JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure Part 9 Makes Franchise History With Weirdest Stand Yet

JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure Part 9 Makes Franchise History With Weirdest Stand Yet

Warning: Spoilers for The JoJoLands, Chapter #7Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure is known for its bizarre Stand abilities, but one of the weirdest ones to appear in the series so far just managed an incredible victory against an unpredictable foe in the latest chapter of The JoJoLands.

The crew of The JoJoLands so far has had quite the unusual set of Stand abilities, but by far the strangest of these is the Stand belonging to Usagi Alohaoe, known as “The Matte Kudasai,” which translates to “please wait.” What makes this particular Stand ability so strange is that Usagi isn’t able to use it himself. Instead, he needs someone else to ask something of the Stand in order for it to activate and duplicate another object. It was previously used to duplicate a security camera and provide bad information so that the team could sneak into Rohan Kishibe’s villa without being noticed. Of course, Usagi, Jodio, and the rest were already being watched… by cats.

Usagi is JoJo’s Only Stand User Who Can’t Use Their Own Stand

JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure Part 9 Makes Franchise History With Weirdest Stand Yet

Naturally, these cats weren’t just any cats, but rather cats with a Stand, able to take their fur and create floating wires out of it, which could hover and move about until they contact any unfortunate victims. Jodio was strung up by his ankles from a tree with one such wire, while Dragona and Paco were literally stitched together in a horrific manner. Things were looking bad, but that’s when Usagi returned, crashing their rental car into the tree and knocking the cats out of it. Usagi then reveals that he had a little test to try out, and had fed the cats burgers with caviar stuffed into it.

Usagi’s plan was actually to use the lava rock, which is said to draw things of value towards itself, to lure the now caviar-filled cats closer, where he could spring a trap on them with his Stand. But once again, The Matte Kudasai can’t act on his desires, so Usagi is left pleading with Dragona to wish for it to turn into a net, like the one the cats were creating. Fortunately, the plan works, and the cats are captured, with the effects of their Stand ended when they fell. It’s by far one of the most unconventional victories in the Jojo series to date, and the whole thing hinged on a Stand that its owner can’t command.

While it looked before like Usagi was fleeing the scene and leaving his compatriots to their fate, he turns out to have been more loyal than it appeared. That’s a point in favor of earning Jodio’s trust, and a big first step towards creating some group cohesion out of these four, who (aside from Jodio and Dragona) don’t have a lot bringing them together. Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure is finally uniting its new protagonists, who might turn out to be quite formidable despite the bizarre nature of their Stands.