Jedi: Fallen Order – What Happened To Eno Cordova After Order 66

Jedi: Fallen Order – What Happened To Eno Cordova After Order 66

Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order left plenty of questions for the coming sequel, Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, to answer, but one of its most pressing mysteries is the fate of ex-Jedi master Eno Cordova. The Jedi first appeared in the Fallen Order prequel comic, Jedi Fallen Order – Dark Temple, which follows his exploits before Order 66 alongside Cere Junda. Cordova never physically appears in Fallen Order, but the holograms he left behind lead the crew of the Stinger Mantis on their journey.

Cordova exclusively plays the role of guide in Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order. After experiencing a premonition regarding the end of the Republic, Cordova hid a holocron containing a list of all potentially Force-sensitive children. He then recorded a series of holographic messages leading to the holocron in the hopes that a worthy Jedi would find it. Despite being one of the most essential Star Wars games in terms of canon lore, Fallen Order never explicitly reveals Cordova’s fate after setting the search in motion, but his final message warns Cal that it is likely the last time he will see Cordova.

With nothing else to go on, it would be safe to assume that Cordova died soon after Order 66. After all, Cordova sent his closest ally, BD-1, on a mission to continue his work. Cordova would have no reason to record messages for his successor if he was capable of carrying out his quest himself, and since he has proven himself capable of prognostication before, it stands to reason that he sensed his own death was close at hand. The concept of prophecies is fickle and mercurial in Star Wars, so it is just as possible Cordova sensed only the best Star Wars‘ Jedi could get the job done, in which case he could have hidden away like Kenobi. Star Wars Jedi: Survivor may address this mystery, but this is what is known about Eno Cordova’s whereabouts after Order 66.

Jedi: Fallen Order’s Eno Cordova Definitely Survived Order 66

Jedi: Fallen Order – What Happened To Eno Cordova After Order 66

Cordova’s first hologram speech suggests that he recorded the messages before Order 66, since he mentions his premonition rather than the end of the Jedi Order itself. It is also known that his apprentice, Cere Junda, was captured after Order 66 but did not reveal knowledge of her master’s whereabouts. Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order alone insinuates that Cordova died during the revolt or soon after, and the protagonists generally assume he is dead by the time the story begins. However, one subtle Easter egg in the Obi-Wan Kenobi series proves that at the very least Cordova managed to survive Order 66, and that the mystery in this Star Wars game is important to the franchise.

In Kenobi, when Obi-Wan travels to a safe house operated by the rebel network the Path, he notices messages carved on the wall in Aurebesh, a crucial Star Wars language. Some of these engravings are the names of Jedi who survived Order 66, and both Eno Cordova and Cere Junda are featured. Unfortunately, because Kenobi takes place five years after Fallen Order and 10 years after Episode III, the time frame is too vast and vague to supply any real clues. Junda and Cordova could have stumbled on the Path safe house years apart and missed each other entirely. If the safe house is operational it likely means Cere stumbled upon it after she was tortured by the Empire, and Cere’s Jedi history in Fallen Order does not mention any contact with Cordova after Order 66.

Logic dictates that Cordova is probably dead, given how despite Star Wars‘ expanding cast of Jedi Purge survivors, the vast majority were still wiped out either during or shortly after Order 66. As Darth Maul, Boba Fett, and many others can attest, the only credible deaths are shown on-screen – and Cordova’s death was at best an implication. Until Cordova’s ghost makes an appearance, the possibility will exist that he is alive and may play an active role in the next game.

Eno Cordova May Appear In Star Wars Jedi: Survivor

Jedi Fallen Order Cal Kestis sees Zeffo Sage

Even if Cordova is dead, it may be that he will hold significance in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, to reprise his role of a postmortem guide if nothing else. However, there is a strong likelihood that he will show up alive. After all, the game is titled “Survivor,” and Cordova is confirmed to have survived the fall of the Jedi Order. Jedi: Survivor‘s title might not be about Cal, and though everyone in the crew of the Stinger Mantis is a survivor in some respect, that seems far too obvious. Cordova played such a pivotal and mysterious role in Fallen Order that his survival would be the perfect twist.

If Cordova does meet the protagonists, Fallen Order teed up plenty of drama, and it would be a shame to waste it. Cere Junda would potentially confront her master for abandoning her and the rest of the Jedi Order, and Cordova shows some disdain for Dathomir and Nightsisters like Merrin during one of his holograms. Most importantly, Cal Kestis destroys the holocron that Cordova risked his life protecting in the ending of Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, so it would be interesting to see how he reacts to that controversial decision.

When it comes to what Cordova might have done after surviving Order 66, one theory shared in a Reddit discussion started by user Almighty_Nothing is particularly appealing. Cordova spent much of his Jedi career researching an ancient Force-sensitive species called the Zeffo, and his hologram messages lead Cal to the Zeffo Vault where he hid the holocron. Throughout Fallen Order, the player learns more about the ancient race and Cordova’s fascination with it. Near the end, a Zeffo sage reveals their fate to Cal in a vision, telling him that the once peaceful Zeffo became corrupted until they destroyed themselves. The last Zeffo took a ship into “the great unknown” in hopes of a new start, and Kestis might search for them from the end of Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order to Survivor.

The theory that Cordova is either searching for or aligned with the Zeffo makes sense considering how much foreshadowing Fallen Order has. After all the work players put into discovering their fate, it would be unusual for that question to go unanswered – and it would mean a chance to explore areas of the Star Wars universe that have never been featured in canon media. Alternatively, the Stinger Mantis crew could team up with Cordova to find the Zeffo. Only Star Wars Jedi: Survivor can explain what really happened to Cordova after Order 66, but it is now confirmed that he survived the massacre, so hopefully Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order‘s hero will find out.