarro Joker isn’t just the opposite of everything Joker believes. When Martian Manhunter forcibly granted him sanity, the Joker experienced true regret. Bizarro Joker is the opposite of the Joker, which makes him sane, and he again wants to be a good person.

The Joker’s “Super-Sanity” Could Save the World

Panels from JLA #15 by Morrison, Porter, Gary Frank, Greg Land, John Dell, Bob McLeod, Pat Garrahy, and Ken Lopez

It’s not that reversing the Joker’s morals or beliefs makes him a hero, but rather removing his “insanity.” DC has shown time and time again that the Joker has incredible powers of persuasion and can see the world like no one else. If he could be “cured,” he could use his super-sanity power to help guide people who are lost and hurt — just like him. The biggest issue Batman faces when fighting his villains is trying to reason with otherwise unreasonable characters like Two-Face, Mad Hatter, and others. Unlike Batman, the Joker’s “super-sanity” would allow him to find the right words for what these villains need to hear.

Batman is often conflicted about his need to use brutal violence to stop the very people he wants to save. Bruce has never enjoyed beating up the likes of Two-Face or Scarecrow, but there’s no other way for Batman to stop them. The Joker would be able to provide not just another way but a better way. If the Joker were to be permanently cured of his insanity, he could do what Batman has failed to do and save every villain who needs it — simply by showing them unmatched compassion, making the Joker one of DC’s greatest heroes.

Action Comics #1063 is available now from DC Comics!


Action Comics 1063 Main Cover: Bizarro punching Superman into the Daily Planet globe.

  • Writer: Jason Aaron
  • Artist: John Timms
  • Colorist: Rex Lokus
  • Letterer: Dave Sharpe
  • Cover Artist: John Timms