Jeremy Irons May Be Playing A Major Watchmen Comic Character

Jeremy Irons May Be Playing A Major Watchmen Comic Character

A new report has revealed more information about Jeremy Irons’ role in HBO’s Watchmen TV series. Based on the legendary graphic novel by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons, Watchmen tells the story of a world similar to our own, where costumed crime-fighters were a grim reality until the American government outlawed those heroes unwilling to work directly for them.

Rather than retelling the story of the original comics (a feat already accomplished by Zack Snyder’s film adaptation), the new HBO series will instead tell original stories utilizing the same setting. In addition to Jeremy Irons, the production has also seen the casting of such acclaimed actors as Don Johnson, Louis Gossett Jr. and Regina King.

Related: Wait, So What Is the Watchmen TV Show Actually About?

That Hashtag Show issued a report, discussing the details of Irons’ role. Referred to only as “The Blonde Man” instead of by a proper name, Irons’ character is described as the “aging and imperious lord of a British manor.” A breakdown for the character which previously appeared online described him ashighly intelligent and won’t let you forget it. Think William Hurt with slight Asperger’s. He’s used to being obeyed and always correct. Arrogant, erudite and patrician. Physically fit, he’s never missed a workout in his life.”

Jeremy Irons May Be Playing A Major Watchmen Comic Character

Given this description, it is easy to consider the possibility of Irons playing a retired British Batman – ironic given Irons’ role as Bruce Wayne’s butler Alfred Pennyworth in the DCEU. Another possibility suggested by some fans is that Irons might be playing an aged Adrian Veidt, aka Ozymandias – the primary antagonist of the original Watchmen comics. Certainly the description of a blonde man who keeps fit and is arrogant about his abilities does sound a lot like Ozymandias.

This seems unlikely, however, given the showrunners’ efforts so far to build a series that does not draw directly upon the original Watchmen comics beyond utilizing the same setting. Additionally, Adrian Veidt in the comics was of Germanic heritage, not British, and it seems a waste to cast an actor with Irons’ famous voice and proper mannerisms if one did not want him to play the part of a true British aristocrat. Time will tell the tale of whom Irons is truly playing, be he a retired superhero of some kind or just an idle rich bon vivant. Either way, it’ll also be interesting to see the series expand into the world outside the U.S.

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