Joker’s New Codename Proves How Badly Batman Has Failed Gotham

Joker’s New Codename Proves How Badly Batman Has Failed Gotham

The unveiling of Joker‘s latest codename is a stark testament to Batman‘s profound failure to safeguard Gotham – a failure that is having huge consequences for the Dark Knight. In the face of Joker’s return, an ominous presence looms, determined to rectify Bruce’s shortcomings once and for all, and casting a chilling shadow over the city’s fate.

In Batman #139 – by Chip Zdarsky, Jorge Jimenez, Tomeu Morey and Clayton Cowles – the aftermath of The Gotham War unfolds, plunging Batman into a harrowing predicament. Secluded from his allies and burdened by the struggle to contain Zur-En-Arrh, Bruce’s volatile alternate persona, the Dark Knight hears a familiar police code: Joker is back in the city.

Joker’s New Codename Proves How Badly Batman Has Failed Gotham

The issue reveals that Joker is such a persistent problem for Gotham, he has been given his own police code, with Joker crimes referred to as a 7-20. The codename shows that Joker has tormented Gotham so many times, the city now considers him an unavoidable reality of life in Gotham.

7-20: Joker Gets His Own Police Code

Joker Has Become a Fact of Life in Gotham

joker throne-1

In recent Batman comics, the Dark Knight has severed all connections with the Bat-Family and is working alone with a new secret identity. As Joker returns to the city, Batman swears to make this their final battle, influenced by the creeping influence of Zur-En-Arrh. Originally a ‘back-up’ personality that would activate in cases of psychic attack, Zur-En-Arrh has come to believe that Joker poses a constant psychological emergency for Batman, and has been fighting to take control – something that finally happens as Batman and Joker square off.

Zur-En-Arrh Vows to Kill the Joker

Joker Has Freed Batman’s Inner Darkness

batman kill joker

While the 7:20 code is a small detail, its place at the beginning of the story establishes an essential truth – Batman as he currently exists cannot beat Joker in a meaningful way. For years, Batman has fought Joker, preventing his darkest plans without managing to take him off the streets. Red Hood, the second Robin and adopted son of Bruce Wayne, has long argued that Joker needs to die – even if he’s the only villain against who Batman ever takes lethal action, but Bruce Wayne has refused. However, Bruce has also admitted part of him wants to kill Joker, and that even he fears there’s no other way to stop him – now, that part is in charge, as Zur-En-Arrh declares his intent to kill the Clown Prince of Crime.

The assignment of Joker’s police code serves as a turning point, explaining Zur-En-Arrh’s mounting frustration with Bruce. This codename distinctly reveals that Batman isn’t prevailing against the Joker but merely managing each new expression of his chaos. Joker has long regarded Batman as his playmate in Gotham, and this issue drives home why – the Dark Knight can stop the ‘game’ getting out of hand, but he doesn’t know how to end it. Zur-En-Arrh believes he does, creating the possibility that Batman is about to kill Joker as the final expression of his inability to stop his nemesis’ reign of terror.

Batman #139 from DC Comics is available now!