John Wick Spinoff Failed To Solve The Biggest John Wick 4 Theory

John Wick Spinoff Failed To Solve The Biggest John Wick 4 Theory

Warning! This article contains spoilers for The Continental episode 3.

The Continental has offered plenty of context on the John Wick series given its status as a prequel to the films yet failed to confirm whether the biggest John Wick: Chapter 4 theory was true. The Continental centers on the character of Winston Scott who was portrayed by Ian McShane in the John Wick series. With The Continental‘s placement on John Wick‘s timeline, the series focuses on a younger version of the character who is brought to life by Colin Woodell.

Given the focus on Winston in The Continental, many were expecting several answers to be provided focusing on his origins as the manager of the New York Continental. Furthermore, it was expected that the prequel provide wider connections to the John Wick franchise which The Continental‘s climactic ending proved to do through Winston’s uneasy relationship with the High Table and alliance with the Bowery. Despite these many connections between The Continental and John Wick, the former failed to confirm whether a popular fan theory from John Wick: Chapter 4 that linked the characters of Winston and John together was true.

Winston’s Prequel Show Fails To Address Whether He’s John Wick’s Father

John Wick Spinoff Failed To Solve The Biggest John Wick 4 Theory

The theory in question is that Winston is John Wick’s biological father. This theory spawned out of the story of John Wick 4 in which Winston can be seen placing a hand on Wick’s grave while saying “Farewell, my son.” While this is likely just a use of the popular term of endearment that many utilize for those they have a strong bond with, fans of the John Wick franchise took it as the jumping-off point to theorize that Winston meant it literally and that John was indeed his real son.

As such, many who subscribed to this theory were hoping that The Continental would address if Winston was indeed John’s father. However, The Continental provides little evidence of note to either outcome. The Continental episode 3’s John Wick Easter eggs are fairly limited meaning no hint is made towards Keanu Reeves’ iconic character nor are any references to his connection to Winston present by the show’s ending.

The Continental Still Doesn’t Explain Winston’s Ruska Roma Tattoo Origins

Winston's Tattoo as seen in John Wick 4

Another element of John Wick 4 that was dubbed evidence for the theory that Winston is John’s father is the former’s Ruska Roma tattoos. In the John Wick world, the Ruska Roma is the name of the organization John was raised as part of after becoming an orphan. In John Wick 4, the scene involving Winston visiting John’s grave gives a hint that The Continental’s manager also has ties to this group.

While it cannot be seen in full view, Winston’s wrist has a Ruska Roma tattoo. Many hoped that this would be explained in The Continental given the John Wick films failed to delve into Winston’s past with the organization. However, much like The Continental failed to give any evidence to Winston being John’s father, the show also did not divulge how he may be connected to the Baba Yaga on a deeper level.