Joker Confirmed His Biggest Fan Theory With 1 Sentence

Joker Confirmed His Biggest Fan Theory With 1 Sentence

The relationship between Batman and the Joker has always been a web of complexity, and intensity, serving to fuel fans’ imaginations, spark a plethora of fan theories over the years. The most wickedly intriguing of those theories is the wide-held belief that Joker is in love with Batman – something the series Batman: Three Jokers seemed to confirm with a single sentence.

Batman: Three Jokers #3 by Geoff Johns, Jason Fabok, Brad Anderson, and Rob Leigh – gives life to the theory that Joker is in love with Batman.

Joker Confirmed His Biggest Fan Theory With 1 Sentence

At a pivotal moment in Joker’s quest to create a new Joker, he reveals that he sees his plan as a gift for the Caped Crusader.

Joker’s Bizarre Love For Batman Is Confirmed In Batman: Three Jokers

Joker and Batman are sitting in the police van and Joker is screaming ME! in his face.

In Three Jokers #3, the narrative revolves around the last two remaining Jokers’ sinister plan to create a new Joker. Their scheme involves dipping Joe Chill, the man responsible for the murder of Bruce Wayne’s parents, into a vat of ACE chemicals. What makes this plot even more shocking is the revelation that the entire twisted scheme is meant as a twisted sort of gift for Batman. In a pivotal line from the issue, the Joker states with the devotion of a mad dog, “I want you to know why I’m making a new Joker, Batman. Because I want to mean more to you. More to you than anyone.”

For Better, For Worse, Joker Will Only Part With Batman At Death

Joker screaming in passion at Batman that they will die together.

This line serves as a chilling testament to the depth of the Joker’s obsession with Batman. The Joker is driven by a form of love for Batman. He craves to be the most significant figure in Batman’s life, and is willing to go to extreme lengths to achieve that twisted form of affection. Batman: Three Jokers #3 lays bare the Joker’s desperate desire to be everything to Batman, to transcend the boundaries of hero and villain in pursuit of an unsettling connection. Perhaps most unsettling is that the Joker views Batman and himself as lifelong partners whose end will only come when they die together.

In a moment of obsession-driven mania, the Joker declares, “I’ll keep twisting that knife until the day we both die together.” This underscores Joker’s belief that there can be no end to their deadly dance, unless it concludes with their mutual demise. A profoundly disturbing testament to the Joker’s perception of their relationship, as a bond that can only find closure in the darkest way possible. Understanding the Joker’s love for Batman as a driving force behind his chaos and mayhem transforms the Batman-Joker rivalry. It adds a new layer of complexity to their interactions, showing that beneath the madness and violence lies a perverse form of devotion.

The impact of this is profound, as it reframes the Joker’s ultimate motivation. The Joker’s actions, however horrifying, are motivated by a desire to be at the center of Batman’s world, to share a connection that defies conventional notions of love and enmity. Batman: Three Jokers #3 peels back the Joker’s psyche, revealing a love as horrifying as it is fascinating. The Joker’s willingness to go to extreme lengths to ensure his place in Batman’s life is a compelling take on their relationship. This revelation redefines the Joker’s ultimate motivation, showing that, in his warped way, his actions are fueled by love – a love destined to paint Gotham in carnage.